
Sunday, February 24, 2008


Kelly sent me a short email to tell me that this was her best race ever! Way to go!!!

I've been told by several people that the Banquet was excellent and that my videos along with the stories of others who shared really made the evening meaningful.

BTW, several people have asked when Gwyneth is going to be getting her new lungs (via transplant)...not sure how I ever communicated that she needed a transplant...her lungs are perfectly healthy, but underdeveloped (along with the rest of her growing body) because she was so early. In fact, I'm fairly certain that lung transplantation for babies her size and age are unheard of.

And, thanks to my sister-in-law Megan for answering some of your questions for me.




  1. It's so good to hear that Kelly had a good race!!

    And maybe someone got Tricia and Gwyneth's names mixed up?

    Those videos WERE amazing! A handsome groom, a beautiful bride, and an AMAZING photographer!

  2. Anytime.

    Now, if you could convince Josh to take a nap, I call us even.

  3. Glad to hear that Kelly "raced" so well in honor of Tricia. :) How much did she raise for PS?

  4. Yeah, Kelly!!

    Still praying for your sweet family!


  5. I think some confusion comes from the welcomed newbies who have yet to take time to read the posts from way back.

    So newbies, carve out a few hours of time and go back and read Nate's posts. :)

  6. Way to go Kelly! Go Tricia and Gwyneth! Your race is still being run.

  7. Even those of us who have followed for some time may need to click on topics to refresh ourselves because the issues the Lawrenson family faces are so complex and so nearly incomprehensible to those of us living just normal lives of good health and good fortune. But for all in depth reviewing, I strongly suggest a handy box of tissue. Prayers for all. Hoping both your girls will be ready for big deep breaths of spring air when it comes.

  8. I love to hear your voice after "listening" to so many of your writings. Thanks for posting your contribution video - always love your videos with the music. I often review 'safe and sound' just because it moved me so.

    Congrats to Kelly for her best race!

    Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers...

  9. Congrats to Kelly - she had great inspiration !!

  10. that was very kind of Kelly to race and raise monies for Tricia's fund. How much did she end up raising for the trust fund? Way to go , Kelly! Bless you!

  11. Just curious, since you mentioned that Gwyneth has underdeveloped lungs from being born early, will her lungs actually get a chance to develop and grow outside the womb now? I think thats why some were confused thinking the baby might need new and developed lungs transplanted since she was born with weak and underdeveloped ones. Not many people know if her lungs can still grow after the fact. Thats my understanding of the confusion anyway! have a great night!

  12. Of the fruits of the spirit, the one that evades me the most is PATIENCE. You and our family must have gotten double doses of it! As a matter of fact, all the fruits seem to be eveident in our writings and dealings with us "bloggers" that are completely fascinated with your story.
    It is incomprehensible to me that what we read in a few minutes every day from you is just that....A FEW MINUTES. You, Tricia and Gwyneth are living this "blog" every minute of every hour of every day. Forgive us for being insensitive with all the questions, prodding, poking, demands, etc. I have to remind myself occassionally that your story is HAPPENING, right now, as I type and not just something I read in a blog coming from somewhere out in cyber world. You've risked MUCH but gained MUCH, I suspect, by opening yourself up to the world by letting us in your life even if for just a few minutes a day. My world has changed because of you and your I can only imagine how many others lives have changed.
    The way you've touched people is so deep on so many levels. Relationally between Husband and Wife, Father and Daughter, Mother and Daughter, Man, Woman, Child and God, Sister to Sister, Patient to Doctor and Nurse, and on and on and on. And what you may have potentially done for the Kingdom of God can only be measured by Him someday in Heaven. Its mind boggling.
    So thank you for just being as honest as rain and being simply Nate.

  13. Ditto to the comment from the anonymous blogger at 9:01 pm... Well put! You definitively got a double portion!

    Still praying in SC!


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