
Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Story of Us (Part 8)

Nate's Version:
(Part 1)
(Part 2)
(Part 3)
(Part 4)
(Part 5)
(Part 6)
(Part 7)

Tricia's Version:
(Part 1)
(Part 2)
(Part 3)

Over those next few weeks, through the end of April and most of May, Tricia and I spent a lot of time together. Bike Rides, Church, Kayaking, Family, Fast Food, Movies...through it all we were getting to know each other better, and God was teaching me patience as, beyond my ability to see and understand, He was beginning to work in Tricia's heart and mind to slowly move her toward me.

I can especially remember one perfect, May night...I was at Tricia's house, and we decided to take a walk down her street (in a very quiet neighborhood) around 11pm. We made it a few hundred yards down, and then sat down in the middle of the warm pavement and spent about two hours just talking and staring up at the stars...pure magic...

The entire time during those few weeks, as we were spending more and more time together, I was slowly working up the nerve to attempt to have "that" conversation with Tricia.

In case you've forgotten, I was incredibly shy around girls, and although I had, a few times before, thought myself to be in love with a girl or two, there was something completely different about my feelings for Tricia. And, having made mistakes with other girls, it took me a long time to figure out how and what I wanted to say. I made up my mind several times to tell her about my love for her, but I kept waiting until the perfect moment to say anything...of course, the perfect moment never came.

The stress of holding it in and knowing that I had to tell her was becoming unbearable, and finally, I made up my mind that I absolutely had to tell her...we were going to see a movie, and at some point after the movie, I was going to break the ice.

I'm a procrastinator...a seriously bad procrastinator...Tricia had even noted at some point before that night that I liked to wait until the last possible second to mention something that I'd obviously been wanting to say. That night was no different.

Literally, as we were pulling into her driveway that evening, and as she was getting ready to open the door and say "goodnight", I forced myself to say it...I think it started out with something like, "So...uh...before you go...ummm...there's something I wanted to talk with you about..."

She stopped reaching for the door and turned to look at me with what I thought was a very strange look (kind of like, "ok...I hope this isn't about what I think it's about...")

This was going to be a very interesting conversation...



  1. On the edge of my seat waiting for the next installment... as if I didn't know what happened in the end! LOL


  2. well,you did it again Mr.Cliffhanger...glad you didn't get sick and I'm praying for the girls.

  3. Hope you finish your story soon. Praying for your girls. My husband waited for me from the 6th grade all the through my first year of college. Talk about patience! Now married almost 11 years.


  4. Ok seriously.. .you have to stop doing this to us! I already dont get enough done around the house because this blog is so very addictive.
    I'm so glad you are feeling better and getting a little time to yourself today.
    Praying that you all have a good and healthy weekend!

  5. Someday you should take all of these posts and put them in book form. What a sweet, refreshing love story! :-)

    Also, Nate (and this is meant to make you smile)--you have to recreate these "faces" for Miss Gwyneth in a few months. I can already hear that little baby belly laugh...she's going to love it!!!

  6. Oh come on....I bet you get a thrill out of leaving us hangin'. :)
    Still praying for a God's healing touch.

    Panama City, Fl.

  7. Please don't leave us hanging like that!!!! We need to know what happens!!!! Glad you are feeling better and Tricia was able to spend some time with Gwyneth!!! As always you are all in my prayers...

  8. I've been following your blog for over a month and have never signed. Just wanted you to know that I'm praying for you and your family. I love reading "The Story of Us".

    God Bless,
    Dawn Langdon
    Phelps, NY

  9. Don't leave us hanging like this!!

    I'm glad you're not sick!


  10. Enjoying your love story installments because it reminds me of our love story. My husband of 20 years is very much like you - we actually went on a 8 hour road trip, spent 3 days together for a friends wedding, drove back 8 hours and he finally worked up the nerve during the last 30 minutes of the trip! = - ) He had planned to reveal his feelings of "like" for the first time at the beginning of the trip, but he couldn't work up the nerve till the very end. He also just blurted out, "I like you" right out of the blue!

    But you know what - I'll take our (and your) type of love story over the quicky types anyday.

    Keep writing...

    PS we live in Los Angeles, but our very favorite vacation destination is Topsail Island, NC - LOVE it there! = - )

    PSS praying for Tricia and Gwyneth

  11. Thanks again for telling your story and even "thank you" for leaving us hanging - in an age when everything is "fast" or "instantaneous" it's actually really fun to have to wait for something so sweet as the story of two people falling in love! Praying for all three of you!

  12. Following your love-story AND everything else concerning your GIRLS all the way in the Netherlands. I am hooked and am thrilled you update so often...
    What a strange thing this is, reading a BLOG on internet about you, people I have never met before but that have somehow won their way into my heart and have become an important part of my day and my prayers! Keep me hooked please, I will be reading all the way to your happy end and till Tricia, Gwyneth and you sail off in the sunset, eternally blessed.

  13. I am really enjoying this...

  14. Ack! You love this don't you? This grrrrr torture! I have to admit, I'm hooked! I think I have you to thank for my laundry not being done. Blessings to you three!

  15. have you ever considered turing this story into a book? the way to two of you tell the stories from your point of view is amasing - I always look forward to the next installment.

    all the best to you & your girls, xx

  16. Oh my! and he did it again, the best part ZAS ...... no no I´m not complaining it´s my bad english again ( blushing )to say I´m addicted to your (s) blog. Now I know the meaning of the word infatuation ( sp )to Tricia & Nathan´s love and faith story. I´m happy you're feeling better and also happy your girls got to spend some girls time together :o)

  17. Ahh, you just love to prolong the mystery! :-) Loving the mini-series including Tricia's!

    Glad you are feeling better, Nathan!

