
Friday, February 29, 2008

Just Had To Share

From Last Night...

Now, back to your break...



  1. Precious, just precious! Nothing in the world compares to that feeling! Praise God!

  2. Yay!!! I am so happy to see new pictures of you holding Gwyneth! Lovely, lovely, beautiful baby girl!

  3. Just discovered you yesterday and am hooked on your compelling story.

    That is a gorgeous picture, especially the nasal canula after cpap and vents :)

    J-mom to 29 week preemies, now almost 6

  4. So precious there just aren't enough words......

  5. Absolutely beautiful. You seem like such a great husband and daddy. Thank you for sharing your life here. I truly enjoy reading about you all. I am praying for you.

  6. What a mighty God we serve! He still is in the miracle business! What a bundle of joy you have in your hands!

  7. What great pictures. Gwyneth you make me smile. Off to the store with my three year old and as a special treat a donut, just because it's Friday.

  8. Those pictures are amazing. When she was first born she looked so fragile. Though still tiny, she is really growing and filling out and looking beautiful! I love those pictures! The joy in your heart is evident.

  9. Nate she is beautiful, I love seeing youwith her and look forward to seeing Tricia with her.

    Nate I know this is odd, but can you please go to my blog and read at least the beginning of todays post? You , your dad and the rest of your family have such a great faith, can you please say a prayer for the family in my post? Thank you so much and God bless you all.

    Love, Kristy

  10. O.k., pretty much cuter than the law should allow. :)

  11. Love the nose to nose picture!

    Do you have a nurse take the pictures or do you use a tripod?

  12. She IS cute!!! I love the hats that the hosp. has...I assume some sweet lady knit that one and prayed for your baby girl before she was even born.

  13. I Love that first photo of Gyn & Daddy- How sweet! That is enough to give you a great Day!

  14. She looks so beautiful. You look like such a happy daddy...God Bless you.

  15. What a miracle she is. You look like the happiest dadddy in the entire universe. Thank you so much for sharing these new pics of Gwyneth.

    It brought back some memories of my boys (they were born at 30 weeks and spent 55 days in the NICU) when they were in the NICU. I went back through all the pics I have of my boys in the NICU and ironically, we have very similar photos of my husband nose to nose with our son Jason.

    Isn't it amazing!!!


  16. Awwwwwwwww, beautiful pictures!

  17. wow, that is so awesome, and how tiny is that hat???

  18. Beautiful! Precious! Her face is adorable. Tears of joy this a.m. as she looks so new with just a cannula.

  19. She takes our breath away! God is so awesome!!!!!

  20. That is precious! What is the line going down her throat?

  21. The last pic with the black background is my favorite.

  22. Daddy's little girl!!
    SO CUTE!!!

  23. If these pictures don't put a smile on your face I don't know what will. Absolutly precious!!! Thank you for sharing. Thank you for making my Friday
    A friend in Missouri

  24. As a mom, one of the most beautiful sights in the world to me is that of a Daddy who exudes love for his child. These photos are absoultely gorgeous!! Gwyneth Rose is a blessed young lady to have a Mommy and Daddy who love her so much!!!

  25. Oh, My! What a gorgeous little bundle....and the look of love on her Daddy's face is priceless. Thank you, thank you, for sharing! Tricia, that's your Honey and your Baby. Your heart must be bursting with pride and joy...and gratitude!
    I'm praising God with you and for you all!!!

  26. Aw, thank you. Looks like you have some more good options for some 8x10 pictures to make for mommy!

  27. I love the picture on top!!! I agree, the love on Daddy's face is just amazing!

  28. She is such a beautiful little girl. And she's so lucky to have such wonderful parents!

  29. So sweet! I had to speak at our local March of Dimes event last night about our story and even though I'm SO not a public speaker your story inspired me even more to do my best and luckily it all went great which hopefully means more money raised for saving sweet babies like yours! :)

  30. Your pictures warm my heart!She is more beautiful everyday and by the look in your eyes she already has her dad wrapped around her itty bitty little finger.

  31. Oh that is just lovely! Gorgeous :)

  32. She is so beautiful! And doing so well for such a premature baby. God is taking wonderful care of you guys.

  33. Beautiful! Enjoy your leap day spending extra time with those you love!

  34. She is so sweet! Continued prayers for you and your girls!

  35. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights. James 1:17

    WOW - God is good! He must have some great plans for her :) She is doing SO well. Gorgeous little girl.

    It is very evident that she has wonderful parents!!

  36. NOTHING is better than being able to nuzzle your baby. She is beautiful! A fathers love for his little girl is so sweet!

