
Saturday, March 1, 2008

My Leap Day

Here's some of what I did with the extra lead year day today:

Got a great nights sleep.

Got to the hospital around 9:30am as Tricia was waking up and spent the morning helping her get ready for the day.

Spent time with my parents and Tricia, playing Skipbo and Pass The Pigs.

Took a walk with Tricia (in a wheelchair) down to spend 15 minutes with our baby girl, who was awake the entire time, smiling and showing off that wink I taught her.

Took my parents out to eat at the California Pizza Kitchen (sooooo gooooood....) while Tricia spent time with her two sisters.

Swung by the hotel to grab our mail, change clothes, spend a few minutes with the puppy and head back to the hospital.

Spent a few more minutes with my baby, and now am off to bed.

Let us know (if you haven't already) what you did extra special for somebody today.



  1. I did nothing nearly as meaningful as you did, Nathan. But I did have do funny blog post about Leap Day with the help of my three standard poodles.

  2. I have never been the first to comment. Didn't even finish the post so I could be first. HAHA. Anyway I LOVE Pass the Pigs. My husband is not so fond of it. I better go and finish reading the last half of your post and see if I made it firstin line:)

  3. Oh I didn't get to be first. Okay now that I finished reading the post I just wanted to say I am so glad that Trish got to go see Gwyneth. I can only imagine how much she is longing to hold her sweet little girls and to be the one to care for her. We are praying that time comes soon.
    As for my Leap day I spent the day cleaning my house up for some friends coming into town. I also tried to spend lots of timing loving on my two sweet baby girls. I had four miscarriages before I had my first daughter and I always thought I would never forget the blessing and miracle that she is in our lives, however now that she is three and getting a bit strong willed and messy I occasionally get frustrated with her. I have been reminded by your blog and other blogs to not take one second for granted with my girls (and my husband of course). I have been trying to thank Gd for the face that I have toys strewn across my house cause I would never trade this chaos for the peace and quiet I once had. The love and joy and smiles my girls bring to me is worth it all.

  4. I cleaned the bathrooms, did 4 loads of laundry and wiped the TV, fridge and computer off. (sticky toddler hands all over everything)

    Does that count? No? Well too bad. That's what I did today.

    So glad Tricia got to see Gwyneth. That is wonderful. Thank you for the updates!

  5. Nate and Tricia, I want you to know how much through out each day I think about your family and pray for you. "God is a mighty God" and knows what's best for all of you. Your faith shines as a beacon to all those you come in contact with, on the blog or at the hospital. God is in the miracle making business as you already have your miracle baby. Your faith will sustain you with each breath for many years! Praying in Rome, Georgia!

  6. Glad you had a good day, Nathan! As for me, I got snowed in tonight, and added some more touches to my new blog. That's the "extra special" thing I did because it's in memory of my sweet boy Tyler. Still praying for you all!


  7. Today, I took my 3 kids to a birthday party. Then I spent the day getting ready for my sweet daughter's ninth birthday party. (Her birthday is the fourth...but party tomorrow!!) I suppose that is a little extra special. Love to hear of your family.

  8. Well...I haven't done anything yet. BUT...I'm about to go pick up my cousin from the airport. She is visiting me in Alaska...and it is the first time I have seen family in about six months. I have been so excited all day that I've barely been able to sit down.

  9. Gwyneth, you are a beautiful baby! So strong and amazing. You look adorable. Grow strong, bebe, grow strong!

  10. I played with my 3 year old daugther and took a video and photos of it. True- i play with her a lot...but today I remember that with CF and all things in life, you dont take a moment to enjoy the time you're given and thank God for the chance to love so great.
    (pictures and soon videos at

  11. I've never posted on your blogs before [though I've been reading them daily for quite some time now].

    I read your blog about Leap Day.... about doing something extra special for someone today. It inspired me to be more proactive about encouraging people to be part of something larger than themselves. I asked a number of my friends to commit to re-gifting a portion of the surplus 24 hours that they have been given to tornado clean-up on Sunday, as part of a ministry in which area churches are participating. What better way is there to spend the Lord's Day than to feed His sheep? I then listed all the reasons why I am going to do it...and pleaded that, if they cannot help, then please pray for us, serve in another ministry, or serve others in a less-public forum.

    Anyway, this extra day is a gift. Thanks for mentioning it.

  12. For my Leap Day, to help someone, I ordered a country ham to be sent to my brother-in-law (who lives 800 miles from me) and was recently diagnosed with terminal lung cancer because I know how much he loves it. Hopefully, it will encourage him to eat because has no appetite and is rapidly losing his strength.
    I'm glad you both got to spend time with Gwyneth today.

