
Monday, February 25, 2008

First Ever CFHusband Poll

Gwyneth's eyes have yet to begin showing any color. Tricia would love for them to be blue like mine, and I would love to have another girl to sing Van Morrison songs to.

What do you think? You have until 11:59pm on March 2, 2008 to cast your vote. Only one vote per username, so don't waste it!


  1. She has beautiful eyes no matter what color they turn out to be :)

  2. I had to vote for blue because my baby has beautiful blue eyes. I haven't posted in a while so I wanted to let you know that I am still following your story and praying for your family. I have found that sometimes it helps me feel better when I pray for others. So I thought I would share a request with you. We have been waiting for our adopted sons passport since May of 2006 and we can't bring him home until after he gets that passport and his visa. Please pray with us that we would get some news this week.

  3. Sorry, I meant we have been waiting since May of 2007.

  4. ok - I had to mark "OTHER" because I'm hoping for one blue & one brown eye :0)

    Love you guys!

  5. I've got one blue eyed son and one brown-eyed one, and the brown eyed child's eyes were murky from the start and the blue-eyed son's looked just pale and unknown, so I'm guessing blue.

  6. You are an incredible man to be able to keep such a wonderfully delightful sense of humor through all that you and your family are dealing with.

    ...continuing prayers for you all...

    : )

  7. Husband has bright blue eyes, I have chocolate brown eyes, both babies have Browny/Green (which I guess is Hazel)! Some might classify the kids' eyes as brown...been when your eyes are chocolate brown like mine and Tricia's, anything less doesn't count. (Especially when you're trying desparately to will them to blue...haha)

  8. I voted Blue cause it would be really pretty to have her mom's brown hair and your blue eyes...That is always a beautiful combination. I am sure whatever she has she'll be quite a beauty though. Just wanted to say hi and intro myself. I've been following your blog and your journey. I don't really have much to say other than I am praying for you and your girls, for the baby to grow quickly and for Tricia to get her lungs and for everyone to stay healthy. God Bless.

  9. Since the eyes are the windows to the soul and given the quality of the two of you, I am sure that she will have the most beautiful eyes no matter what the color.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. BROWN!
    Sha la la LA la la la la lalala tee dah!

    Joy in FL

  12. I voted for brown. My mom has brown, my dad has blue. I have brown. Was that confusing? Anyway, she will be beautiful.

  13. I voted green since i have blue eyes and my husband has brown eyes and my husbands dad has green eyes. My oldest daughter has green eyes like her grandpa. My youngest are still blue but still have time to change since she is only 7mths old. Either way she will be gorgeous just like her mommy and daddy mixed together. Perfect baby girl!

  14. With a combination of brown and blue you are much more likely to get Hazel. My youngest actually has green brown in the middle and gray blue on the outer edges. It looks cool and freaky.

  15. I went for blue, only because from the pictures you post, she looks very much like you! Those eyes will be beautiful no matter what color they turn out to be

  16. I think her eyes will be brown! I could tell what my kiddos eye color was going to be. Girl with brown eyes and a boy with blue. BTW: My daughter and I love to sing the Van Morrison song together. I bet yours will to. Cheers from Raleigh, NC!

  17. Hello Nate:
    I happened across your blog at random and actually took interest in it when I saw you were a Pastor. (My husband is also a Pastor.) That is what initially caught my eye and so I began reading. God used your story to teach me gratefulness and many other things that I often take for granted. You are a beautiful family and our family, friends, and now many from our Church are faithfully praying for you all. As much energy as it takes to be a Daddy, husband, and more it is nice you take the time to share your story. God is using you everyday as you share your FAITH, heart, emotions, and joys with so many people who visit here. I have no doubt that your faithfulness will be rewarded and though we have never met it will be exciting to meet in Heaven some day and know that this Blog is what introduced us. Many Prayers, Andrea

  18. I'm thinking they'll be brown by the end of her first year since blue eyes are recessive. But since all lil Caucasian babies start out with blue eyes, it could take awhile for the change. Still, I think brown in the end.

  19. I love my husbands eyes which are a greenish/brown prob considered hazel so thats what i would vote for. I've been reading your blog for some time now and just been encouraged w/ your faith and belief in God. Praying for you & your girls that they would continue to be healed and you could all go home soon!

  20. Green (or hazel)!
    Mine are blue
    Hubby's are brown
    My daughter is hazel (green)
    My son is brown

    No chance for blue unless Tricia has a recessive gene somewhere that would allow for it. Good luck!

    Heidi Reed

  21. I have a son with beautiful brown eyes, and my husband has brown eyes. Now I also have a daughter-in-law with brown eyes. They can be so intense like deep wells of the soul. Whoa! That sounded poetic. Anyway, I voted for brown. You can sing Brown Eyed Girl (Jimmy Buffet, Van Morrison) to her… or not.

