
Monday, February 18, 2008

Super. Serious. Love.

Seriously...our Love is Super...

"I'm In Love With You" by Sonya Kitchell



  1. Sometimes love looks a little crazy and disturbed!!! Aint it great?!?

  2. Silly boys and girls. :) The amazing thing is Tricia somehow still looks beautiful even with the "fun-house" effects! Sleep well tonight and know we're all praying.

  3. You guys are great! I'm glad to see you are spending your time at the hospital being crazy in love! Praying that you get good news tomorrow!

    Good night!

  4. The kids will really get a kick out of these in the morning!

  5. Well I can tell you have hospitalitus.... A condition couples get when cooped up in the hospital day after day.... It looks as though your symptoms are bad and need a good dose of strool to the entrance of the hospital to breathe outside air.... I can tell your love is for real... Through sickness, health and bored photography sessions....

    Praying for all of you,

  6. How fun! Some of these pictures are crazy and silly......... the others are touching....

    I think this is great! Aren't computers fun? Being so sick and in the hospital used to be more boring....... (although I know that you would rather not be there...

    When I was in the hospital last May I didn't have internet access and I missed my online fun stuff... and you guys are developing talents that will come in handy for many things in life........ I know that you are busy right now, but one day maybe you can tell me what program you used to to this stuff........

    Glad to see that you are making fun things happen. Laughter is a good medicine.

  7. I have been reading your Blog for about a month now - and I am always amazed by the love and commitment - but this tops it all. You guys are truly adorable. Wishing both of your girls health and good news in the coming days. Keep loving one another and reminding the rest of the world what true love is.

  8. You guys are SO funny! Isn't Love grand!! hee hee.

    With Love and Hope,

    Jen-William's Mom

  9. That was...disturbing=) Glad to see you guys are still having fun!

  10. WHAT ward are you guys on?!?!?!? 'Cause I think you're on the wrong one! LOL That was GREAT! Thanks for sharing your fun!
    ~ becky b

  11. I need to get that computer much fun!

    Praying for you tonight. Laughing. And praying.

  12. So funny! Great pics. Gonna have to give that a try with me and hubby. Thanks for the late night laugh!

  13. Aren't Macs grand?? I got one and hubby was soooo jealous that he had to go and get one for himself. Now we both have the 17 inch MacBook Pros!! Awesome!!

    Great pictures, too!! My husband did one with his finger floating above his head and my 5 year old thinks that is the best picture ever....LOL!!

  14. Looks like you've got some serious "cabin fever"! Some of those made me laugh so hard! Have a wonderful night... Looking forward to some good news about Tricia's listing tomorrow, and some pictures of a rose and a pug! Praying for you in Michigan!

  15. I have been silent until now. However, I can't contain my laughter!LOL! Nate, I used to think that sweet Gwyneth looked like you. After that video, I'm not sure that I can say that in good conscience anymore.

    You are all an inspiration to so many. Thinking of you all up here in rainy Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

    Tomorrow is transplant list day. I can just feel it!

  16. macs are the best!
    we'll be praying for the transplant list to be graced by tricia's name soon.

    love to you three.

  17. At least you guys are able to keep good spirits. You are both amazing!

  18. Some of the distortions make Tricia look like a VeggieTales character. =-D Loving you all and living in prayer for you,
    -The German Wrench

  19. I love that you guys still have fun even in the hospital! I'm glad to see you smiling. Tricia, you're beautiful!

  20. Ok, First let me say that I love your videos. I look forward to them. (I think we are kindred spirits in taste of music.) I think you finallu just broke down and accepted the complete boredom you must face day to day in a hospital. Ah well. Good for us. I am sure Gwyneth will lovingly refer to her parents as "dorks" one day, but she will say it with that kind of smirk that tells you that she really does love it.

    May I suggest a song for a "future" video (hint, hint) I think you will really like it and it would go great with a video. It's "The Story" by Brandi Carlile. Here's a link to her YouTube Video. The song is lovely and I think you will like it.

  21. My favs... Nate's head like a can of coffee and Tricia with one tooth LOL

  22. Gotta love Photoshop! Very cute. :)

  23. That's hilarious, you guys looked like you had quit a bit of fun putting that together for our amusement. Thanks!!!

  24. Looks like you will be very good at embarassing your daughter when she gets older. :) It's fun, I do it to my 11-year old every chance I get.

  25. LOL some of those were a little spooky :-) Great to see you guys goofing off

  26. You're silly! So creative! Love it!

  27. HEHEHEHEHEHEHE!...funniest thing ever!

  28. Bwaaaa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! HILARIOUS! I love how you guys have fun no matter what! I'm feeling so hopeful about tonight about Tricia getting listed. Sweet dreams.

  29. You just proved the "you can't tell a book by it's cover" thing! :):):) The "cover" shot looks for all the world like you were the artist's models for that classic painting of the poker-face couple standing outside the barn with their pitchforks. Hey...maybe they had a lot more fun behind the scene, too, than we ever knew about!
    Praying for a day of wonderful news!

  30. Great updates, photos, silliness and all the rest. The thank you's were nice too. Sounds like some great care and support. We'll be praying for all and especially for the listing!

  31. Great job Nate. Good to let go of the tensions, Tricia still looks great, refreshed, improved, rested and ready for the journey ahead. You on the other hand....well, didn't see much improvement even with the funhouse effects. ( ha ha) just kidding. Sorry for not posting lately, been down south keeping Andy's boats running. Still praying for you three for health,improvements, and yes, that special love you all share.

  32. Okay, I happen to be up at 5:30 this morning (I'M A CF MOM) to get my breathing treatment done by 6:30 to get my shower,etc done by 7am to get my son up, dressed, fed and on the bus by 8am, so I can hop in my car and make it to CF clinic on the other side of town by 9am.