  13. Well, it could have been a better day in our house. Poor hubby had some major dental work done and is very sore. Plus he had to have blood drawn. When he got home, we planned to take our 2 year old daughter to the park. While getting ready, I tripped in the bedroom and sprained my ankle and bruised up knee. To make matters worse, I was just getting over having fallen about 3 weeks ago and spraining the OTHER ankle and busting up the other knee. So, all in all, a day of soreness in my house. At least our daughter is doing well! She's the silver lining.

    I am glad you had a relaxing day. Loved the pictures! Hope you all rest well tonight.

  14. Ohhh Happy Leap Day! Anyways, It has been great to catch up and here all the wonderful news! Glad you and Tricia had some time with your sweet little Rose, she is Beautiful and what a cool little yellow hat, great pics! Glad you had some time with your families as well! Pass the pigs? I will look that up, sounds interesting! I cut the weeds/grass today, fixed a drain line in the yard, played with the girls, Bari worked, we told the girls if they cleaned there rooms up we had a surprise for them! They worked well as a team, and did a great job....the surprise was Veggie Tales "Pirates that do Nothing" in Manteo(Love that little theatre), and when Bari got home from work I had the girls ready, and I took my Girls out for Darrell's Nutritious Fried Food before the Movie, we had a Big time, T,Allison,and Colin were at the movies too! Love you guys, prayers from Manteo!


  15. Pass the pigs is such a fun game!!!

    Didn't do much different today than I do any other Friday. I did get to go to Target...that was extra fun! I'm glad you had a great day with your family!

  16. I allowed someone to beat me at scrabble, dealt out bigger portions of grub at work and told my hubby and son I loved them....Ok I admit I do these things every day!

    Glad to hear Tricia got to spend some time with Gwyneth and that your day was a good one.

  17. I took my 4 kids to see Alvin and the Chipmunks: first time to the movies for my 2.5 year old- he laughed out LOUD the whole time, it was hilarious!

  18. I made a skirt for my future daughter who I will be adopting in China. I posted pictures on my blog.

  19. I spent the day cleaning the lab at work, which might not really sound like a "nice thing for others" but it's been one of those things we were all suppose to do weeks ago but nobody's done it, so I cancelled my experiment, put a note on the door saying "no entry", put my lab coat on, 2 pairs of gloves, and filled one bottle with germ killing liquid and the other with ethanol and cleaned!!! By 6.30pm last night I'd cleaned everything till it sparkled. I felt very accomplished by the end of it, exhausted as well, but a good exhaustion :)

  20. So after the fabulous Wright Flight Celebration at FFES, I enjoyed a nap and was the awakened by the troops who reminded me that we needed to attend the FCA promotion at the Ark.

    Frozen pizza in the oven - wash hands and faces, hurry and eat and off we go.

    FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) is a faith based program that is happening in our middle and high schools right now. One morning per week before school, students and teachers gather for prayer and bible study - There is a group of kids that play in a band called Servant's Heart that leads in praise and worship. I got to hear them last night - these kids are fantastic, and blew away any American Idol wanna be!!!

    What a blessing to have this program in our schools. God can and will use these students and teachers to reach out to those in need. This is evidenced by the attendance seen already. FCA is in need of a staff member in this area but does not have the funds to bring someone on board as of yet. Please prayerfully consider an investment commitment to this fabulous organization that again is infultrating our government run schools - you know the ones who don't allow prayer in our schools.

    For more information on where to contribute please email Dan Wall at

    Praise God for this extra day to reach some to discover life in Christ.

  21. made brownies from scratch with my husband, fixed one of his favorite meals (pasta, white sauce and shrimp... with roasted garlic and olive oil bread)
    talked to my parents for TWO hours on the phone, who had been out of the country for a month.

  22. On Monday I was praying for God's blessings. I was down in the dumps that day and just told God that I wanted to be blessed that day. He put a person in our path from church that has a college age child on CO. that found she had a tumor on her brain but couldn't afford to get there to be with her. God laid it on our heart to get her there with some award travel we had been accummulating thru a credit card. Last nite we made the reservations and today she leaves to be with her daughter. God answered that prayer of blessing for me. Blessing others blesses me. Our God is so awesome!

  23. awwww...i love pass the pigs!! i remember playing that a million times when i drove to florida one time!!!

    i had a great leap day and kind of took your advice. instead of laying my son down for a nap, we slept together in the recline for 2 hours!!! no laundry!!! no dishes! no vaccuming!!

    then last night my sister and her family, my parents and my husband, son and i went out to dinner for my dad's birthday!!!! Great family day!!!

    thank you for sharing your awesome day!

