
Sunday, February 17, 2008

Leave Me Alone

My Favorite Show is on, and it looks like it's a good one, so go find something else to do for a little while...



  1. I am watching it too. :) This kid is truly inspiring!

  2. haha ... I'm watching it too!!

    ... it's on a commercial break ...

  3. you don't have to be so snippy! heehee!

    ...watching it while surfing around.

    praying for giant steps forward this week for your girls!

  4. My daughter loves this show and we watch it every Sunday night. Ever since we have been following your blog, she says....when Tricia gets her new lungs, they should build a house for them....I guess you just need a piece of land and a heartwarming video...which I am sure you could put together (the video...not sure about the land!) Kristin

  5. Get some kleenex. You know you will cry!

    Last week's was awesome

  6. The guy Jesse is in our program at work. I work with him and others with disabilities. He IS a truly amazing person. He just did a gallery showing in NY where his work is on display.
    Continuing to pray for your girls!

  7. I just visited Tricia's blog for the first time. I already knew she was precious, but just reading about the things she likes was so fun. Cotton candy, yum, yum. It just made my heart leap for joy when I thought about what a fun and exciting mom she already is for her precious daughter. As a mom (to a little girl, as well) I can't imagine what Tricia goes through on a daily basis being away from her. Would you please just tell her this for me...babies NEVER forget their mommies. =) Although she can't see her and touch her in the way that she yearns to right now, she will one day. And, with her new lungs and baby girl's life ready for this world they are going to have so much fun catching up and getting to know one another. From one mom to another...tell Tricia not to give up and she is already a wonderful mother. Love, Amberly Deavours, Atlanta, GA

  8. Your mom, Rachel, Ramon and I are watching it, too. We were playing Pass the Pig, but after I won the first two games they quit.

    BTW, last week's progam had me crying.

  9. I love that show! I was crying my eyes out last week. Have a relaxing night and know I am praying for you guys!

    Blessings from Arizona

  10. you should apply for your favorite show... once the girls get better. you have a story!

  11. Patrick came to speak at our church a few weeks after that was filmed! I was out of town but he got RAVE reviews!

  12. Hi there! I have just spent the past 3 hours (probibly more since I've lost track of time) reading every single one of your blog entires! I recieved the link via another friends blog, and I just wanted to say how blessed I have been from not only Trisia's & Gwen's story, but of yours as well...your love for Trisia and Gwen. It's refreshing!
    Just wanted to say hello and let you know I'll be praying for all of you!
    Port-Au-Prince Haiti/Tampa, FL

  13. Nate - You crack me up! :)

  14. EHM fan here too!! UNREAL!!! Just shows that NO DREAM is too small!! Not a week goes by that I don't cry. I agree -- ya'll should be next in line for a house!! A true inspiration!! Prayers- Bamagirl!!!

  15. is there a dry eye in the house!?! One of the best I have seen... I'm with Beachbug, last weeks was in the two with tonights.

  16. What a great show it was! Hopefully it warmed your heart as much as it did mine; if it did then you will know the feeling that you, Tricia and Gwyneth give us :-) I hope you are all feeling better.

  17. I watched as well, I live in Louisville where Patrick is from he truly is inspiring to us hometown folks!

  18. great episode! One of the best ever...the song at the end was killing me...

  19. Hi...I am a former lurker coming out into the open! I have totally been praying for you guys! Gwyneth is an absolute doll! So precious!

    That was the best Extreme Home Makeover EVER! That is the wisest 19-year old I have ever seen! It is so amazing to me how God works! He may close a door for us, but he will always open a window!

    You totally crack me up too by the way!

  20. I just watched that too! Patrick Henry should be an inspiration to us all to know that we can do whatever God has in store for us if we just put our minds to it!

  21. I had seen some of Patrick's story on ESPN last football season. It's so exciting that ABC took care of them. It is truly amazing what that show does for families.

    Glad to hear about Tricia and Gwyneth. And so glad you got to go to church. There's always a line of communication open to God, but there's just something about the worship experience in a group setting...

  22. I saw a webkins pug at the fye today..really puts into perspective how small baby g. really is!

  23. I have no idea what it even is as we don't watch network tv! (or cable) lol!

  24. I love this show but missed it tonight.. hubby controlled the remote!!
    We just had a family up the road from our town receive an amazing home and barn for the horses they use in their theraputic riding program. They were believers and a fellow homeschool family as well who had lost their dad not to long before it was filmed. Many of my students got to go for the MOVE THAT BUS part!
    I always cry when I watch this - glad to know I'm not the only one!!


  25. I look forward to EHM, too!
    I saw a comment about Pass the Pigs... that game taught me I can never go to Vegas! When I play with my kiddo's, I just KNOW that I won't get the one dot up; one dot down roll so I go for it... and then I get it! LOL
    Hey Tricia! I hope you have a good week, girl!!!
    ~ becky b

  26. thats the best time to bother someone...when there watching there favorite show

  27. Tricia,
    After spending some time just now reading the stories people wrote about you and reading your own blog, I really wish that I could have the chance to get to know you. I live in Bethlehem, PA (just east of Allentown) and my birthday is June 25, 1982. When I found out that you are only a monthish older than me, your story really made an even bigger impact in my life! I have commented on here before, but this time wanted to write you a personal message. You have to realize what a huge impact your life and family's story has on so many people. Your heart for God in the midst of your lifelong trials is such a testimony! Reading about how everyone says you are the most cheerful, happy, God-fearing woman they know really makes me wish I could be more like you. (I don't want you to think that I am putting you on a pedestal like Nate said everyone is...) I think you could just be an awesome Christian influence on me. Your love for God is evident just by reading what everyone says about you, and from reading your own blog. Right now I am 28+ weeks pregnant, and I look forward to watching Gwyneth's progress as our children will be about the same (gestational) age. You and Nate seem like such a fun couple, and I would love the chance one day to meet you in person. I hope to one day be able to! I check Nate's blog at least a half a dozen times a day, and will continue to pray for you and Gwyneth and think about you often. Thank you for allowing me to know you through this blog.

    Much love and prayers,
    Lisa Rader

  28. Nate, great story, really good TV show you like. Hope you had a nice Sunday. We are praying for you, Tricia and Gwyneth.

  29. I have it Tivo'd. I can't wait to see it.

  30. i think you guys should do this when you get ready to go home. What a perfect deserving couple for this home make over.

  31. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  32. I was crying during the last half hour or so of the show last night. What an amazing family.

  33. My Home Town!! I didn't see your post becasue I was watching and snuggling with the hubby! Per your advice LOL!!

  34. I'm with you! GREAT show and so inspiring! That's one amazing young man!


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