
Saturday, February 16, 2008

Not Sick

No sign of sickness since arriving home last night. 9 hours of great sleep last night. Getting some errands done today. Going back to the hospital this evening (24 hours since I felt anything), but won't visit Gwyneth until tomorrow morning to be extra safe.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers!

tells me that she just got to see Gwyneth again a little while ago, and that they're both doing well.



  1. I am sure that Tricia and Gwyneth used their time to discuss all sorts of girly things... : )

  2. Thank you for sharing your family's journey through life. I am so impressed with your faith, your strength, your preserverance, and most of all you.

    Tricia and Gwenyth are so lucky to have you in their lives!

  3. So glad to hear that you aren't sick. Being away from your girls even for a short period of time must be very difficult.

  4. That just feels right doesn't it? "Tricia told me that she got to see Gwyneth and they are doing well"...still praying

  5. glad your girls got to spend some time with one another. hope you stay un sick and get all your errands done!

  6. great news! Still praying for you all

    Mike, Tina and Elizabeth

  7. Good for you Nate. I'm happy that the girls got to spend some time together too.

  8. SO glad you are feeling better!! Prayers continuing.

  9. I'm not sure how I even found your blog but I'm praying hard for you and your girls. Your life and outlook is inspirational. I have a child who has had a life-threatening illness so I know that you are just doing what you have to do and probably don't feel "inspiring".

    Prayers and positive thoughts coming to you from a mom of 3 (soon-to-be 4) from Brooklyn, New York.


  10. that has to be so good for Tricia's heart to see Gwyneth. VERY glad to hear that you aren't sick and that you got some good sleep. It's amazing what 8 hours will do for a body!

  11. Probably a just were over tired-the picture of you is hysterical!Like if I read one more email.....

    Have agoo day,enjoy the sunshine if possible.

  12. So glad that you are not feeling sick anymore!! And---so glad that your girls are doing well.

  13. Tricia "tells"... YEAH for Tricia, cruising around the hospital without her Knight in Shinning Armor! WOO HOO PRAISE BE TO OUR LORD AND SAVIOR!!!

    Breath and eat girls! :)))

    still praying in SC!

  14. whew!!!! I am so glad you haven't succumed to any icky sickness. Its gotta be hard to take of you too. Stay well. Thats an order!

    And woo hoo the girls got to visit!

  15. I am sure that your sickness was that you needed to REST. That is great that you got 9 hours of sleep.

    It was also a conspiracy that Gwyneth and Tricia had so that they could talk privately without you :). just kidding !!

    Glad to know everyone is doing well. We are still praying for you !!!

  16. From everything I've read it sounds to me like you're a chip off the old block! (Opps - sorry Rick - didn't mean that "old" part)!

  17. glad to hear you're feeling well, and how great that tricia got to spend time with gwen-must be so good for both of them.

    as for people critizing your blog, how rude! i hate people that think they should stick their noses in (in a bad way) becuz they think they know everything. i hope you don't have to deal with too many people like that.
    i myself am not religious but i don't feel like your preaching at all-that is your life, that is what you believe and you should write about it!
    much love to you all

  18. Nate, I'm so sorry you're having to deal with blog drama as if you don't have enough to deal with- I know on Gabe's carepage I had to deal with 'drama' and arguments over theology and God's will and all that jazz. It was especially hard for me to deal with b/c these were thoughts and arguments I was already internally struggling with.... and I was very frustrated that what started out as a way of getting prayer requests out for Gabe and a way for me to get my thoughts out on paper, was now turning into just another stress...
    I hope you got your point across.

    Please continue to update because we are all praying for your family and we deeply care for you all!! I know it doesn't take away the situation or necessarily make it better, but for me it was so therapeutic and truly good for the mind and soul. So, happy blogging.

    Many prayers,

  19. So glad you're feeling better. I have so enjoyed reading "The Story Of Us" It gives me hope for my future.

  20. so glad you're feeling better, nate! and especially happy your girls got to spend some time together :)

  21. Praise the Lord! I was hoping to hear that you weren't sick when I checked your blog today :)...
    -Emily Haager

  22. glad to hear you're feeling better, I had a horrid cold this week and apparenlty it's one of those colds that's just going around, so I was hoping you hadn't gotten it as well!