  24. Today I invested in my son's life by teaching him the ways of the Texas Inn in Lynchburg, Va. I feel this was an investment he will carry with him for years and years to come. Perhaps one day he too will pass on the T room skills to my grandchildren.

  25. So happy that you had a good day......I'm going through each day very slowly. My mom passed away on Feb. each day seems tough right now. I like coming here and reading your positive posts. Your family is beautiful.

  26. Funny...I just sat down to read your morning post with my two (almost 3) year old daughter. When she saw Tricia's picture at the top of your blog, she gasped and said "Mama, it's Hannah Montana!" I thought that would make you smile this morning.

  27. WONDERFUL,WONDERFUL....Tricia got to spend time with Gwyneth.
    We watched videos of when 2 of our 3 boys were little. We (hubby & I) cried, laughed, cried some more. the older 2 thought it was hilarious. Then our youngest son woke from a very late nap and said "hey, where am I" So, today were going to find our little cam. and make movies with all 3 boys and all the snow that we are getting.

  28. What did I do extra special? I worked with little babies early this morning. I IM'd for an hour with a friend who is having a difficult time right now. I held a baby that is one day older than Gwyneth. I prayed for your family and mine.

    Today on the first day of March, I am going to spend part of my day with a friend watching basketball.

  29. Well, I spent the day at my son's school teaching Kindergarten kiddos how to draw their self portrait. They turn out really cute. We(PTO) have them made into tiles that we put on the cafeteria wall. My friend did something amazing on Leap Day! She got Married!

    Glad you and your family had a wonderful Leap Day!

  30. Loaded wedding stuff into the back of my truck for Gail. (Niece's wedding today.)

    I drove my wife to a place where she saw a bald eagle in the wild. (I've seen them several times before, but she was skeptical.)

    Stopped twice on the trip to Duke for her.

    Took her out for a fabulous lunch at the Duke Hospital cafeteria.

    Spent time in wonder with our grandaughter Gwyneth.

    Played games with Tricia and Nate and Gail.

    Enjoyed dinner with Nate and Gail.

    Got a good night's sleep!

  31. i did what you tell us all to do more of, spend a lil' more time w/ a loved one. my husband had to go back in to work late last night. so claire and i settled into bed w/ not just 1 but 4 books to read and then we stayed snuggled up just like that till an hour ago. thanks nate for sharing your days with us.

  32. I worked on Leap Day, but I volunteered to work Sunday for one of my college student co-workers who has a huge amount of school-related things that she is stressing about. I loved the look of relief on her face.

    Prayers still being sent up from Florida for you and the girls.

  33. I took you seriously and I donated a bunch of clean, gently used baby clothes to a woman I've never met who's in a tough spot right now... her friends are having a "virtual baby shower" for her. I don't know any of them, but was thought it was the right thing to light of the leap year day command! :)
    Spread the wealth of bloggity friendship!

  34. I'm so glad God blessed us with an extra day in February. My daughter and two grandchildren from Colorado spent the month with me and that gave me one more special day to spend with them. After taking them to the Norfolk airport to send them on their way, instead of rushing straight back to the Outer Banks to try to get in a couple of hours of work, I veered off at the Elizabeth City turn off and found my way to Albemarle Hospital to see my friend Claire Drake who is recovering from major surgery. She was surprised and I was blessed. She is doing well and my family arrived safely to Colorado. God is so good. Love, Barbara

  35. Spent some sweet time with my baby girl, then went on a date with my best friend, my husband!

  36. Although nothing I got to do could match your wonderful day, I got the honor of working with my cardaic patients at Dare Heart Center and then I spent the evening with my wonderful husband and two beautiful granddaughters. We took the girls shopping, out to dinner (audrey loves greenbeans and chose to eat them over her fries)and then we got to let them spend the night with us. What a wonderful way to spend the extra day God has given to us.

  37. It wasn't I who did something special. It was my husband. My 2 yo DD and I were very sick with the flu. Even though my DH was coming down with it too, he took care of us. He brought me a cold washcloth, a water bottle, my medicines, and made me chicken noodle soup. He also took care of our 2 year old who was feverish all day and then threw-up all over him last night. He is a pretty special huband and father. Today my DD and I are feeling much better and DH is in bed with a fever. It's my turn to take care of him now.
    Those are some neat photos of Gwyneth smiling. Tricia is looking bright and beautiful! She is amazing.