    Have a wonderful evening,
    Marissa :-)

  18. I feel like I'm reading a romance novel. You really should assemble all of this into a book sometime when everything else in your life is calm and settled.

    You're killing me, Nate. I'm a CF mom and I have two other children who have busy lives. I actually was running late picking one of them up from practice, so I could finish the latest installment! Ha!

    I'm praying for Tricia and Gwyneth everyday. I can only imagine how difficult this is for Tricia to have to concentrate on her own health and feeling such a pull to be with her precious daughter. You all keep fighting and believing. Margaret Payne

  19. NOOOOOOO!!!! Don't stop! It was just getting good!!!

    It's great to hear that you're not sick and that you can see your little baby again soon - and I'm so happy to read that your wife is getting to see her more often now.

  20. NOOOOOOOOO! Don't leave us hanging!!!

  21. You are such a beautiful family! You're all in my prayers.


  22. ummm hello?!?!?! R U D E RUDE!! haha What a great love story, I can't wait to hear the rest, maybe later on tonight??!! :-)Glad everyone is feeling better, continued prayer from Tulsa!


  23. Ahhh come on....what happens next. Inquiring minds NEED to know. Argh.


    Jen-William's Mom

  24. I haven't commented in a while. But I have been reading and praying for all of you each day. Glad to hear that you are feeling better.
    The videos are amazing. Tricia, you are so beautiful.
    PS: Dameron is doing very well. He is steadily gaining weight too.


  25. Ahhh...come on!!!!! Of course I know how it ends...but hearing the details of your precious love and Godly bond just gives me butterflies and chills all over!
    Praying for all 3 of you to stay well and get sweet rest. Please keep these love story posts coming (from you and Tricia both)...I am totally hooked and treasure a fresh story of romance!:)
    Claire Adams <><
    Raleigh, NC

  26. I love to read about how you two met and fell in love. It is so much better than a book or a tv show, it is REAL!! I have to say that you have a real knack for leaving us all wanting more. When you finish your installment for the day do you have a sinister laugh as you leave us all hanging?

  27. are killing me and everyone else reading...stop procrastinating and finish. I am dying over here. ;)

  28. NOOOO.... Don't leave us hanging! Talk about a suspense novel!! When is the next chapter going to be published???? I can't stand it!!! LOL Great story though. I do believe you have another gift..... the gift for writing. You won't ever have to worry about a job as I am figuring you could take up writing and do just fine. Looking forward to your next installment. Meredith/Orlando FL

  29. Can't wait to hear what happened next! Fun!
    praying, jen in al

  30. Boy, you sure are good at cliffhangers! LOL! Maybe you should write a book or a movie!

    So glad to hear that all of you are doing good!

    God Bless!

  31. Nate, God has really blessed you with the gift of writing. You could compile all this and have the most inspiring, encouraging book ever! (and retire by the age of 30!:)

  32. Another cliffhanger!
    It's fun to read.

  33. I have loved hearing the story of how the two of you met and fell in love, and it has been so great to keep up with you guys and what's going on through your frequent posts.

    praying for all of you, take care.

  34. Praying for your girls. :D Glad that you're better! Can't wait for the next part of the story- don't leave us in suspense too long, please! :D

  35. Oh man, I can't wait for the "conversation." It was so awkward when my DH first told me he was into me (just in case I thought he was only looking to be my friend). I was ecstatic, yet at the same time I had to get away from him cuz it was overwhelming. I took a weekend off from seeing him and realized I had to keep him in my life. It was a matter of a couple weeks before we were talking love! I love love stories. Thanks for sharing yours.

  36. ahh, nathan. You make me chuckle!

  37. You did that on purpose and don't deny you enjoy the power. You're chuckling thinking about the thousands of people you've left on the edge of their seat. Just teasing of course...nite:)

  38. Seriously? You stop there? That is the sign of a gifted writer. :)

  39. Nate: I just got home from a weekend trip and had to open up the blog. I had to read the next part. Anxiously waiting for the next part. Really, though, it's a beautiful unfolding of the whole thing.



  40. LOL ... I love it ... thanks for sharing! Praying for good things ...

  41. WOW! You are a great story teller! I am sucked in completely and I want to know more! I have been reading your blogs for weeks now, but I just now read the "story of us" (your version) so that way I could read them together! I was just curious, and no you do not have to answer, but do you still have to work while your girls are in the hospital?

  42. LOVE IT! This is the best soap ever! And for the record, regardless of what I may or may have not done in your situation you are an inspiration.

  43. SOunds like the night my hubby asked me to marry him. LOL Talk about nervous. (On his part) He was acting so weird, I knew it was coming and when he asked I just busted out laughing. Of course I said "what took you so long?" 18 years later.....still together. Can't wait to hear Tricia's version of this one!


  44. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I really enjoy reading it. You and Tricia sound like two really amazing people. You all continue to be in my prayers. God bless!

  45. Oh the suspense! Does he get the girl? (heehee!)

    Glad you're not sick. Hope your girls are doing well.

  46. Ok, you are officially a punk for keeping everyone in suspense! I can't wait to find out what happened next.

    Sara in MD

  47. Hey Nate - Have you ever heard The Fear You Won't Fall by Joshua Radin? Just popped up on my ipod and it made me think of your "story" - particularly when you were working up the nerve to have your chat with Tricia :). ("Part of the beauty of fallin' in love with you is the fear you won't fall...")


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