    I prayed Psalm 143 for you (and for myself) this morning. Let me experience Your faithful love in the morning, for I trust in You. Reveal to me the way I should go, because I long for You. Rescue me from my enemies, Lord; I come to You for protection. Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God. May your gracious Spirit lead me on level ground.

  22. Nathan, I noticed an organ transplant story this morning on that links to more organ transplant stories.

    I thought you might want to share it with your readers:

    Our family are all registered organ donors. It was a hard sell to my teenagers, who thought the idea was "gross." It would be nice to have a blog directed at teens, all of whom can register as organ donors in Washington State as soon as they turn 18.

  23. I have been reading your blog for about a month now, and wanted you to know a few things on my heart. I lost a very close and dear friend 2 years ago to CF. She was about 3 months post-transplant when she passed away. She was 25, and had been married for about 3 years. When she was in high school, all she used to talk about was getting married and having babies. She found the love of her life and they enjoyed a short yet very fullfilling marriage. The reason I am sharing this is because, I will never forget the late night talks about her wanting to have a baby. She wanted to know so much what it was like to give life and create something out of the love of her and her husband. Reading your blog has been so healing for me, as everyday is a reminder of life on this earth without her. She would have been so elated to have heard such a powerful story of love and hope that she might have been able to have a child too. Lynlee lived life to the fullest with a huge infectious laugh that I can sometimes hear today if I try hard enough. And sometimes I hear someone coughing that deep cough and I turn around as if it would be her. I am comforted by the assurance of her salvation and the knowledge that we will laugh together again in heaven.
    Anyway, reading your story is like being with Lynlee all over again, and for that I am grateful. Praying God's Will for your sweet family.


  24. I think she'll have her Mom's eyes because she already looks so much like her Dad! She'll be beautiful no matter what eye color she winds up with and, most importantly, those eyes will allow her to see the beauty in the world, in people and in all of God's Creation because that's what you will teach her to look for!!
    Hugs and love!!

  25. I voted green, cause I love green eyes!

  26. So...I've been following your story for quite some time, but haven't had the right words to comment. I am inspired, uplifted and, in some ways, changed for having "met" your family. Thank you for sharing your precious wife and daughter with us, and know that we take that honor very seriously.
    I also wanted to say that I think your daughter favors her daddy, although I voted for brown eyes :) I have always been a fan of children who are a perfect mix (maybe that's because I have 2 who look just like their daddy :))

    Thank you, God bless you, and my continued prayers, love and well wishes to you and your family!

  27. My dad had very brown eyes and my mom with blue eyes.. I have green! So i voted green! I think they will be gorgeous no matter what!
    I have never posted before, but very much appreciate your story and have been truly inspired by it- along with millions of others! Thank you to you, Tricia, and Gwenyth for helping me to know my God a little better and to let him back into my life a little more each day.
    My prayers and thoughts are with you!

  28. This is fun! We were sure our kids would have brown eyes since both my husband and I have brown eyes. Our first son has the bluest blue I have ever seen and our second son is kind of gray, they change depending on his mood and what he is wearing. You just never know with these kids! On another note my husband and I both have brown hair and our kids are blond and red headed! Never would have guessed that in a million years...

  29. I voted for brown because she looks so much like her daddy, I am hoping that she will at least have her mommy's eyes. My first daughter was born with blue eyes and they stayed that way. My second daughter was born with the darkest brown eyes ever, even though it is said that all little babies are born with blue eyes. I think that her brown eyes are so beautiful. I always call her My Brown Eyed Girl.
    Thanks for having this little contest. It is fun to be able to put in a guess and then see what happens. I love your blog!!

  30. My daughter has blue, son-in-law brown; two kids have blue and two have amazing changing hazel - that gets my vote! And I vote for eyes that see the world with filter of faith.

  31. Oh I thought they already looked blue in that photo of her winking! Must have just been the light. I'm going for blue as I read somewhere that all newborns have dark blue eyes for the first few months so I'm going to go for blue and hope they don't change! Do I win a prize if I get it right LOL? ;o) Plus she has gingery hair and I'm sure most people I know with reddish hair have blue eyes. She's gorgeous! xxxxxx

  32. Hi Nate,

    I've been "anonymous" since following your blog from the beginning. It's very sad that people would make unkind comments to you on YOUR blog! My comments have always been the same words - they are meant for you, your family and all the readers.

    Love to all.

  33. Gwyneth looks like she is filling in some! How big is she now? I had two preemie babies and I remember when they started to fill in, they just took off! You guys are an inspiration!!

  34. I voted brown--I love to watch my husband and 10 year old daughter dance to brown-eyed precious. I am continuing to pray for your family. Only God can truly know what your daily needs are and I trust that He will provide them.