  38. I was able to love my family, do my best at work, then at 4pm went to a memorial service for a local lady that worked very hard at filling every hour available to her. So, having this day to hold a service for her just seemed fitting;0)

  39. I was at the pediatric clinic today diagnosing patients and making them feel all better. (I am in school to be a pediatric nurse practitioner.)


  40. My husband is in the Navy and he has been gone for a few weeks. He'll finally be back today, so yesterday I stocked up on all of his favorite foods, baked his favorite muffins, and organized his side of the closet. :)

  41. Nate--I thought I was the only person in the world who played "Pass the Pigs!" I also love SkipBo. If you're ever looking for another game, try "Five Crowns." It's a card game and highly addicting--and so much fun!

  42. Well, what special thing did I do for leap day?-

    I homeschool our two boys and yesterday we went on a field trip!! What a treat for them and me since we are home most of the time. We went to a huge dairy where they give you a tour of the whole operation, watch a baby cow be born, they have a cheese factory, restaraunt, museum, and lots of other fun stuff.
    It is located between Indianapolis and Chicago so if anyone reading this is ever in that area, I would recomend going.
    You can get more info at

    So, it was a "special" day for us!!

  43. Since you asked twice...I gave my kids the day off from homeschooling and took them to the a hot springs pool in our area . Ages 5,3, and 1. Trying to keep track of them by myself was quite a chore (my husband was at work). Someday you will get to know what I mean when just one little person requires so much 'gear' and attention - it's the best!

  44. I spent time with my handsome little 6 month old and helped him learn to sit up! Last year I would have never thought I would have enjoyed being puked on so You'll have that sooner than you think!

  45. Get up at six thirty to go to a funeral service from a CF Friend of mine who died last week:( Of course not going wasn't an option, but it was really really early... :P

  46. It was more what my daughter did for me.

    Last week she had surgery to remove her tonsils and adnoids and have a g-tube placed.
    We have been trying all week to get her to take oral feeds again. And she has wanted nothing to do with a bottle.
    Yesterday she took a bottle like a pro. No choking or sputtering or throwing up.

    So I spent the day feeding my daughter!

  47. Something special for someone: I signed up to walk for March of Dimes "March for Babies" and at work, within 2 hours, raised $570 and the amount is growing rapidly. I lost my son in November to extreme prematurity (born 23w6d and lived 30 days). This walk is for him, Gwenyth, and all micro preemies.

    P.S. Love that smiling picture! She feels your presence.

  48. I phoned a friend(it was her birthday) She is 8 years old in leap years which makes her body 32 years old! We had a great laugh over the phone! I love the new pictures of you girls smiling!

  49. It would have been my grandfathers 21st birthday yesterday (Yup his birthday was once every four years), and about nine years after his death he is making one final trip. His ashes were finally cleared to be sent to Japan for a Navy burial at sea. His ashes are being flown to Japan as I type this.

    I smiled all day yesterday.

    So glad to see that your girls continue to do well, still praying out here in Oregon.

  50. My leap day started out with dropping my three kids off at school. That's always a fun part of my day. (He,He) Then I went and helped my friend get her horse and trailer moved over to a friends house. They needed to store the horse and trailer while waiting for their barn to be complete. Our small group, which my friend is part of, all got together later that evening and helped them get all their stuff moved to their new place. The guys did the grunt work while the girls helped clean the old place. We had a great time fellowshipping and helping one of the body of Christ.

    The pics of Gwyneth smiling were absolutely precious. Thank you for sharing.

    Glad you had a good leap day too. :)

  51. My Leap Day. I got up VERY early to cook 24 of the 48 briskets I have to cook this weekend for our annual Sisterhood Bazaar. Usually take the day off but my fill-in person for me at work was out of town so I had to run back and forth between cooking and working! Then came home and got dressed to come to Friday night services, temple board officer installation followed by a nice dinner. A good day overall. And, my daughter's good friend got to celebrate her 6th real birthday yesterday as she is a Leap Year baby.

  52. My kids & I called my Mom to sing her happpy birthday. This is her 'offical' 16th & she's having fun sharing it with her first grandson, who turned 16 in Nov. He sent her a card saying he's glad to have someone his age in the family to relate with - very funny kid!

  53. My Dear Hubby and I spent about 30 minutes in front of a sonogram screen watching the little miracle we just found out about! God is awesome!! As if I really needed another reason for saying that after following your family's story I just got another!!

  54. On leap day I did my first interview to see if I could participate in a medical study. And I am so excited to be eligable! Woo-hoo!
    Thanks for the reminder a few days ago that we should make a contribution if we can!


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