
Friday, February 8, 2008

BJ, Tonya and Nalin

Although Gwyneth has had another good day, it seems to have been a rough day for many others in the NICU today...

My Dad spoke with and prayed with two different families who's babies were having very bad days. Unfortunately, one of those babies did not make it through the end of the day. You can read more about His thoughts about today Here.

Then, tonight around 9pm, as I was entering the NICU to check on Gwyneth, I stopped in the waiting room to talk with my friend BJ, who I mentioned previously Here. His little boy, Nalin has had a very bad week. I won't mention any specifics as I have not asked permission to do so (although I do have permission to mention their names and ask for prayer), but Nalin basically needs a miracle to make it through the next few days as the doctors have told his parents there is nothing else they can do for him.

Talking with BJ and Tonya over the past several weeks, I am certain that they share my faith in God. BJ told me tonight that he knows that God is in control and that, if Nalin does not make it out of the NICU, he will see him again one day.

My heart is very heavy tonight. After talking with BJ, I walked into the scrub room and began crying them...I'm crying for them even right now. I prayed by Gwyneth's incubator tonight for Nalin and his parents, and Tricia prayed with me for them just a while ago.




  1. You are in Our prayers Love, Kellie's parents

  2. Praying and crying out for the healing had of God. God, please!

  3. I'm praying too Nate....have been, and will continue to.

    Love and Prayers,
    Devin in Illinois

    Still praying for you all as well, of course! That always goes without saying!

  4. Praying that God hold these precious wee ones and their families in His hands. He IS the Great Physician...and He IS good...ALL the time...

  5. Thanks for sharing, I'm praying for this family tonight, too.

  6. Nate,
    Thanks for sharing this. I will be praying for baby Nalin and his parents.

  7. Nate - God is using you...continue to follow him. By sharing with the world, you are causing prayer for so many - by so many. May God bless your family, too.

    I continue to pray for Tricia's TX. My daughter is 7 1/3 years out from her TX for PPH and doing fabulously! I know God has given her a gift of sharing & educating others in her own ways. May God bless Tricia as well.

    Thanks for sharing with the world!

  8. I will be praying for these families tonight Nate. I am so sorry to hear that Kayla did not make it. I can imagine how this breaks your heart. I am praying for you and Tricia and Gwyneth too, every day.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  9. I'm so sorry to hear this and know it must be very difficult.

    I had a twin brother and as I mentioned before, we both were born 11 weeks early. He was the smaller baby and had underdeveloped lungs. It was back in 1983 when synthetic surfactant wasn't developed yet until two years later, and this was what he needed. He relied on the respirator all the time and remained in the NICU for the entire 7 months from his birth to his death. I've been an only child since then.

    I am praying for all the families who have babies in the NICU including yours, and pray for the best for everyone.


  10. Must be so hard to watch, when you are in such similar shoes. I am praying as you asked for your NICU families and for your family as well. Praying that you will feel God's arms around you all...

  11. Oh my goodness, hang in there everyone. Heavenly Father loves us.

    signed: heavy hearted

  12. We have not stopped praying for you and the girls(and everyone you have mentioned on here). My heart goes out to the family who lost their baby today. So very sad. Julie

  13. I am praying. I hope they have some comfort.

    Shawna in Oklahoma

  14. Oh, how my heart goes out to you and all the parents in the NICU. We were there just over a month ago now. We know that ache of the seemingly unanswered prayer. I pray for healing for all the babies and peace for their families.

    And as always, Nate, I'm praying for your precious family too.

  15. As a bereaved parent of 24 weeker triplets I know the heartache of the parents you mentioned. Also a believer, which makes it bareable, but still heart wrenching. Please pass on my site for bereaved has some helpful info (I think).

    Rachel McConathy

  16. Praying for everyone tonight (and always...)

    The photos of Gwyneth are amazing!!! You guys have such a little miracle. I'm praying that Tricia is listed as soon as possible as well. And that the bugs stay away from her...


  17. Your little girl is a beauty. Our daughter, Morgan, weighed 1lb. 4oz. at birth. We will celebrate her 3rd birthday next Saturday. I remember the first time they allowed me to hold her, thinking,"How will she ever be able to leave these wires and tubes behind?" Many times we were sure we'd lose her... God allowed differently. I will be praying for continued healing for Gwyneth and Tricia and for Nalin. So glad I found your blog.

  18. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)

  19. Praying for all the NICU families, and for the little ones that need God's healing touch....

  20. You are in a very hard place right now. Hard for all of you. You and your family have some wonderful opportunities to reach out to those who don't know the only true source of comfort and peace. You couldn't be in a place where you can be used more than now. I'm praying for you and for all those around you.

  21. Prayers continue for these families as well as yours.


  22. I will include Nalin and his parents, in my prayers, as I continue to pray for God's healing of Tricia and Gwyneth. Remember to think positive, and I will think positive. And Nalin- God loves you!

  23. Nate...I am so thankful for the miracles God is giving you, Tricia and Gwenyth daily. When you have time, visit our blog as we are experiencing a small miracle today. Cheri

  24. Lots and lots of prayers from Atlanta! Miracles do happen. Every day. They happen...and there's no reason why God won't bestow one on this family in need. I believe. And I'm praying.

    Please, Nate, keep up updated!

    :) best from GA,


  25. Tears are flowing in prayer to our Heavenly Father for miraculous healing for Nalin and for continued faith and courage for his parents. Thank you for sharing these requests. Also praying for the family grieving the loss of their little angel.

  26. These families will be in my prayers.


  27. Nate,

    I love the post on the things you miss. It is those little things in life that add up to mean so much. Lord bless you guys today. It sounds like you all have some really great opportunities to help some others too.

