
Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Few Observations About The Contest

Now that it's over, I'd like to share a few of my observations about The Contest...

(please, understand that I'm just wasting time here, so don't get offended by anything you're about to read)

From reading every single one of the 574 comments, the following songs appear to have the most votes:
"Cinderella" by Steven Curtis Chapman
"Isn't She Lovely" by Stevie Wonder
"Amazing" by Janelle

It amazes me how many people can't follow a few simple rules...if the punishment for breaking the rule had been an oreo cookie for a left ear, there would be a lot of funny (yet, strangely attractive) looking people walking around right now...

I think I deleted one comment because of rule-breakage...that was before I noticed that I had received 50 comments in the first 20 minutes and saw that about 20% of people were rule-breakers and realized I was not going to have enough time in the rest of the year to delete every rule-breaking comment. I will not use that threat again, because it obviously didn't accomplish anything...

My two favorite phrases from the comments (and I must have read each of these at least 25 times) were:
"I know you said 'no country music' but..."
"I know this is a country song, but it doesn't sound country..."

Yes, people...the Dixie Chicks are country.

I about peed my pants when more than one person suggested and posted the lyrics for a certain George Strait song (those of you who have been with me for a while are laughing as well...).

It's very interesting to see the different musical preferences that people have. (according to my personal preferences in music) Some suggestions were outstanding. Some were really lame. And a few just made me laugh out loud.

Apparently, a lot of people haven't watched the CFHusband Videos (which you should do right this very moment because you ain't cool unless you've watched the videos) yet because I've already used several of the songs that were suggested...

Whether I pick your song or not, because of your suggestions I have purchased several really good songs from iTunes that I'm enjoying listening to and may use for another project down the road, so, thanks!

It will be very interesting to see how many people leave a suggestion for a song for the contest that is already over under this post. If you're reading this, don't be those people...


....I'm not joking...

...if you're unsure of what I'm seriously not joking about, go back and start from the top of this post again...

(now let's sit and watch)



  1. I really like the song… just kidding. :P Praying for you and Tricia and the beautiful baby girl tonight.

  2. Nate, you never cease to make me laugh. I didn't have any ideas for songs that weren't already on there, so I didn't enter the contest. Thought I would let you know that I am ALWAYS praying for you! Sending lots of hugs,

  3. You don't know how badly I want to post a suggestion to a song. . .

    (and I'm sure you're thinking, "yes Terry, and you don't know how badly I want to stick an oreo in your ear")

    So anyways!

  4. You really must enjoy reading all your post. lolol I'm sure they can be wonderful in the wee hours of the morning.

    Just a note to say I am praying for all of you and looking forward to seeing a post of.... It's time... for Tricia's transplant as well as Gweneth coming home. I'm sure you can't wait either.

    Keep the scrabble games civil. LOLOL I love to read your post about your "girls".

    God Bless


  5. This was a super fun contest to watch unfold. I had a song idea but when I checked it had already been mentioned. So then I sat back and watched everyone suggest the same song or a country song. And yes I had read the post about the George Strait song, so when I saw that posted I laughed out loud. You are so funny and I really enjoy reading your entries. You have such a knack for writing. Has anyone ever told you before that you should write a book ;0)? I am praying for you, Tricia, and Gwyneth.

  6. Well, I am proud to say that read every comment before I posted my suggestion and no one had suggested it before me. Yay!

    But man, I did hear a new song that I'd love to suggest. But, alas, the contest is over and and I fear reprecussion...LOL!!

    So seriously, are you going by votes (number of times a song was suggested) or just picking the song you liked best? Just curious. Sorry if you already ansswered that.

  7. Morning,

    Being a scrabble addict myself I'm interested in who won as well. Hope its been a good night for you all and that Tricia is feeling a bit brighter today.

    Praying for you as always.

  8. hee hee hee ...

    You're hilarious. I love stupid commenters. At least they provide humor ... when they're not being trolls.

    You've made me hungry for Oreos, and I'll be saying a prayer for your girls (and you!) tonight.

  9. Yeah - what about the scrabble??!!! My Dh and I play it when we go on holiday and he usually whoops me - but I won 2 out of 4 nights last year...hehehehe! We know all sorts of wierd , sneaky words to use - it's so much fun!

