
Saturday, March 22, 2008


Interestingly enough, both Tricia and I, and apparently some of our family have all had the same thoughts and prayers without knowing it, until this evening...that it would be very cool if Tricia were to get the call for her new lungs on Easter Sunday. (see my last post for why we think this would be cool)

It's been exactly one month since Tricia was listed, which was about the number of days that our doctors told us to expect to wait.

We've been told that the weekends are the best days for receiving the call.

Please, consider praying and/or hoping with us specifically for...

> New, healthy lungs
> Tricia to stay stable as she is really on the brink of not doing well
> The donor and family

Again, tomorrow would be a great day for this miracle of life through death, but as always, we pray for God's will, knowing that His plan is always best...just, maybe, tomorrow will be the best for Tricia.



  1. Praying as always for all 3 of you from Dallas....Hope you have a wonderful Easter...thanks for the updates and the video of you and Gwyneth was precious. She is beautiful and ya'll are so blessed!!

  2. It's not our timing, but His... but it will happen and I pray it is tomorrow. You've got our prayers, as always.

  3. I will be praying that Tricia gets her lungs tomorrow. How amazing would that be!! I'm getting ready to turn the computer off, and my husband Jason and I will have some extra prayer time to pray for these things specifically!

    It was so great meeting you and Tricia. I knew from reading your blog what wonderful people you were, but until meeting you in person and seeing the way you both light up a room with your smiles and personalities.. I didn't realize just HOW awesome!
    Tricia is so beautiful inside and out! And she has such a sweet spirit about her.

    Ok, I'm off now, so that J and I can go pray. You guys have a great night and I hope to see you tomorrow!

  4. Nate, I will be lifting Tricia up in prayer. For her health, that it stays stable, and for the call about her new lungs, that it comes in His time. Have a wonderful, blessed Easter- your first as new parents!

  5. Oh, and PS, that His time is soon! like tomorrow! 8-)

  6. We'll pray the call comes at sunrise!

    He is risen indeed!

    Praying right now!

  7. May the Peace of God that transcends all understanding guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Sleep well tonight, Nate and Tricia (and tiny Gwyneth)!

  8. I will definitely be praying. God's will be done.

    As for God, His way is perfect.

  9. Praying!

    With love and hope,

    Jen-William's Mom

  10. Praying that tomorrow is the day that you get the call.

    In Christ


  11. praying that everyday is "the" day. :)

  12. Praying for you guys! Praying for healthy lungs soon!!

  13. Just think...

    In a way, Jesus received new lungs on Easter. He took his first breath, after being resurrected.

    So I'm praying for Easter lungs for Tricia, but mostly for God's will to be done.

    I also loved the new photos you've posted of Gwyneth. She's adorable!

    Hugs from El Paso

  14. Praying with all my heart. My 8 yo daughter has taking a loving interest in your family, and is praying for you as well.

    God bless you this Easter Day--in every possible way!


  15. Happy first Easter, Gwyneth Rose! Praying for your mommy's new lungs TODAY. :)

  16. I'm with you in spirit, thought and prayer--100 %.

    God's blessings upon you.

    Happy Resurrection Sunday,


  17. praying for lungs and life for all!

  18. I'm with you on this one bro! Maybe today!

  19. Happy Easter, Lawrenson Family...
    God loves to work miralces and i'm praying for the miracle of new lungs today :)

    love, emily haager (CA)

  20. Praying today will be an extra-joyous day for all of you! Happy Easter!

  21. Praying that today might be the day for new lungs for Tricia. That was a great article.

  22. Last night when I prayed about Tricia's lungs, I also prayed that the donor would be a Christian, too. Someone who will go home to her Saviour when Tricia recieves new life. A win/win.
    Happy Easter! :-) Hugs, Pam

  23. Its been my prayer as well, we just finished cleaning up dinner with our family and I jumped on to see.
    Praying for you daily,

  24. I had the same thought last night when I checked in on your blog. I really got to thinking about it since it's been one year to the day since my grandfather passed away, it got me thinking how life can be such a delicate thing. I pray that Tricia gets her lungs soon. God bless.

  25. Again still praying for all these requests and much more! I truly hope Tricia receives her new lungs very soon at the right time!

    All the best,
    Marissa :-)

  26. Hi Nate and Tricia,
    I have been following your story for a couple of months from a link on Biblical Womanhood. I can't tell you what an inspiration your family has been to me, I pray for you often. (It is so encouraging to me to see a young woman about my age being open about her medical condition and actively looking for a cure, it has given me confidence to do the same.)
    I wasn't sure how to contact you about something I had seen on the CBS Sunday morning news, I know the medical technology isn't there yet to benefit you now, but someday...

    I know I look forward to this technology as well as I have Type 1 diabetes along with other auto immune problems and each medical advance to give a healthier and more stable life with lower risk pregnancies is a blessing from God above. (Although we do have to pray that they use the technology correctly).
    I will continue praying for you.
    Blessings in Christ,

  27. Praying for lungs and for stable health for Tricia til they get here.

    Happy Easter. :)


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