  37. Oh my gosh, those are WONDERFUL pictures--so tiny yet such perfection.

  38. Nose to Nose... I love the picture.

    Congratulations on giving Gwen her first eskimo kiss.

  39. Simply precious....A daddy's love is a love that every daughter dreams of...I know because you are a lot like my love with your girls:) Your love for your baby girl is so evident...and so precious...Thank you for sharing your story with all of us strangers. Praying for you guys today...

  40. Nose to Nose... I love the picture.

    Congratulations on giving Gwen her first eskimo kiss.

  41. Little Gwyneth is just beautiful! Thanks for sharing the photos. She's doing so well, praise the Lord! I am astounded regularly by how well she is doing. :) Our Lord is good. :)

  42. It's so funny how I came to your site this morning and saw that you were taking the day off and despite knowing that I still checked back later and there were new pictures!! :) You totally are encouraging my addiction here! ;) (Not complaining!!)

    Very precious to see the two of you together like that. What a sweet, sweet, baby.


  43. Now what kind of camera did you day you had again-beautiful pics that speak volumes.

  44. Gwyneth - Nasal Cannula??? Rock it, girl!

  45. Ohhhh Nathan! The first picture is my favorite-the best! What a doll baby.
    Nothin' like it, huh?

  46. She is absolutely beautiful!
    I love the photo of you two nose to nose, just precious!

    Enjoy your leap day!

  47. That is the teeny tiniest little hat I've ever seen. She just keeps getting sweeter and sweeter.

  48. The love and joy expressed in your eyes is priceless. That picture gives a new perspective to the thought that God holds us close in the palm of His hand.

  49. Tricia,

    What a wonderful family you have--so much love being spread around!! God is so good. (((hugs)))


  50. WOW! Those are some amazing pictures!! Thanks for sharing.....

  51. What a beautiful little girl.....these pictures today show a love that can only come from a parent -- and not just of the earthly parent. God surely loves you and Tricia, Nate, to give you this precious child. Amazing.

  52. Oh, what a precious sweet face! So neat for her to have taken off her Darth Vader mask, I mean CPAP! She is going to love being able to look back at all these pictures of herself as a wee, tiny one. I'm so glad she's doing well on the nasal oxygen because we can see her face now. And, thanks for breaking your plan not to blog on Feb. 29th!

  53. Oh my, that first picture brought a tear to my eye. I think that is one of the best ones yet!! Have a great day having special moments with your girls!

  54. Wow! What a cutie! Thanks for sharing. :)

  55. She looks like she was smiling. Beautiful, just beautiful.

  56. Oh Nate, she's sooo beautiful...

  57. how completely made me smile! thanks! Enjoy that beautiful little giel of yours!

  58. Just beautiful. I LOVE the first one. Very touching.

    With love and hope,

    Jen-William's Mom

  59. Beautiful. Fragile. Strong. Precious. Tiny. Soft. Sweet. Adored. Loved. Treasured.

    These are all words that went through my head as I gazed at those pictures.

    How awesome to see your Princess on the canula. That tiny perfect face is wonder to behold.

    Thank you for sharing so much of your life.

  60. Daddy's Little Girl - Beautiful!

  61. So beautiful.... want to cry at the lovelyness of your daughter. Thanks for sharing.

  62. So, so, so, SO sweet!!
    What a blessing! Looking forward to seeing pictures like that with Tricia and's going to happen!

  63. Awwww!!!! She is just precious and I'm so glad you were able to hold your little Princess today.

    Praying for both your girls!

  64. Having worked in NICU before I know what a miracle she is to be born with so many odds yet doing so well. I also know how awsome God is. We lost 3 babies and were practically on the table for D & C with our 4th after no heartbeat on monitor. They did one more U/S just to be sure at the request of my ever faitful husband and what do you know, God had other plans. The most beautiful little heartbeat you've ever sean. I fully believe that in years to come you will be starring at your little miracle as I do each day.
    We are praying for you each day!

  65. thanks so much for sharing! sweet sweet baby girl!!!

  66. Aww, I LOVE her! Just when I think she couldn't be more beautiful... Just like a little butterfly!

  67. How beautiful! though I am not new to your blog, this is my first comment. I think your story is amazing and have been praying for all of you! My oldest was born @ 31 weeks and even though we too did the ups and downs of the NICU I am happy to say she is a perfectly healthy active 4 1/2 year old. Good Luck!

  68. Beautiful. Simply beautiful. It's hard to tell which one of your looks happier and/or more content!!! Give her a snuggle for us!

    Be Blessed!

  69. beautiful pics!
    you wanted to know of something special we did today, well i am going to cook my delicious fish tacos for my man tonight. he is getting to play a round of golf this afternoon, and i am having a picnic lunch with my kids outside just as soon as i am done here...