  28. Nate, please tell Kayla's family that God does work awesome miracles. My nephew had NEC and was in ICU for 3 mos & with lots of prayer he made it through.I will be praying for all of these families.Nate thank you so much for sharing your special family & friends with us.I come to tears everyday reading your blog, & that sweet Gwynny is beautiful!

  29. Nate I went back and read the post again and just realized that little Kayla didn't make it. Please disreguard the last post. I'm truly sorry.

  30. I'm praying for you guys and all the other sweet little ones in the NICU.

  31. Praying for more miracles!!! And praying for God's comfort and peace for the family who already lost their little one. How sad!!

  32. Jesus, please hear our prayers for these families (and all families around the world with loved ones in hospitals today). please wrap your loving arms around them today, showing them your love in a way they have never experienced before. We love you and praise you for ALL that you do and allow in our lives. amen.

  33. I will be praying for Nalin and his parents. It must be so difficult for you to see these families in the NICU. I loved the pictures of your little girl, she sure is growing! Your posts are so heartfelt. I can see the love you have for your wife and daughter. It is beautiful. Praying your little girl keeps getting stronger! She certainly is a fighter! What a strong spirit for such a little person!
    Continuing to keep you in my prayers,

  34. You, your family and your friends are in my prayers too.


  35. Our hearts go out to your NICU family. I remember every baby that was in the same NICU pod with my dd. Miracle of miracles, every single one went home. With their parents.

    I don't have the right words. So all I can say is I hope.

    For you and Tricia, Gwyneth, your NICU family, I hope.

  36. It is heartbreaking when a little one doesn't make it, and we are reminded again of how fragile they are. Praying for all of you!

  37. Praying, fervently, for all of you, with babies in the NICU, and those whom have experienced loss.

    In my heart, and in my prayers.

  38. For post " 177, " All the things you miss". ... All is soon to be restored , esp. the rides to NJ. and, of course, you will soon have your precvious job of being the one and only ,(and the very best) I may add, care taker for your gal. We love you for loving our daughter so much.... today you are at the top of "sil" - list. My appologies to Al and Jeff, but these are extrodinary circumstances. mom in law

  39. Praying for all the little ones in NICU... and for the parents and families. I'm so glad to hear that Gwyneth had a good day. Are you still able to hold her?

  40. I am sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers for them all.

  41. Nathan,
    I was searching Scripture as I prepared for leading ladies' Bible study worship and the Lord showed me these verses and as I read them I thought of you these families and your precious family. I pray God will bless and strengthen your hearts through them...
    Psalm 63 - A psalm of David. When he was in the Desert of Judah.
    O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you;
    my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you,
    in a dry and weary land where there is no water.
    I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory.
    Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.
    I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands.
    My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods;
    with singing lips my mouth will praise you.
    On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night.
    Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.

  42. Happy Birthday,little Gwyneth. Still praying! Tricia, you really look wonderful. Glad to see you get out in the fresh air. Love to all of you, Ellen

  43. Hello, I have been following your story (like everyone else on earth) but have avoided commenting as I would imagine it gets kind of old to hear from so many complete strangers.


    The reason I am commenting now is that I wanted to mention something to you that has given me some piece on this issue, regarding Nalin specifically. We have friends who lost a baby and have put lots of thought into this particular issue. In the last issue of Today's Christian Woman there was an article on heaven and what it was like (primarily scripture based, with a few of the writer's own thoughts thrown in as possibilities based on descriptions from the Bible) is the question and some of the answer:

    Q: When a baby dies, does he remain young, grow up or mature instantly in heaven?

    One part of the answer was that if children remain children after they are resurrected, then "these children would likely grow up on the new earth. Such a childhood would be enviable! Although I'm speculating, I believe parents whose hearts broke at the death of their children not only might reunite with them, but might also experience the joy of seeing them grow a perfect world."

    Of course there is no way to know exactly what happens and how, but we know that it will be perfect and thinking about it in these terms gives me peace on that subject.

    Blessings to you, your family and everyone who has been deeply touched by this blog. God is good!

    In Christ,


  44. Oh Nate! I have spent many a night next to my twins isolettes crying for the loss of such miracle babies! They and their families will stay with you forever! I still 9 years later find these precious families coming into my mind at odd times. I trust that is the Holy Spirits way of letting me know that those Moms and Dads may be having a tough moment and need some prayer. I pray for the Lord's protection of your gentle heart and spirit as you minister to them (your Dad's too)

  45. My heart is broken reading about Kayla and Nalin. I will pray for these families and hope that somehow, they will be o'kay. God bless you and your dad for your comfort and prayers. These families will always remember you as I know that you won't forget them either.

  46. It's devastating to learn of other's critical illnesses and losses when you also have a loved one in the NICU or ICU. I will never forget a couple of other NICU families I met, and quite a few other parents of preemies whose journey I have shared over the years. I am so sorry to hear this sad news, and I will pray for those families, along with Gwyneth and Tricia.

  47. Prayers for baby Nalin will keep going out from us. Miracles CAN happen!
    Take a look at the month of July from our NICU time...

  48. Loved your "things I miss" post, especially the one about the blood sugar. I was a diabetic during my pregnancy and would ask my husband the same thing. lol. We are still praying. Blessings from Florida.

  49. I was in ICN on Friday. It was a very sad day. We pray for Nathan, Tricia, Gwyneth and all babies/families that are in the ICN as often as we can. I know the pain all too well. The boys are doing good. Thanks for all the prayers...Kendra (of Joe and Kendra)

  50. Nate,
    It is good to read about a man with faith in God (whom I also love and fear). As a 9-yr CF post transplant on 2-19-2008, I will be praying for your wife, you, and your newest family member. Keep up the posts, but don't do it if it takes time away from you spending it with your family. That is more important right now.


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