
Sunday, February 24, 2008

(Bump) Marathon

The marathon is taking place this morning!

Those of you who have been with us for a while might remember This Post from about 6 weeks ago.

Kelly Byrd is running the New Orleans Mardis Gras Marathon tomorrow (Sunday, Feb 24, 2008) with her friend, Patty Sue in honor of Tricia. She has been raising money for Tricia's Trust Fund for the past several weeks.

Here's what she had to say about the race...

If you would be so kind…can you pray for me and my Patty Sue (running partner) on Sat night? Typically we pray for a little pain and a lot of fun! Doesn’t usually happen but I’ll take all the help I can get! I got really sick last week and unfortunately my lungs took a beating from an infection. I couldn’t run all last week which is tough this close to the race.

The race starts Sunday at 7am. It normally takes me about 5 hours to run a marathon. I’m no Kenyan! It looks like the weather is going to be in the 70’s which is ok. 50’s would be better but I’m not complaining.

Please, join me in praying for and thinking about Kelly and Patty Sue today and tomorrow morning. We're excited to hear a report from her about the race!
You've all been to the stadium and seen the athletes race. Everyone runs; one wins. Run to win. All good athletes train hard. They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and fades. You're after one that's gold eternally.

I don't know about you, but I'm running hard for the finish line. I'm giving it everything I've got. No sloppy living for me! I'm staying alert and in top condition. I'm not going to get caught napping, telling everyone else all about it and then missing out myself.
(I Corinthians 9: 24-27)

Run a good race, Kelly!



  1. Prayers for strength and endurance for both of you. It is kinda neat that there are 2 races being ran. One out in the open to a finsh line and the other to the transplant that is coming. Thank you Lord for being there.
    Christy in Ky

  2. Our God is an Awesome God.... So glad to hear of the listing. Prayers all around for your girls, for you, and the donor family. As one who suffers with a chronic illness, life is a marathon especially if you have something chronic. One day at a time and with the grace and strength from God.

    Shari, NC

  3. Praying that Kelly and Tricia finish well.

  4. Thanks for all of the updates and reminders. Looking forward to hearing how Kelly does in the race, and of course praying for Tricia and her donor's family.

  5. this is so cool! Go Kelly! It just goes to show how many "strangers" lives you, Tricia and Gwyneth are reaching and touching with GOD'S love. You may never know what an impact your story has...

  6. I do remember that post..that is so sweet of her to do this. SO Awesome! I wish I was there to see "Kelly" and "Tricia" run into the finish line ribbon!

  7. I'll be praying for Kelly and PS. Can't wait to hear a report on the day! (Whew! 5 miles! I do just a little more than 5 MINUTES on the treadmill!)

  8. Congrats on the activation & with Kelly and the race!! I'm sure she'll do well! Many prayers are being sent your way!! GOD BLESS!

  9. I was just wondering if you would post whenever you get your paypal account for Tricia's Trust Fund. The Lord would like to give you some more money :) Be blessed and Bless God!

  10. Thank you Kelly and Patty Sue for doing this for Tricia, Nate and Gwyneth. I would love to be able to do something like this, but I'm not very athletic. Maybe I'll find some other way to honor and raise funds for this sweet and giving family. Congrats on the activation and praying Tric stays healthy enough during this process for the wait. Thinking of all of you!

  11. I love it!

    My Daddy and brother have now run two marathons (San Diego and Charlotte) in honor of my late baby brother, Nathan, and they're contemplating a third (DC).( Our hallmark verse for Nathan's finish as well as the races has been Hebrews 12:1-2. "Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us RUN WITH ENDURANCE THE RACE THAT IS SET BEFORE US, LOOKING UNTO JESUS, the author and finisher of our faith..."

    Go girls! Can't wait to hear the outcome. What an example!