  70. She is so sweet! I can really see she is growing!

  71. just precious! really melts your heart! Have a wonderful weekend with your girls!

  72. Too too sweet! Look at her little face. She's beautiful!! These pics made me tear up when I saw them. How wonderful!! She's made such wonderful progress!! Praise the Lord


  73. She is precious. I know this is under the wrong spot but I wanted to make a suggestion about a song. Whenever I see that tiny blessing of yours or your "how can she still be so dang beautiful after being in the hospital wife", I always think of the song Ordinary Miracle by Sarah McLachlan. That would be perfect for them. Tabatha

  74. She is just precious! I have tears after looking at those beautiful pictures.

  75. This reminds me of the song by Plumb, "In My Arms." If you haven't heard it, you have to listen to it. What a beautiful baby! God bless!

  76. So sweet! These pictures make me tear up a little. You can see in the pictures that she's changing. Is her hair red?

  77. I have recently come to your blog, and though I have not taken the time to read every entry, I have thoroughly enjoyed the parts I have read. I saw you had a contest recently for a song to put on Gwyneth Rose' video. I'm sure you already have it picked out, but I have another song you might like for another time. It is called Welcome to the World, by Go Fish. It made me think of you.

  78. What an adorable little peanut, munchkin, rosebud, whatever little name you know her by. Those pictures are so sweet! They capture a good bit of what you must feel when you get to hold her and love her. Nice nice way to end my computer day.

  79. As she grows and gets bigger I REALLY see you in her! Sorry, Tricia! :) Praise God that Gwyneth is doing so great! Yay! Prayers and positive thoughts to you and your family always!

  80. What a punkin! Gwyneth's cute, too...LOL

  81. I'm addicted Nathan. I keep looking even though I know you are not going to post anything else. :)

  82. How incredibly beautiful! And to see her just on a cannula at her age!
    GOD IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!
    I love the pictures! I just snuggled my own little ones to bed.

    Still praying in Newport News.

  83. oh my god.... straight from heaven. truly a gift. how special a moment. the lighting on the one pictures likes straight from the brightest cloud in the sky. my grandma use to say that's the cloud the angels sit on... god bless

  84. Beautiful photos ... a Dad who loves his girl.

  85. What an angle! So great to see her sweet face. She looks so much like you, Nate. God bless!

    Now for some new lungs for Mommy...!

  86. Very cool! Thanks for sharing!

  87. Must make your heart skip a beat. May He bless your family.

    Heidi~mom to five, three have CF

  88. what sweet pics of daddy and daddy's little girl...
    enjoy both of your girls on this 'leap day' and every other day!
    Still praying for you and your family.....

  89. what great pictures! There is nothing more special then holding your own child. Gwyneth is so precious.

  90. That is so beautiful! She looks like her daddy! :)

  91. Yea!!! I love the new pictures. How amazing and beautiful!!

  92. She is absolutely adorable :) You are in my thoughts and prayers!

  93. WOW! Your daughter is truly beautiful - in many senses of the word. As I have watched her grow through your pictures the last several weeks, I have been once again struck at our God's handiwork. Truly he is the author and sustainer of life and Gwyneth Rose is beautiful in that she testifies to that in a special way. To God be the glory!

  94. Aww, Gwyneth is getting so big, and looking so beautiful! A beautiful little child of God ;)

    Just thought this might be an interesting read:

    After seeing the pictures of you cuddling Gwenyth, I was reminded of this story....Apparently, a "cuddle" can go a long way for a preemie :)

  95. She is simply beautiful!!!!

    Love, The Hagers in Michigan

  96. Nate,

    I love the nose to nose shot. I'm so glad you and baby doll are getting so close. Keep the pictures coming!

  97. What a beautful baby girl!!
    Still praying...


  98. There is just nothing more amazing or beautiful! I'm so excited for you (Tricia) to be able to see pictures of Nate with your baby girl!

  99. Beautiful pictures! She is such a precious little angel. Sending prayers up for you and your family.

  100. simply beautiful.
    it's a moment thay will never be forgotten.

  101. She looks precious with just her nasal cannula!! I love her little hat...I'm sure you've saved all her little hats and diapers so she can take to school for show and tell.. What a miracle she is. Praise God for her.
    Dana J

  102. What adorable pics!! She is a gift from God!

  103. Goodmorning,
    you and Tricia have the most BEAUTIFUL BABY! This shows once again: the miracles God can do! Isn't she purrrrrfect!
    I'm actually Afrikaans speaking, so I'm going to teach you something in Afr today: "Ek bid vir julle!" = I pray for you!
    May you have a wonderful day with you precious family.
    Sunny SA greetings...


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