
Monday, February 25, 2008

Preemie Milk (Part Deux)

Here is an article about the local milk bank. There are NINE milk banks in the US (I said I thought maybe seven, before).



  1. Wow, thank God for people who care. That was interesting. It is truly awesome to see the progression of growth in Gwyneth. I am just amazed. Tricia, you look GOOD!!! Are you sure your in the hospital or is it a hidden spa somewhere??? You really look good.
    Christy in KY
    saying prayers

  2. This was interesting! I'd always wondered how that worked.

    Thanks for your candor and refreshing honesty! I truly am touched by your story and love reading updates and knowing how to pray!

  3. If you guys lived closer- or I guess if we lived closer to you, I could donate my milk. I had a ridiculous amout saved up from when my preemie was in the NICU (and for a while after) but due to all the time and tests it takes to donate (not close to my house) I didnt do it. I had a close friend that died having her baby right after mine that I really wish I could have donated to- I'm sure her husband would been fine with that- but really too far away. I'm so glad you guys can reap the benefits of a close-by milk bank.
    Tricia is looking great these days! Doesnt just feeling pretty make the rest of you feel better? The wink is super cute too. She's a tiny baby genius!

  4. Hello! I felt great today reading about your posts on donating breast milk. My son was born at 31weeks and spent his first month in the NICU. He had feeding issues and couldn't tolerate my breast milk. After several months of pumping and freezing, I decided to donate and it was to WakeMed :) 40lbs of it! I live in the Washington DC area, but they just sent me a cooler and I shipped it overnight. It warms my heart to know it was worth the time to get my blood work done, to fill out the paperwork and go through the necessary steps to donate. I highly recommend it to any mother who has a similar situation. And, distance is not an issue because they send a cooler! Happy Donating!

  5. Thanks for posting the link to that article. So interesting. What a blessing to have a bank near you and women willing to donate for other preemie babies.

  6. Having been a very serious breastfeeder when I had my daughter, I think it is FABULOUS that you are choosing to give your little miracle the best gift (ok, one of the best) on earth...breast milk!


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