
Saturday, March 22, 2008

Life & Death

Tomorrow, Tricia and I will join with millions of others as we remember the Death and celebrate the Life of One so long ago that has given the hope of Life for All.

I wanted to write something about the meaning and importance of Easter to Tricia and I, but I remembered this post and really couldn't think of anything that I could say better than what has already been written.

The following was originally posted on 2.22.08 (exactly one month ago, the day Tricia was listed).

Death is a reality of life. Depending on your views of God, family, religion, life, ethics, etc., you may look at death in a different way than we do...but none of us can deny that the physical death of our bodies is inevitable.

Organ Donation, whether from a living or deceased donor, is perhaps the greatest gift one person can give another.

Today, we have celebrated the fact that Tricia has been activated to receive a double lung transplant. We celebrate because Tricia is being given an opportunity to continue living beyond the next few months. We celebrate because there are people in this world who have chosen to use their death to be a blessing to others.

A healthy organ donor can be a blessing to up to 7 different people through their death.

Today, 78 people (in the US) received the organ donation that they have been waiting for.

It is for these reasons that we celebrate.

But, for Tricia and the nearly 100,000 other patients waiting for an organ donation to continue living, people who have made the choice to be donors have to die. And for those people (and their families) who gave the ultimate gift yesterday, today and tomorrow, we say "thank you" with all sincerity and humility.

We do not celebrate the death of an organ donor. But, we do celebrate their gift of life.

We do not pray for a donor to die (God knows that death doesn't need any more of our "help"). But, we do pray that through their gift of life, their family is going to be helped in their grieving process because of their loved one's gift of life.

We have been waiting for this day for a long time, knowing, as much as humanly possible, all that it means for us and the donor and our families and friends. We have also been praying for the donor and family and friends for just as long.

We ask that you pray and think about Tricia's donor with us. For some more great insight on how to do this, please take a few moments to Read This.

Thank you very much.



  1. PRAISE GOD...but you seriously made me nervous with the word death in the heart sank...but I'm glad to hear the good news!
    give Trish my love!

  2. I'll be spending some time in prayer for you in the next 30 min....thanks for once again laying this on my heart.

  3. Praying for your family and your donor and his/her family,

    -Dawn and Carl in Hillsboro, Oregon

  4. We are praying for you guys, the donor and their family. What a gift organ donation is!

    With love and hope,

    Jen- William's Mom

  5. PTL that Tricia is listed and activated, and that Gwyneth is still doing well! I will pray that a donor is realized for Tricia and as always for healing and strength for you, your family, and Gwyneth. Oh, and when do we find out who one the song contest? LOL! Hope you are are doing well, and God Bless! The Hagemeisters! =)

  6. Prayers continue for you guys and the donor family.

    Praying that the Lord grants you peace and patience as you wait.

    In Christ

  7. Hi Nate,

    First off..hello. Is been a while since I posted. I check in everyday...more than once, if I am honest. :) I am absoulutely tickled that Tricia has been activated on the transplant list. I will continue to pray for her future donor, as God has a plan for each of us...He has known long before who her donor will actually be! I will continue to pray for all of , Tricia, Gywneth, and your extended family.

    I read your post...three posts ago...I know it is hard posting as you often as you do....Don't worry about any of us "followers"... I think that you are doing an impecable job, given the circumstances. "We" are not in the "right to know"...we are merely fortunate that we are on the journey. Regardless of what we know...prayers should come. Speaking for myself, I want nothing less than for God's will to be. Tricia, you , and Gwyneth have an unconditional cheerleader in me! Praying for yuou all!

    San Doegp,Ca

  8. Thank you so much for letting us know y'alls good news!! We will be praying for your family, and for the donor.

  9. okay...I can type..

    San Diego,Ca

  10. Tricia and Nate,

    I have been following your blog since the beginning of January but I have never commented. I have been searching for the right time and the right way to tell you how thankful I am for your openness and honesty and for sharing your story. Over the past several months I have been praying about a decsion that I recently made and your story helped me to make this decision. I told my husband and our close friend who has been waiting for a kidney transplant for over a year that I would like to be tested as a possible donor. I went in last week for bloodwork and yesterday we received word that our crossmatch is negative (this is good, as you know!) and I will be going in next week for further tests to determine if I will be able to donate a kidney for our friend. Thank you for sharing your story. Thank you for being so honest and open and for sharing your faith with us all. You are in my prayers daily.

  11. What a fantastic surprise! We've been away from the computer, and I'm so glad I checked in on you guys before bed. Praise God for more answered prayers!! :)

    We're continuing to pray for Tricia, Gwyneth, and the donor family. God's plan is always perfect! May He receive the Glory!

    We're elated that Tricia has reached this milestone. She has come such a long way since Gwyneth's birth! Hugs to all 3 of you!!

    Praying for continued miracles,
    The Edwards family

  12. Thanks for the time you put into this post, Nate. I also very much appreciated your dad's post about praying for the donor.

