
Thursday, February 14, 2008

For My Valentime (Part 2)

Although you are beautiful every day before and since, this was your day to shine...I'm very certain that nobody even noticed how much time and energy it had taken me too look as good as I did.

You were the perfect bride in every way, and God gave you the perfect day to show off His creation in you to the world. Everyone tells us it was the most memorable and beautiful wedding ever, and it was all because of you. Most weddings are put on to make the bride look made this wedding day look and sound and feel spectacular.

I cried that day as I vowed my life to you, and I cried again as I put this gift together for you, remembering how happy we were that day, and how happy you have made me every day since.

Thank you for loving me.

("Breathe In Breathe Out" by Mat Kerney)


  1. DOH! I'm crying in the middle of the caf as I'm watching this again...

  2. Love it! My little Chelsea is here in her hospital room dancing to your montage, just beautiful. Have you had any offers to be on any morning shows or anything? I see that in your future, so many people are following your truly truly inspiring story. Keep the faith!

    Carey & Chelsea,

  3. Here is to many more happy memories!

  4. "He who finds a wife finds a good thing." --God

  5. I shed a few tears myself watching these 2 video clips. You can feel the love you share for each other by the look in your eyes.

    Thank you for allowing us to follow along with you during this journey in life.

    Happy Valentime's Day to the three of you!

  6. Aw, Nate....its like walking down memory lane...loved seeing it all again! Have a great afternoon loving my sister :)

  7. Beautiful again!!!! I was anxious to see the 2nd part of your "valentime" story today and it was awesome!

    Tiffany in Illinois

  8. aww! Nate ur wife is so beautiful! you guys look so in love happy i can't describe it in those pics. what an awsome wedding day you guys had! i will pray for Tricia to have a good surgery and painfree recovery! bless her heart! HI Tricia hope you feel better @ God speed.

  9. She glows! You can see the love oozing out of both of you. You can totally tell that you are hopelessly in love with each other. SOOOO sweet <3


  10. You are a very sweet man. Happy thoughts for Gwenyth & Tricia.

  11. PS. I'm praying for Tricia! Please let us know how she's doing.


  12. Nate, I don't even know you, but you have got to be one of the sweetest guys ever!

  13. You are both so lucky to have each other to love. And what a beautiful love it is. Continued prayers and blessings for all of you.

  14. you can just see the love in the pictures. your photographer did an amazing job catching it :)

  15. Absolutely beautiful!
    Thank you for sharing such a testament of true love. May there be many many many more happy memories ahead of you!


  16. You 2 have something special.. you are a beautiful couple inside and out. I wish you many more years to spend together.
    Saying a special prayer for Tricia right now...

  17. I can feel the love in those pictures. What a beautiful location. (If you get a minute can you post the name of it. Thanks!)

  18. You have some of the most beautiful wedding pictures I have ever seen. What a great couple you are - the love is evident! Happy Valentine's Day to you all!

  19. I am sitting here with tears in my eyes just praying that my 2 teenage daughters will find the love of their lives that includes so much sweetness and living life to the fullest-I will share this with them for sure. Once again..Thank you! (I love the end-P.S. I Love You-did you see that movie?)
    In Christ,
    Tracy Price

  20. CRYING!!!!!!! You both are so blessed to have one another and now sweet Gwyneth!!!!!!!!

  21. What a beautiful bride...
    What a beautiful couple...
    What a blessing your relationship is...
    So happy for the two of you...
    Happy Valentine's Day!
    ~ Dana Haupfear

  22. Through tears, I want to say that every woman in the world that watches these videos is going to be so envious of you Tricia!! But you already know that. We see it in your eyes. Such beautiful pictures and what a very wonderful, thoughtful, gift. Again, thank you for sharing Nate. Praying the surgery went well.


  23. How is it possible that I can cry watching the video of a wedding of people I don't even know...

    I'm speechless. Thank you for sharing such personal memories with all of us.

    You are both amazing.