    Continuing to pray for you every day!

    (PS I didn't leave a song suggestion - i'm very boring and only listen to hymns or So I didn't feel i could be very helpful...)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. sorry about the last comment for some reason my computer remembered a comment i left yesterday, anyway what i was going to say is:

    is it evil of me if after you said the contest is closed i wanted to deliberately leave a suggestion just to stir the pot? lol

  12. oh but but I know *the perfect* song... :)

    and I like oreos.

  13. Like Jen above I was wondering who won at scrabble.

    Looking forward to seeing which song you post :)

  14. "Pick me Pick me" Imagine me (little ole me) jumping up and down like the donkey in Shrek saying "pick me pick me" as opposed to Meredith in Grey's Anatomy saying "Pick Me Choose Me."

    I can't resist saying this:

    My song was the :) Hey just for using that OLD OLD phrase I should get first choice. ;) though since it was anonymous under Jennifer A.

    There did I get Tricia to laugh again? Hi Tricia (I can't wait to we get to meet when my germy poos are all gone and I get the nerve to meet one of the most courageous women i've never met)

  15. Is it too late to suggest "Amazing" by Janelle?!!

    ha ha

  16. Wait! I'm not done going through my collection of '80s hard rock ballads!

  17. Hej, I'm from Holland, never ever heard of George Strait... Who is he and why was that funny? Please clue me in!!
    (and man am I happy I 'safely' suggested Celine Dion... pffw)

  18. I'm all caught up on the posts. It is enjoyable peeking in on your lives together. I hope all is well and will be for some time to come. Gayle and I prayed for you all last night. I wouldn't allow country music either!

  19. I bet the same people that had a comment that "didn't follow the rules" are also the same people that had the "runs with scissors" or "eats paste" marks on their kindergarten report cards. Kidding. . .maybe. :)

    Thanks for the laughs, and can't wait to see the video!

  20. Man, I was so pulling for Red Sovine...what a way to rain on my parade...I was really hoping when you posted the no country, you meant no country except my country song, which you would realize was absolutely perfect for your daughter and would make you start loving country music. I am just kidding. I didn't post a Red Sovine song. I'm here giggling with everyone else. Have a great day!

  21. Seriously. Jeremy Camp. You can't go wrong with the Campster.

  22. Okay, so I was one of the people that didn't follow the rules. :-( I went and watched some of your videos again and saw the one with the two of you under the water. Oh no. I started thinking that you probably used the song I suggested for that video. I clicked on the video, turned up the volume and sure enough you had. "my face is red" What happened was that I was sneaking in a blog fix at work and so I couldn't have the volume up. I never did watch the video at home that day. My bad!!!!

    Please forgive those of us that are rebels.

    Robin in Michigan

  23. I almost wish I HAD broken the rules. An oreo sounds REALLY good right now (on day 7 of my new healthy eating lifestyle).

    I'm sure whatever song you choose will be perfect - you have done an outstanding job thus far!

    Praying still for new lungs for Tricia and ever improving health for both of your girls!

  24. I get a kick out of your personality. You are a funny guy.

    Heidi R.

  25. What are you thinkin', Nate? You really want to do your own thing, your own way, on your own blog? What a concept!! :):):)
    Thanks for a morning wake-up laugh! Got this day off to a great start! Now...about those new lungs...praying!

  26. Dixie Chicks? Country? Youbetcha. :) And I love 'em. (And I rarely say that about country artists. And I haven't a clue why I'm rambling on about them now...)


  27. Love your sense of humor! Good way with words, Nate! I bet you have fun over newscasters on TV, too - asking the same stupid questions over and over. Always makes me laugh.

    Hope Tricia is enjoying all of this, too, and has a better day today and gets a special call...

  28. Nate, I've been following you all for the last 3 months or so, and I think have commented once -- the "right" words just never seem to be there.

    But, I must tell you, this just made me LAUGH. People can be such.... "people" sometimes...

    Thanks for giving us something to laugh about.

  29. You are hilarious when you're bored, Nathan. That's probably Tricia's greatest joy and worst nightmare combined. LOL.