  12. If Kelly comes back and reads this, I will be praying for you and your friend. I have been a running coach for years, and just ran my first half marathon this past year. If it's any encouragement, it takes more than a week to lose any training you have done, and it often actually helps your race b/c you've given your body a rest before the "big race"; a little like peaking for serious athletes. Before the "half" that I ran, I was having some health problems also and ran only once in two weeks... and on race day I wasn't even sure I could finish the race, and I ran better than I had thought I would have. Remember, God will be with you and when we are weak, He is strong; with him you can "scale a mountain". All my prayers, Gina

  13. GO GIRLS GO! How exciting. And what a marvelous example of being the hands and feet of Jesus.

  14. Thanks to all of you for your encouragement. I can't count the number of marathons I've run, but this one means alot to me. I'm here in New Orleans ready to do Tricia proud. I'm honored that Nate & Tricia have allowed me to do this. It keeps me strong to know I have her with me. I'll let Nate know how it goes Monday and he can share it with you. Thanks again!

  15. praying & will be............

  16. So cool! I can't wait to hear all about it. Praying for a great, safe, comfortable (is there such a thing) run for you and your partner!
    Tricia's sister

  17. Wow. That is just amazing!!

  18. I've said a prayer for Kelly, Patty Sue, Tricia, Gwyneth & you. God bless you all. That is wonderful that Kelly & Patty Sue give back to others. :)
    ~Kim in Ohio

  19. Go Kelly go!!! I'll keep her in my prayers as she begins such a long race. I've said it before--but I'm training for my first 1/2 marathon on April 26th. Every time I run I think about Tricia and hope that one day she will be able to do the same. Yeah God for her being put on the transplant list. When my breathing gets heavy and I feel like I can't go on, I praise God for the ability and push myself a little harder. Phillipians 4:13 Keeping the prayers going in KY.

  20. Praying for strength and endurance for Kelly and Patty Sue!

  21. This marathon story is so amazing! My heart is so encouraged! The Lord is so good! Praying for Kelly and Patty Sue as they race to the finish line with Tricia!
    My prayers are with you all too!

    Blessings from Arizona

  22. lots of prayers all around !!!

  23. Thought I'd share an inspiring story. My neighbor also has CF and had the same double lung transplant about 3 years ago. She is doing wonderful and..... are you sitting? she participated and FINISHED a triathalon in Hawaii last year. I can email you the newspaper link if you're interested. I'll continue to keep all of you in prayer.

  24. Sandy! That is awesome! I can't help but imagine Tricia running up and down the beach chasing Gwyneth in summers to come. :)

  25. Kelly's race results

    Kelly Byrd Bib # 1116
    age group 64/66
    female 384/398
    finish 5:21:01
    pace 12:16
    halfway 2:31:04


    My in-laws just called to tell me that this morning in church their pastor was telling a story about a family that lived next door to them had a little girl named Tricia with CF. And that your families would do stuff together all the time. And then he played Nate's videos that he posted yesterday. So...Do you remember Ray Brandon? Yeah- he pastors the church that I visit when I'm in Michigan with the in-laws. Small world, huh? They talked to him after church and told him that I knew you and how I had told them about you when they were here a few weeks ago. Anyways- you have another whole church family in Kalamazoo praying for you guys now! And thanks to Nate (again) for the wonderful videos he posted yesterday- they loved them.

  27. Congrats to Kelly - 5hrs 21min - AWESOME!

  28. NO 225 First Name Kelly Last Name Byrd OVERALL 1126
    Division Place 64/79
    Sex place 387/495
    TIME 5:21:01 PACE 12:16 / mile
    HALF 2:31:04

    Summary number of finishers: 1335
    number of females: 495
    number of males: 840
    average time: 04:26:54

  29. Praying!!

    With Love and Hope,

    Jen-William's Mom

  30. I can't wait to hear about this and see pictures of the marathon!

    Question...If I understand correctly, the running partner that Kelly refers to as Patty Sue is actually Tricia's picture, right? In Kelly's original post she refered to having Patty Sue's picture on her back so Tricia could figuratively cross the finish line with her. I just thought how ironic if she did have a friend named Patty Sue that's doing this... anyway, just curious!


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