
Sunday, February 17, 2008

Real Quick

I went to church today for the first time in several weeks (seems I've had more important things to do recently...), which I've really missed. I was sitting at C3, listening to Pastor, Matt Fry talk about trusting God for you health, when Tricia texted me (yes, I had my phone on in church) to say that she had a high fever and wanted me to pray for her.

At first, I panicked, feeling the urge to run out of church and get back to the hospital as quickly as possible. But, then, I actually let the things that I was hearing that day at church sink in...I spent most of the rest of the service praying (sorry, Matt) and feeling at peace.

Tricia is feeling better, and Gwyneth is being placed on CPAP as I write this.

Trust God.



  1. I'm glad Tricia is feeling a little better. Sorry we missed your visit to C3. Enjoy the hats :0)

  2. Nathan, I thought I saw you at C3 this morning and wanted to say something, but it was too weird recognizing someone you have never met. It must be really strange for you! It has been a privilege and a blessing to pray for your family. My family and I are praying for yours!

  3. Trusting God is the key. We are placing our trust in God right now as we await the possibility of a new little one joining our family through adoption. We know God will make things happen the way they are suppose too, just as He is for you and your family. We will continue to pray......

  4. I asked for prayer for your wife and baby girl this morning in our Sunday School Class. You, your wife and child are in our prayers.
    The Turners
    Grace Church

  5. Wow! I'm still praying for your family every day.

  6. My Pastor preached on the same subject this morning.

    Praying for you all today.

  7. We have all been sick around here so I have been playing catch up from the past few days! Glad you got to worship today it is a priviledege isn't it? Think I will go talk to God, kiss my kids snuggle with the hubby, wrestle the cat (cause we don't have a dog:) AND get a snack!! All great ideas!
    Praying Tricia keeps the fever down and that Gwyneth's swab is clean tomorrow!

  8. oh yeah, i think you had wanted to know if we put a link on our blog, and i did just the other day. don't know if that's still something you were keeping track of or not...

  9. Good news on Tricia's fever ending. You, Tricia and Gwenyth are in our thoughts and prayers for the blessing of more miracles!

  10. Glad you got to go to church!

    And excited to hear about the cpap. Hoping for real exciting news on Tuesday.

  11. "Be still, and know that I am God". It sounds like you walked in this scripture this morning. God is so good and will always be in control of your family and bless you.

    Laurie in Ca.

  12. We are members at C3 as well, would have loved to have met you.
    Hope Tricia is feeling better!
    Praying for ya!
    Robyn McLamb
    Clayton, NC

  13. I am glad that you got out and enjoyed the service. I hope Tricia is feeling a lot better tonight. Praying for you all, as always.

  14. Glad Tricia is feeling better this evening.

  15. You're exactly right, Nate. And even when we don't get our desired answers (as it worked out for my husband and I), trusting God is still what pulls us through. Thanks for your continuous insight that has encouraged us so much through this! Continuing to pray for your beautiful girls. And yea for Gwyneth on that CPAP! :)

  16. I wait to read your blog and I pray while Im on here every day. My son and I have added all 3 of you to are evening prayers. It really saddens me to think you get some negative comments. I as a christian, I love reading and hearing your faith it is so inspiring.

  17. "...and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Isn't it just awesome when that happens!:) I'm praying that all is well with Tricia tonight, and your Rose is doing well on her C-PAP!

  18. Trust God? Always!!

    Hey, the band was awesome today!!!! Oh, and it wasn't even us!:)

    Prayers and love to Tricia, Gwyneth, and you.

  19. nathan, your family's story has touched my heart in more ways than one can imagine. tonight i'm asking you for a tiny bit more inspiration... prayer... a family member is premature labor this evening... now through your blog, you inspired hope, love, faith and in the end peace in knowing what happens is okay because of Him. When you say your prayers tonight for your own family, if its not to much to ask, please include mine? God Love Ya!

  20. Thank you for the reminder. Your post today was God speaking to me, reminding me He can be trusted. We have a son born 5 days before Gwn and he has had a bad cold which has been scary. But thru trusting God and having him lifted up in prayer he is miraculously being healed rapidly. It is awesome watching God at work. He is faithful. He wants our lives to go well. We can trust him!

  21. Pastor Matt Fry has been to our church to speak several times from C3. I attend Healing Place in Baton Rouge.

    Continuing to pray for you and your girls, Nathan!

  22. Im so happy to hear about Gywneths move back to CPAP. We played that back and forth game forever...ok 3 months and we still play that game some days!! I hope y'all enjoy that CPAP headgear, I had to beg to get it for my son and he LOVES it ( well as much as one can love CPAP). I have told many of our nurses, rt's and friends about you husband and I continue to pray daily for all the NICU babies here in TN and there at Duke.

    M,L,M & W

  23. Praying the fever is gone for Tricia and that it doesn't return! Yay for Gwyneth being placed on CPAP again and hope her swab will be negative tomorrow.

    Marissa :-)

  24. That's so awesome! Matt is my brother-in-law (his wife is my sister). We use to go there but found a similar church closer to where we live right now. I wish we would have been there to meet you in person.

  25. Nate - I attend C3 and thought Pastor Matt's sermon this morning was pretty awesome. Believing, Worshiping...that all comes natural to me. Trusting? For me that's the hardest part of all. I have to remind myself daily that this is all part of His plan for us. Glad you came to Clayton NC today! Would have love to have met you! Glad Tricia's fever is down.

    Praying for you,

  26. So glad that Tricia's feeling much better.... and that you were able to go to church and chose C3. We enjoyed Pastor Matt's message as well. We continue to pray for the three of you.
    Sharon and Jimmy Jackson

  27. Continued prayers for your family. May both your loved ones be home with you soon.

  28. You have no idea how much your post about Trusting God was just what I needed to hear tonight. Thank you so much. I hope your girls are doing well tonight. Many prayers still being said.


  29. Nate, I am so glad Tricia is doing better and HURRAY for the CPAP for Gwen. Thank you for your post on Trusting God. I have a 12 year old twin that was born premature and she now has problems with bipolar and anxiety issues - her twin sister is the picture of health - PTL!! But the one with bipolar is really suffering right now and I am trying to Trust God. My husband and I are starting a fast this week Trusting God for a complete healing for Heather. When you say your prayers I would be touched if you could add Heather as well as all those who read your blogs - she is really in need of a Miracle.

  30. Hi Nathan,
    Missed you and Tricia at The Call this year but Exodus was great! I'm glad you got to go to church...we miss ya'll there too! Did you wear your orange nikes to church? Maybe that could be a signal to people that they can come up and say hi to you if they recognise you from the blog. Orange shoes means yes, anything else means it's not a good day...Just a thought. :)

  31. The super cool thing is...that when you were in church trusting and praying for your wife...thousands (possibly millions) of people around the WORLD were lifting her in prayer as well. There is strength in numbers...and we are all going to trust and pray along with you until both of those beautiful ladies come home.

  32. Joshua 1:9
    Still one of my favorite verses. Please know that we are still lifting you up in prayer daily.


  33. Hey Nate- I actually almost ran into you yesterday at C3 while I was making a beeline for the bathroom! After I got past you I said, Hey! That was Nate Lawrenson. Sorry I didn't realize it sooner. Glad you were able to visit. Hope you can make it again. If not, you can always download Pastor Matt's podcasts. Still praying for your girls and you....

  34. That made me smile and get "God bumps"



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