    I commented on his that I not only pray for the donor and is family, but I pray for more people to make that decision to donate. Perhaps Tricia's donor hasn't made that decision yet, we don't know, but we need to be in prayer for "just plain" more donors! I also pray for the salvation of Tricia's donor, that they will be ready to meet God when it happens.

    As been said, we aren't praying for anyone to die, we are rejoicing that Tricia has this wonderful option and the gift she will receive. The gift you and Gwyneth will receive!

    Have a good night, Lawrensons! Sweet dreams!

  13. What a heavy subject. But it makes me even more glad that Organ Donor appears on my driver's license...

  14. Beautifully stated, Nathan. Will continue to pray for all.

  15. All great reasons why I am an organ donor. I haven't posted to tell Tricia congrats on being listed. I am so, so happy. What an answer to prayer. Look at your map! Tricia and Nate and Gwyneth, look how many lives you've touched! Simply amazing!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Your story has touched my heart so much and has given me a better understanding of being an organ donor. I registered today and it feels so good!
    Praying that you all will feel the Lord's peace and comfort!

    Blessings from Arizona

  18. Hi Nate!

    What great news! I really want to donate to the trust fundfor Trish, but I live in Canada. Therefore,I don't think that you would be able to cash a cheque if I sent one. A mailed cheque donation was the only option that I saw on her website. Is there some other method of payment that I could use that would get to you successfully? I do donate to a CF foundation in Canada as I had a student with CF. This is different, though. I want this donation to go directly to you and Trish and Gwyn.Help?

  19. Nate, that was so beautifully written. I cannot imagine being in a position to thank someone's family for that persons gift but praying you will be there soon, you could simply print that out and give it to them. As much as I wouldn't want it to be me or one of my loved ones who gives that gift, healing would begin after reading what you just wrote.

    Many prayers for your family.

  20. Nate, would you mind if I shared my own personal, positive experience with organ donation? And maybe other commenters could chime in with similar experiences?

    My mother passed away two years ago. She was always adamant about being an organ donor, but unfortunately died of lung cancer and her organs couldn't be used. However..her corneas could be! A couple of hours after I closed her eyes (I got to her hospital room seconds after her last breath), my cell phone tweedled annoyingly. It was the hospital's cornea donor team (I'm sure there's a better term for it but I don't know it, sorry), asking my permission to harvest her corneas. I had just fallen into an exhausted sleep and crankily asked them why they couldn't wait 'till morning to call. Well, duh. But they were extremely caring and sensitive in telling me why they had to wake me to harvest her corneas ASAP.

    A month or so later I got a beautiful letter and a pin from that foundation. I was and still am devastated by my mother's death. But her gift allowed two people to see that otherwise wouldn't have.

    Be an organ donor. And tell your family of your wishes, repeatedly and emphatically, so that if it's two in the morning and they're crying and exhausted, there will be no question of your wishes.

    There's been over a million hits to this site. It's possible that someone who's heard Tricia's story could end up being her donor. Their lungs would fill again with air and sing God's praises every day for the gift of a renewed chance at life. It's something to think about.

  21. life is such a delicate thing. thank you for reminding me of that.

    many happy thoughts and well wishes to tricia and your entire family.

  22. long time reader, first time commenter...

    i can do nothing but lift your family up in prayer. i don't have any magic words or uplifting song lyrics, but i can tell you that reading your story has made me stop and consider where i lay my treasures. thank you for taking the time to heart is full of love for you whom i've never met.

  23. Well said. I will be lifting the donor and the family up in prayer.

  24. A spouse to a dear friend at work had a heart transplant almost 2 years ago. They too had been praying for the precious family that would suffer a loss so that he might live. They have made the first contact expressing their love and gratitude but have not yet met. They were very humbled by this gift of life that was handed to them through death. But when we think about it, isn't that what our life - our eternal life - is a result of?

  25. Awesome news Nate and great writing! You explained that very well. We will be praying for each of you involved in this process. The donor and family, Trisha, Nate & Gwyneth, the medical team, the other relatives on all sides! The Lord is good and that is not based on a Dr's report. "Thank you Lord for this report, we trust you with all the details."

  26. Praying even today for Tricia's donor.

    Continuously praying for Trish & Gwyneth.

    My love && big hugs to y'all!

  27. Praying! Praying for Tricia, praying for the donor's family, praying for a perfect match.

  28. I have always been opposed to being an organ donor, BUT I am really starting to look at this issue from a different perspective, much in part to all you (Tricia) are going through. I haven't made a clear decision as of yet, but I will say that I am now leaning towards seeing that the benefits of being an organ donator are outweighing the religious reasoning I have always adhered to. Anyhow, I thank you Nate (and Trish) for helping me to see organ donation from the best eyes- from those in need, and thank you for helping me see all the benefits of being an organ donor! Still Praying For You!