  30. Hey Nate,

    In all your spare time (he, he) would you mind posting the "cool songs" you decided to download from i-tunes? I'm always looking for great songs.


  31. *looks around slightly dazed and confused*

    "What?!! wait a minute! I have an entry!!! It's a country song by The Hillbilly Twins called "Ain't she so purty lookin' you culd cry, (an' even better lookin' than mah dawg or truck)"

    *looks sheepish* errr....I don't really have an entry, I just want to break the rules to get an oreo cookie - heck, my son and hubby will never find it if it's in place of my left ear, so I may actually get to EAT one - it will also solve the problem of the large number of earrings I have without matches - (I wonder if they are hiding out with the AWOL socks from the dryer?)


  32. No matter which song you choose, the song you used on your first video will forever touch me. Even my three year old loves to listen to the song "Miracle" and she expects to see pictures of Gwyneth when she hears it!!

    She told me this morning that she wants a baby at our house.. She wants Baby Gwyneth to live with her!! Amazing how a three year old can love someone so much that she has never met!!

  33. What about the song....just kidding!
    I can't wait to see what song you did choose and the sweet video of Gwyneth!

    Have a great day!

  34. I must say, I think that this is a wee bit premature. In case you have not heard, NKOTB may be making a come back. You too can sign up for updates at Now Nate, do you really, really think it is a good idea to make your decision before reviewing any of their new material? That's what I thought.

  35. Aww, Nate, you should have more faith in your faithful readers....

    So, far there have been NO song suggestion comments under this post. See, aren't you proud? Actually, I am starting to get Comment Envy, since I don't have any under my blog. Just kidding.....a little.

    Anyway, I hope you and your girls have a fabulous day.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. I actually used the "find" function to scan all the posts and make sure I didn't duplicate a suggestion. I'm cracking up about the oreo to the ear... since I'm pregnant and have gestational diabetes, that's about the only place close to my mouth I could have an oreo. And that would be a snack to rock my face off at this point...

    We're still praying for you and your girls. We talked about faith in Bible study last night... I thought of you guys. Faith is believing that God can do anything that we ask, but faith isn't really faith without Trust. Trust is when we say, "but God, even if you don't do what I've asked, I still believe you're God."

    I think He honors that kind of faith. Here on Earth and in Heaven. God bless you guys and I can't wait to see what the future still holds!

  38. Love it! I was laughing as I read all the comments, hoping you would post about all those rule-breakers.

    Can't wait to see what you have chosen! Oh - and I totally want to know what songs you downloaded too. Mostly because I want to know what category I fall into. Am I 'outstanding', 'lame', or 'laugh'able? ;)

  39. You are too funny!! I hope that someday I have the privilege of meeting you and your girls someday. I am sure your love of live and sense of humor is some of the best medicine for Tricia!!

    love, prayers and blessings,
    shari NC

  40. those are some pretty funny observations.:) by the way, i think my post must have been accidently deleted. i only submitted ONE song but i gave you two versions. one was instrumental video from you tube and the other was with vocals from iTunes. So i really didn't break the rules right? Can't wait to see the video! Gwyneth is so beautiful! Praying, Jen in al

  41. I hear Jeremy Camp and The Dixie Chicks are working on a new project together. Just sayin.

  42. You're hilarious! And, did I actually see more suggestions in some of the comments posted? Wow.

  43. I was just watching, again, your videos...and this one:
    really has me hoping today.
    I hope that Tricia will soon get to walk on the beach and feel the sand on her feet......while holding a hand on each side, Nate and Gweneth.

  44. So, did anyone give you a song about elephants and paper clips....just wondering=)

  45. Thanks for the laugh - your sense of humor is wonderful! Your next post was really touching (the things you miss)... love is an amzing thing when you can be with someone and still miss them at the same time... just imagine how much God longs to be more intimate with us when we are just casual in our relationship with Him. Hope you and your girls have an awesome Thursday! Still praying...

  46. the oreo idea..wish I could use that with my students..
    and since I am a teacher...all of those people who did not follow directions...MUST be teachers...cuz we are the WORST at following directions!! He He

  47. The song Cinderella is actually a country song as well by Chuck Wick (might be spelled wrong). Just wanted to give you a heads up in case that call for a disqualification!!! As always praying for both of your girls and of course you!