  35. She already has her Daddy's cheeks. You can really tell in that last photo. She looks a lot like you.

  36. I guess I'm hoping for green. A little bit of both of you. And I'm somewhat partial to green eyed ladies.

  37. I say brown because it is the dominant gene.

    Although sometimes we can get surprised. NONE of my granddaughters have brown although their daddys (my sons) and their papa (my husband) all have brown.

    I guess there are some strong "BLUE GENES" on the other side of the family.

  38. Just curious -- when you say they don't show any color yet, what exactly do Gwenyth's eyes look like then? It's hard to tell in the photo's.

    Praying for you in Philly,

  39. If I remember right blue eyes are dominant. So my vote is blue, I love blue eyes.

  40. Her eyes are beautiful. I'm feeling brown. After all, she is her mommy's miracle baby!

  41. Nate and Tricia!
    Any color eyes will be just perfect and for the record...I love her hair. I don't know if it's the lighting or camera, ect. but it looks like strawberry blond to me!!! Love it!!!

  42. I was sure our Lily Grace would have brown eyes like me, or at the least green like my husband, but God wanted us to have a blue-eyed beauty just like her great-grandmother whom she is named after.

  43. You realize that now you have to continue this blog for at least a year so we know what color Gwyneth's eyes turn out! Since she was so early you need to allow extra time for them to change. I voted for green because grandmothers delight in their granddaughters!
    Andria Swanson

  44. Here's a fun Eye color calculator I came across -

    As always prayers and well wishes! (You know, I've been out of town for a week and your site was one of the first I went to - I had missed the daily Trisha and Gwyneth updates!)

  45. Of course her eyes will be blue, she looks JUST LIKE YOU!!!

    God bless you all three.

  46. I vote blue!!! I have blue eyes, and my husband has brown eyes. Our daughter got everything of his EXCEPT her blue eyes. Her eyes are mine to a "T". I love them! Blue eyes are soo gorgeous. But, Gwyneth Rose will be beautiful with any color eyes God decides to give her :o)

  47. Did anybody win Contest 01? Plum has some very good songs.

  48. She is her mommy's daughter so I vote for brown. Nate your going to have another brown eyed girl to sing too!

  49. Looks like Tricia's winning so far! Sorry :-)

  50. I just wanted to mention...from a scientific standpoint, Brown eyes are the dominant gene...meaning that whenever a brown and a green alele (sp?) get together, brown always "wins" so you have to have two blues together to get blue eyes (if this is a little confusing, google/look up putnett (sp?) squares.) So if Tricia carries the recessive gene for blue eyes, then Gwenyth has a chance of having blue eyes, but if no one else in her family has blue eyes, she most likely does not carry the recessive gene and Gwyneth will probably have Brown eyes (green work different, so she could end up with green depending on what aleles you guy's carry, I'm just talking about blue and brown right now though.) So that's why I voted for brown! =) Also, I think it is funny, and kinda cool...we're similar in this aspect! My husband wants all of our children to have dark brown eyes, and I really wanted one of them to have blue eyes! Well, my son has hazel like me (green/brown) and my daughter has light blue right now, but she is only 8 weeks old. They are a lot brighter blue than my sons ever were though so I'm hoping that hers stay! We both carry the recessive gene...=)

  51. I say brown..I have always heard that brown is the dominant color ( when parents have different color eyes and ones eyes are brown ) not sure how *true* it is though..My hubby has hazel eyes and mine are brown, Kellars turned out brown..

  52. OK here's how it worked for us............
    A Father with brown eyes (from a family full of brown eyes)
    A Mother with blue eyes(from a family full of blue eyes)
    Togeather this couple has a child
    and this child has green/hazel eyes.
    Tricia & Nathan you know this green eyed son of mine,
    Sonny ummm you guys know him as Al
    =) =) =) =)
    Showering you & your families with Prayers

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. I meant to add to my last post right above this....
    as a newborn/infant sometimes my son's eyes were such a dark blue....almost like a blueish black...
    as he grew his eyes changed to green/hazel.
    I see that dark blueish black in your BEAUTIFUL Gwyneth's eye's.
    OK all that said.....
    I vote for Green !!!!!
    Showering You & Your Families With Prayers....
    Patricia N.

  55. She may have blue eyes like her daddy. I have eyes that change colours to blue or hazel or even bright green (all depends on my mood), my husband has brown eyes. My eldest son has blue eyes and my other two have brown eyes.

    But like everyone else says, her eyes will be beautiful no matter what colour they are. Personally, I love green or blue eyes on a child. *grin*

  56. You can always sing to her "You're my brown-eyed girl" if they aren't blue! God bless your family Nathan. Your blog is uplifting and we sing His praises and continue to pray for your family. Continue to stand on Him.


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