  24. Awe you're making all us cry at work too! You mustn't EVER shut down your blog. We want to watch as you two live out the rest of your lives together. And of course, we have to see baby Gywneth's OWN Daddy/Daughter Dance at HER wedding!
    Praisin' God right along with you....

  25. Nate - you have the tremendous ability of making your viewer/reader feel like they are RIGHT THERE with you! I now feel like I was one of the many excited guests at you wedding...

    Love you guys!

  26. You guys truely are one of the most beautiful couples i have ever "met"!!! The love you have for eachother is so evident, it is amazing! Its so nice to see love like that!!

    I check out your blog 2 or 3 times a day!! And it warms my heart to see the love you have for eachother , and for Christ! He will pull you through this adventure - because I truely beleive He doesnt put anything in your path that He doesnt think you can overcome!!

  27. "Nunc scio quit sit amor" -Virgil

    "Now I know what love is."

  28. Another beautiful video! Nate, you were quite the trim groom, looking very dashing in your tux. It looked like a wonderful day.

    I pray that Tricia's surgery went well this afternoon. It didn't hurt at all getting my port removed, but I know it's different for each person.

  29. Good grief - here I am crying again...absolutely spectacular! What an awesome idea to have your parents' wedding pictures on the table with the cake - I'll have to file that one away for when my children marry someday. (Okay, so the kids are 13, 10, 9, 2, and 1 - I like to plan ahead!)

    Missed the opportunity to pray for Tricia while she was IN surgery, so praying that her post op stuff all goes well!

  30. Beautiful song for beautiful people. I'm assuming these pictures were taken by your photographer - what a wonderful job they did in giving you a visual memory of that day.

  31. Spectacular! Another beautiful, sweet montage! Thank you for sharing these stunning wedding photos! :-)

    May your Valentime's Day continue to be blissful!

    Marissa :-)

  32. Wow...I don't think I've EVER seen wedding pictures more beautiful than yours. THANK YOU for giving us a glimpse of your amazing love for each other!

  33. Now I have a box of kleneex at my side You both made me believe in true love yuck I hate my english when I cannot express my real fellings Let me try again PERFECT you deserve a movie a book whatever because you are sharing such an awesome faith and love, I´m so blessed reading about you again Happy Valentines Tricia Nathan and Little Rose

  34. Really Nathan. You've got to stop making me cry today.


  35. Awesome Valentine gift.. It's very evident that you and Tricia have a VERY special relationship with each other and God. God Bless you both and of course Gwyneth too!!

  36. oooh i was crying all video...beautiful..we continued praying for your girls Nate GOD BLESS YOU.. Claudia (jacksonville Florida)

  37. tricia, you are so beautiful... not just on the outside but deep below the surface. you are certainly one of God's miracles.

  38. So so beautiful. Praying for you often and asking our Lord to give you many more blessed days together...grandma of a cf'er

  39. Those are some of the most prettiest wedding pictures I have ever seen. Just lovely!

  40. Thank you for sharing your love for your precious wife and daughter with the world. It is an inspiration to us all!

    Thank you for that beautiful video. As I watch it, I can't help but say with tears in my eyes, "Thank you Lord for this life here, for this day, and for every moment."

    May God continue to bless you, Tricia, and Gwyneth!

  41. Checking on you and praying for you daily in Memphis. Our son just got engaged a few days ago...his proposal involved a video that he had made for his fiance' (can't believe I just said fiance',he's my baby!!)...I sure hope his video was as beautiful as these videos :)


  42. I can't even begin to express how much love I feel between you two when I watch your videos. I pray for your girls!! You two are SO in love and I pray that when your girls come home you continue to share the pictures of your loving family!
    *Quick healing for your family!*

  43. Wow Nathan. That's just amazing. You did an awesome job. Y'alls wedding was just absolutely beyond beautiful. The photography is phenomenal. I'd marry my husband all over again to have pictures like that!

    Ok, off to see the third one...

  44. You guys make a BEAUTIFUL couple. You compliment eachother so well. Continuing to pray for you and your lovely family!


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