  48. Giggling here! I like your sense of humor toward it all! Can sense a bit of frustration too! And, like someone else said, who won Scrabble? Good day now, ya hear!

    Still praying!


  49. Come on, Nate - give us the Scrabble results! I bet Tricia kicked your butt and you just don't wanna admit it :)

    Scrabble, scrabble, scrabble......

    Still praying here in PA!

  50. Come on, Nate - give us the Scrabble results! I bet Tricia kicked your butt and you just don't wanna admit it :)

    Scrabble, scrabble, scrabble......

    Still praying here in PA!

  51. Boy am I glad I read all 534 comments before I posted because I sure wouldn't want to be a rebel repeater! LOL!!! Hope your day is great one.

  52. You are such a gifted writer and musician, I think you should write your own song for upcoming videos you plan to post. In your spare time of course!

    I am so inspired by your family, your life and your story. You are a constant reminder of Christ. I am so glad I found your blog as it has been so profound to me, for where I am right now. I am constantly challenged by you and what you have going on, to be Christ like in all I am, say and do. Thank you so very much for sharing your story and letting us in!

    I just love your family!!! God Bless!!!

  53. Just wanted to say that I enjoy your sense of humor! and am still praying for you and Tricia and Gwyneth.

    and, thanks to you (really)I have reactivated by blogger account...although I have no time to write in it!

    J. in OH

  54. Nate,

    I was just wondering why no country was allowed in the contest. Not ALL country songs are about International Harvesters and juke boxes. LOL.

    Always praying for you all!!

  55. This is by far is the entry that had me laughing the most. I can't believe how simple rules can't be followed:) What an amazing "voter turnout" you had! Can't wait to hear the song but more importantly, can't wait to see the video! I am praying and checking the blog several times a day.
    The Lord bless you and keep you and make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you...

  56. HAHA! Nate, it is good to hear you still have such a sense of humor about all us "people." This post made me laugh. :) I love it.

    I think someone suggested it earlier in a comment, but I would be interested to hear some of your top choices, maybe like a top 10 list, because we could all use some great music in our lives!

    Can't wait to see the video. Still praying!

  57. you're so funny!

    I would also love to see your I-tunes choices when you get a minute (as if!)

    Rosiesmom, UK

    (who suggested Wires by Athlete on 19 feb,but was silly enough to make her post anonymous!!)

  58. that the contest is over....will I be disqualified if I annoyingly post my suggestion over again? And again. And again.


    Have a great day Tricia, Nate & Gwyneth.

  59. I have to confess, I was glad for your contest b/c I too bought some great songs from itunes. You should make an imix w/ your favorites from the contest! Thanks!

    Carey and Chelsea

  60. I know you don't like country but would you consider Willie Nelson?

  61. Is Willie Nelson a country artist?

    Anything Hawaiin would be great.

  62. Ok Nathan! I'm coming out of the shadows. You don't know me, but I'm a good friend of Jon and Susanna Cummings here in NJ. Susanna told me about you and Tricia months ago and we've (along with our church) been faithfully praying for you. I've been lurking on your blog since the very beginning. So anyway...why am I posting now? Well, I know you had been running a contest to choose a song for Gwyneth and YES, I realize it's over, but I just stumbled upon this and thought of you immediately. I'm hoping that others have suggested it too. It's Martina McBride's song, "In my Daughter's Eyes". It talks about her holding your finger and it reminds me of all of those pix you have of her holding your finger. Anyway...just my two cents. BTW, I'm the organist and choir director at our church in NJ so I appreciate your passion for music. It's mine too. Are you familiar with If not, you MUST check it out. Coolest website ever! Well, take care, God Bless and we will continue to pray.

  63. I did not post any song ideas because they were all COUNTRY!! lol

  64. I just found your blog recently and I've been reading all the posts and loving it so very much. I know that this contest is so extremely over that it's pathetic to even be posting, but I have an album that you may enjoy listening to with your now waaaaay older than 2 month daughter. It's called Songs from a Parent to a Child by Art Garfunkle and it was the best thing ever when I was growing up.


Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.

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