  29. Very well put. All involved are in my prayers.

  30. About organ donation....I have a friend that received a double lung transplant last October. The donor that she got her lungs from ended up saving ten (or was it eleven?) people's lives that made record breaking history at that hospital!
    Stay strong...remember you have over one million people's thoughts and prayers on your side. :-)

  31. praying!

    when I was leaving the dentist office the other day, I saw a sticker on a car in the parking lot for donating life!!! YEAH! Said a special prayer for you and all awaiting the gift of life, as well as the donor families!

  32. Absolutely praying for Tricia's new organs! We do not control death-death will happen in it's time to everyone. We are praying that whoever that will be at Tricia's time of need, will be a match for her.
    I sincerely hope that no one will be so insensitive and incapable of grasping this concept will post anything to rob you, Tricia,your family and friends of your joy and hope for this blessing.
    Praying for an extension of Tricia's beautiful life through the ending of someone else's.

  33. praying for you all today....and all those families who will choose to give life in the event of the death of a loved is a precious gift they offer


  34. Great post!! I have always thought about organ donation and now, after meeting you and Tricia, I will definately be an organ donor. It is a wonderful gift!!

  35. You've convinced me to be an organ donor. Your thoughts are so gently persuasive.

    Praying for you. To God be all glory!

  36. Nathan
    thank you & your Dad for the wonderful insight
    God Bless
    Showering you all lovingly
    with Prayers

  37. I am so glad Tricia has been listed and activated, and I'm giving thanks along with you. Also praying for a good match to come soon, and praying for all the families who have the courage to make the gift of organ donation.
    May the peace of the Lord be always with you.

    I have been praying for Tricia to be listed...Now I will pray for the gift of new lungs to come swiftly and effectively!
    Still praying for you and your beautiful baby girl, Gwyneth as well!
    ~ Dana Haupfear

  39. Thank you for all the information. We are praying for you guys and you have educated me on CF and the transplant process. Thank You-

  40. This post made me think of the story of Jason Ray, the UNC mascot who was tragically killed. Here's a link to a story about him:

    It's tragic what happened to him, but at the same time, so....inspiring, b/c of the gift of life that he was able to give to so many families.

  41. I will try to keep this short...our family pray for your family every night at dinner, my 5 year old son was praying the other night and it was the sweetest thing to hear a 5 year old pray for a family that he only hears about. You truly are in our prayers! Still love the feets pictures :o)

  42. My Dad passed away in October. He was a donor. We received word that some of his organs were used.

    Thank you and your dad for the what you wrote concerning donors. We are still grieving, but we are thankful for the lives that were blessed.


  43. I just wanted to say that Trish and the entire family are in my prayers! I've been following your journey! I'm actually a CF Patient who will be celebrating 4 yrs since transplant tomorrow, Feb.
    25th. I received a LIVING donor double lung transplant due to CF taking over my body. It's truly a miracle from God! Best wishes for a transplant soon and speedy recovery!

  44. Thank you for this post. My sister-in-law received a double lung transplant over a year ago and not a day goes by where we aren't thankful of the wonderful gift she received from her donor's family.

  45. Beautifully and eloquently stated. Thoughts and prayers - always.

  46. I've been thinking all day how awesome it would be, on the day we celebrate being given new life by Christ's resurrection, for Tricia to be given "new life" via transplant.

    It could happen.

  47. Thinking of you both... take care and Happy Easter...

  48. Tricia & Nate,
    Still praying as always for both of you and Gwyneth.

    I hope y'all have a blessed Easter!

  49. I like your Dad's idea!! Wouldn't that just be sooo like God to add such an awesome exclamation point to the incredible story that He is revealing in and through you! Oh, Lord, let it be! And may the family of the donor, even in the midst of their deep sorrow and loss, be still able to rejoice that their loved one is spending this Easter in the presence of the One who gives life and meaning to everything!

  50. We do not celebrate the death of an organ donor. But, we do celebrate their gift of life.

    We do not pray for a donor to die (God knows that death doesn't need any more of our "help"). But, we do pray that through their gift of life, their family is going to be helped in their grieving process because of their loved one's gift of life.

    We have been waiting for this day for a long time, knowing, as much as humanly possible, all that it means for us and the donor and our families and friends. We have also been praying for the donor and family and friends for just as long.

    You found the right words to describe exactly how I feel, these feelings I could not put into words but you have done that and I thank you. I would love to quote you on my blog? my email is please drop me a line if it is ok to do so. always in my thoughts, Sam xx

  51. We do not celebrate the death of an organ donor. But, we do celebrate their gift of life.

    We do not pray for a donor to die (God knows that death doesn't need any more of our "help"). But, we do pray that through their gift of life, their family is going to be helped in their grieving process because of their loved one's gift of life.

    We have been waiting for this day for a long time, knowing, as much as humanly possible, all that it means for us and the donor and our families and friends. We have also been praying for the donor and family and friends for just as long.

    You found the right words to describe exactly how I feel, these feelings I could not put into words but you have done that and I thank you. I would love to quote you on my blog? my email is please drop me a line if it is ok to do so. always in my thoughts, Sam xx


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