
Friday, February 8, 2008

The Things I Miss

Before I go to sleep tonight, Tricia, I want you to know that I miss...

Your laugh.

Being your primary caregiver.

The way you say my name.

The smile you get when you see Ralphie.

Falling to sleep with you.

Making you breakfast.

Giving you directions over the phone.

Walking on the beach with you.

Head scratches after a long day.

Having you remind me to take out the trash when I already did it.

Reminding you to take you enzymes.

Folding your clothes.

Picking you up from the Center for Living.

Having you and Meka visit me a work.

Grilled cheese sandwiches with mustard.

Baking you cookies (and watching you eat too many).

Refusing to let you prick my finger "just once" to test my blood sugar.

Feeling your arms wrap around me from behind.

Hearing your cough.

Driving to NJ.

Stopping to get you McDonald's breakfast.

Feeling your cold feet under the covers.
