
Sunday, February 24, 2008

I'm Sorry...

...but, I've been forced to disable the option to post "anonymously" on this blog. I can't stand to read one more "drive-by" comment from a nameless person that contains some kind of rude, insulting, insensitive or downright cruel message.

I have deleted a ton of comments for many reasons without saying a word about it, but the moment you begin criticizing and insulting my family is the last straw. I forgive you and, with this post, I am putting it behind me, but I won't allow you to continue abusing me and my family.

I realize that this action will not cease all of the cruel comments, but it will help greatly as most of them have been posted anonymously.

I am deeply sorry to those of you who post anonymously with words of love and joy and encouragement...I realize that this action will inhibit some of you. I want you to know that, beyond two or three comments today, it has been a good day to read your responses to my blog, and if you're concerned if it was your comment(s) today that has caused this, just search to find if your comment was deleted or not and you may have your answer.

Those of you who have a blogger, google or OpenID account will still be able to continue commenting. I encourage the rest of you to take just two minutes and sign up for a blogger/google account if you wish to continue commenting (and I hope you do).

It is a shame that the actions of the few must affect the the ability of many more to post. I was hoping that I would never have to do this... It's extremely disheartening that some people simply refuse to even attempt to "understand" the things that they cannot see or hear or know about our situation.

I'm also very sorry that I've come across with such a negative spirit lately...I have been spending way too much time deleting comments and focusing on the hurtful words, and I promise that will change starting right now. You will not read me write of this again.

I am deeply appreciative of those of you who have posted of your thoughts and prayers and well-wishes, your encouragements, you stories of hope and love, your ability to make me laugh and experience the joy of blogging, and I pray that you will continue posting just as you always have. If you have any doubts that your kind words have not affected me in an incredible way, I encourage you to Read This Post from several weeks ago.

I believe that God is capable of doing incredible things, even through cruel people and especially through those of you who have been such a blessing to me and my family over these past few months...He is my Rock.

Thank you so much.
