
Monday, February 25, 2008


If you know somebody who lives

could you please, invite them to visit ConfessionsOfACFHusband just one time?

Why? Do we really need a reason for world domination?





  1. Hey. Barb from Arkansas here. I just wanted to see if I could post under my AIM name—Swahilimama1999. I guess it works. I was just checking the blog before my prayer time this morning to see how to pray for you. So, with that I'm off to pray. Hoping for new lungs today. Have a great day.

  2. LOL! That was too funny! Keeping you all in our prayers & sharing your blog with our friends! DS

  3. Oh, I am sorry about the anonymous comment! I forgot to put in my identity. But now I remember.

  4. My husband and I have been following your story from here in Wake Forest, NC. We pray for all of you daily Especially for a new set of lungs!
    Beth and Mat

  5. Hey Nate,

    That map is absolutely amazing!!! The Lord is so good to keep your girls safe and growing healthy. I know our prayers help, but if there were no red dots on the map, He would be doing what He does best anyway. I love being able to be a "speck" in watching your miracle unfold day by day and my prayers continue daily for His grace all over you. Gwyneth is filling out and looking so good!!! And of course Tricia always looks good and her smile is such a witness of His love. Praying for all things coming to be guided by Him in His perfect time. Thank you for sharing your family with me. I love you guys.

    Laurie in Ca.

  6. Awesome! It looks like our friends to the north need to pick up the pace though. What, no 'net up there in the near tundra regions? HA! Some excuse.

    Keep it up. Prayers for a great day for the fam coming your way.

  7. This post is just one of the many, many reasons I love to read your blog. Thank you for allowing us a glimpse of your journey through this life.

  8. What a way to start my day...with a smile! :) Nate - you are truly a hoot! <--and I mean that in the nicest sense of the word :)

  9. Not from either of those areas, but we're following your story here in MA. Prayers coming out daily for a beautiful family. You guys rock!

  10. yep, he's lost it. Your too funny.
    Christy in Ky

  11. What are we going to do today Brain? LOL

    (Even though I've never actually watched that show...)

  12. Looks like Montana is in one of those empty dots.....hmmmm....I will tell my best friend to start reading; she lives in Bozeman!! Hope you and yours have a blessed day!!!!

  13. Lol, the evil scientist coming out again?

  14. Former anonymous poster here. Prayers coming your way as usual.

  15. That IS funny. We are moving to Colombia South America in a few weeks... I'll spread the word so you can tackle that continent too!

  16. I'm lying in bed with the flu and you still manage to make me laugh (out loud, mind you)! HAHAHA

  17. Hey, Nate. If you go to your map and click view with smaller clusters, you will see that you have dominated the US. :)

  18. LOL that is too funny...Hello from Ft. Lauderdale Florida!

  19. Hello, long time reader here - just de-lurking to add my support and prayers to the rest!

  20. I am amazed everytime I look at that map. Soon you won't be able to make out any land mass on the entire map!

    Keep on...blogging, having faith, being strong, drawing more followers, making me laugh, making me cry, making me BELIEVE!

  21. Nate,
    You should know I read & Pray for you every day. My location is not noted on your map :( Maybe it is faulty!

  22. Blessings from Kansas City, MO
    Continuing to pray!
    Thanks for the chuckle this morning.

  23. Someone commented about the Northern Regions and joked that "What, no 'net up there in the near tundra regions?"'s true....some locations have no internet at all while others only have occassional access if they've cut down lots of trees and set up huge satilite dishes.....weird eh? What would life be like without the internet???

  24. Hej, I am all with you on this world domination thing... How is Europe getting along?

  25. You are hysterical! You forgot about that little corner of east Texas! But, being raised in Texas, I know that there's NOTHING out there. So, I think that part of the US just doesn't count. :)

  26. Hehehehehe. You're too stinkin' funny Nate. Loved the evil laugh. Great sense of humor.


  27. Hmmm...I'm trying to figure out exactly where those spaces are...I'm awfully close to one of them. LOL!

  28. WOW!! I have a ton of family in Canada...I am going to send them an invite to check out the blog. You need to start filling up the extreme north as well :)


    Jen-William's Mom

  29. i have your blog linked on my sidebar so I read it most days, I know others read it as well

  30. That made me laugh out loud. I don't know you, just a crazy blog stalker like most around here...but if I did I think we would be friends as we share the same sense of humor. :)

  31. hahaha that map and your request is awesome

  32. I'm not sure there are any emotions that you haven't been able to bring out in me through this blog. Thanks for keeping us posted on all the goings-on!

    I was just wondering how the song selection is coming along? That's quite a list you've got to go through! I can't wait for the new slide show!!

    Prayin' in Michigan,

  33. Did you play RISK as a young lad? Perhaps.

  34. I'm the one from St.John's Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada... way out in the Atlantic Ocean...

    Isn't the internet wonderful!

  35. LOL. Good one! If Amish country is covered by a dot, what year are "those people" living in?!?!

  36. Thanks for the upbeat posts, it was a rough day here in Delaware and you made me smile! Still praying for you! (aka Praying in Delaware)

  37. If that empty spot really is near Montana, then it's not from where we are, as I check in daily, and keep you in my prayers!!

  38. I think we need a hit from Castolon, Tx, or am I reading the map wrong? I'm from Texas, but I don't know anybody from there :(

  39. Praying for your family from Columbus, Ohio. It's been wonderful reading your stories and sharing in your journey.

  40. Can't help with the map bit, as I'm on the East Coast, but I stumbled upon this blog a few weeks ago and have been checking back every day. Haven't commented yet, but I just want to let you know that I'm praying daily for you, Tricia, and Gwyneth.

  41. I've been checking out your site daily, and have you all in my prayers, of course. One of my daughters is entering into her last week of student teaching in Romania. Since I am geographically challenged, perhaps you can tell me if this would help your blog to spread out on the map more? :) Pat

  42. I asked the members of the my choir to go see this amazing blog. We're not many but maybe you've got another 10 visitors from Sweden ;)

    I'm pregnant with our third child, well fourth, considering our little, tiny baby in heaven. And my two boys love to see baby Gwyneth as she is exactly as old as the baby in my womb. Since they know that babies can be born to small to live (that's what happened their sibling a year ago) they are very happy and pleased to see that Gwyneth is growing!!

    For me it's a fantastic privilige to be able to follow this part of your journey through this "peek-in-the-key-hole-blog".(This sentence works pretty well in Swedish, but not so well in English, I guess, sorry!)

    You and your family are a great blessing to many and I wish you a double blessing in return.

    Erika, Stockholm, Sweden.


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