  23. Nate,
    Glad you are feeling better. You have to be well for both of your girls. Praying for strength for you.

  24. I'm glad you're not sick. I'd been praying for you.



  25. It's funny - I was just thinking earlier today about whether anyone would think it inappropriate for you to spend time on your blog - I often feel so grateful that you take the time to let us know things that are going on. In any event, the very first thought in my head after that was how nice it must be for you and Tricia to have the contact with others that the blog provides. Being in the hospital for 14 to 24 hours a day, every day, gets very, very wearing. And really isolating.

    The 3 1/2 months we spent in the NICU were exhausting, but even more, it was among the most isolating times of my life. So little contact with my family and friends made me feel very alone a lot of the time. My thought today was how wonderful it is that you have thousands of old and new friends who check in on you and Tricia every day, leave words of (apparently, mostly) encouragement and with whom you can partially share this time of your lives.
    Still praying in Texas -

  26. Your girls are so blessed to have you!

  27. I am so so glad you aren't sick! Good deal!

    I wanted to say to you, the reason I think reading your blog, and Tricia's blog (and your dad's, and...) brought me back to God and to my faith is BECAUSE you don't shove it down anyones throat. You only speak about what you (as a family) believe, the prayers and miracles He has worked in your lives and the lives around you. I think I'm a better person for "knowing" your family. I wish I lived closer, I'd love your dad as my pastor, and I'm Catholic!

    Keep up your strength, keep up your good spirits, and for goodness sake keep updating! We need to know what to pray for specifically! We actually care about what happens in your world!

    In all seriousness, I want to thank you for sharing this journey with us. I know it's only a glimpse but it's a beautiful glimpse of His hands at work in our meek world.

    Hugs for all three of you,

    The Felber Family
    Mike, Jeni, Hannah, Megan, and Jack

  28. So very happy that you are not sick.

    I'm also glad that your girls spent some time together. :) They are blessed to have each other and you!

    Praying for you all every day!

  29. Hooray for girly chat time! Let the female bonding begin!

    Nate, I'm thankful you are not sick, and were able to get some good rest last night. Sometimes, that really is key, and can change your whole outlook. (A rested person is always "better" than an exhausted one!)Stay well, so you can continue to see, love, and support your special girls.

    Still praying!

  30. YIPEE!!!!! I am so glad that you are not sick. It is so nice to hear that Tricia and Gwyneth got to spend some girl time together. Thank you so much for sharing your life with the world. It has made a difference in my life. My husband has a terminal illness and you have inspired me with the way you have dealt with Tricia's illness. I have to be honest, I am not very good at dealing with my husband's prognosis. And though they have different diseases, this blog has helped me in ways that are hard to explain. I am trying to lay it all out there for God instead of holding it all in for myself. Thank you for being so honest, I for one appreciate it more than I could ever say.

  31. Thank you for sharing with all of us! We are all blessed by your willingness to share with us. God Bless all three of you and I will continue to pray.

  32. Just keep doing what you are doing for your girls-I'm sorry some comments have got you down from what it sounds like it is understandable. Good grief!

  33. Loving the mental picture of Tricia having some Mommy and me time with her White Rose. Praying for your girls! glad you are feeling better and praying for continued health. jen in al

  34. Glad to hear that the whole family is doing well. Thank you for taking time to update!!!!

    Have a great week.


  35. Prayers for you so you can get back and be with your girls. well. We've never met, but
    I know you, cause you're my brother through Christ. That makes all of you my family. I'll try to not embarrass you in public though, like when I'm describing something I've witnessed on the 6:00 news ( in my best hick like expressions ), or something like that. Won't even mention your names. Just being silly stupid.

    In all seriousness, I pray... and have others praying for you, Tricia and Gwyneth on a daily basis and then some. Oh how God is using you and your family for so much good. Isn't He just so great!!!

  36. I'm so glad you're feeling better so quickly. An answer to prayer. I'm also glad that Tricia got to see Gwyneth again. (Hugs) to all of you.


  37. I'm so glad that you are feeling better. Your body was probably screaming at you that it needed a rest. Hospitals can REALLY burn you out. It is wonderful that Tricia and Gwyneth got to spend some time together.

    I am so sorry that people have made comments about your blogging. I cannot imagine what I did before I started the blog about Nicholas. Yes, it helps me not to have to repeat myself 10,000 times when people call, but it is so therapeutic just to put my thoughts down on the screen. It feels good just to be able to say what you're thinking and feeling and to be able to go back to use it for future reference as well. Besides, Tricia and Gwyneth will cherish it. ;o)

    Keep it up...praying for a super Sunday for all of you!



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