    Thanks for making what would be an otherwise stressful morning filled with some laughter.

    You guys are certified nuts. ha. Lucky Gwyneth. She is going to have so much fun.

  33. Gotta love you guys!!! You are so silly & it's hilarious. I am still praying for you all. I am glad that Gwyneth is able to move back to the CPAP & that Tricia should listed this week, I will pray for a short listing & for the peace of the donor family to make the decision to give life. God Bless you all 3!!


  34. Great fun & laughter...keeps you going. Thanks for sharing that! As I try to get my daughter up for school (she's been sick for about a week & off school for two days now), your video brought smiles & laughter to me...THX!

    Getting on that list today will bring more emotions. Prayers for a short wait and a fabulous recovery!


  35. So it's bright and early this beautiful Tuesday morning here in Florida. The kids are still sleeping and I'm sipping my coffee downstairs as I decide to log onto my lap top and check on you guys. Oh what is this I see......A new picture slide show....YES!, I take a sip of my coffee and hit play thinking this is going to be so sweet. Well thanks to you I'm cleaning coffee off of my lap top screen!.

    Seriously it's wonderful to see you two love birds together smiling and being silly even if it does mean you made me spit coffee all over my computer screen.

    It's going to be a great day!

  36. How fun! Hope you have a most wonderful day today!


  37. You two are so cute! WEIRD, but cute! What a fun post - thanks for sharing some of your "we are going a little stir crazy" moments!

    Praying still for the list!

  38. Hahahaha! Those cameras are hours of fun aren't they??? I laughed hysterically when I saw the one where it looks like you are about to take a bite out of her cheek....hilarious!

  39. Obviously, my kids aren't the only ones that do fun and crazy stuff with Photo Booth!! I love it!!

    Prayers continue from Wisconsin!~karen

  40. Backing. Away. Slowly.

  41. You guys crack me up. You remind me so much of me and my husband in the fun that you have together. He often tells me I'm crazy and I always respond "Crazy in love!" Always in our prayers...thanks for everything that your story is doing in my life...even though you have no idea.

  42. Those are fantastic pictures. :) I completely understand taking your picture to throw off time -- I did it constantly towards the end of my hospitalization! Laughing and praying for you guys.

  43. Well, you just scared poor Jessica to death. I hope you are happy.

  44. Ok - I loved it - but my 3 year old says "Mommy, I don't like that movie. It was so weird."


    Heidi & Brianna

  45. Strange, but somehow cute at the same time. I agree with "thoughts and things" about embarassing Gwyneth, you're getting a great head start on that. :) Have a wonderful day. We will see you next weekend.

    Gwyneth's Greatest Aunt Misha

  46. Good Morning, Hope this will be a good day for you and your girls.

    I loved your "Serious Love" pictures!
    Photoshop is so cool, and you had alot of fun with it. Great job and thanks for starting my day with a smile.

  47. OK. I think number three is the best.

    Ok, number three is the best and so is the one where Nate's face is really wide and smooshed and Tricia's is really long.

    OK. I think number three is the best. Ok, number three is the best and so is the one where Nate's face is really wide and smooshed and Tricia's is really long and the one where Nate is looking at Tricia and her face is skinny and looks like has one tooth, like a mountain hill billy girl.

    Interestingly enough I don't find the pictures as bizarre, disturbing, or strange. I find them to be a reflection of inner self. I'd like to share a 20 paragraph poem about distorted faces and the beauty of the sun rise and rainstorm . . . Oh and sea birds. . . but not sea gulls they are flying rats and poop on you on the beach. . . because tourists can't stop feeding these birds, that should live on fish, potato chips and bread. . .

    With endearing love,

    Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy

  48. The 2 of u r awesome!!! :)

  49. You guys are THE BEST! I just love these photos! Yes, definitely crazy in love! Nate I have admired all your photos for ages (especially your honeymoon shots and shots of Gwyneth) and was thinking if you've ever thought of doing photography professionally, because YOU COULD! You have such a great talent there, not to mention your talent in writing too! You bring laughter and tears, like a good book, but you are living it and it's no fiction book. You have to write a book one day, then a movie will be next!!!
    Praying for transplant news and for little Gwyneth.
    Love & hugs from Down Under
    Liz xoxox

  50. Ok, just a little scared by that! Your love is so obvious, even through the disturbing pictures in that video :)

  51. I have followed this blog for about a month and have been praying for your sweet family. My 6 children and I could not contain ourselves with this one! That was hilarious! I am so glad that you are making the best of it! We are still praying for you :o) God bless.

  52. Ahhhh… the joys of boredom in a hospital room. :P I have a question. Contact isolation—I take it that doesn't include kissing? Never thought about it before. Have a great day, and kiss that beautiful little baby girl for me.

    I noticed that there's another Barb, so I shall from now on be "barb from arkansas." :)

  53. P.S. Praying right now that Tricia will be put on the transplant list without delay.

  54. Love the video! You guys really are nuts...and that is a good thing :)

    Continuing to pray that Tricia will be listed today on the transplant list.

  55. Okay you guys have GOT to be put on the list so you can get out of that place! What are they doing to you over there? Seriously, I LOVED the video. I've got all the nurses over here hooked on your blog and they are laughing like crazy at your newest endeaver. Praying for Tricia to be listed; excited about the contest. ;o)


  56. You guys are very disturbing! But you complete each other just perfectly. Can't imagine what held you back from that final step of Tricia falling in're both equally goofy!

    Yes, I think you're on the wrong ward, but stay where you are as I'm sure you're lifting other's spirits!

    My favorites were Tricia with her pointed chin and one triangle tooth and Nate when his head and nose gets squared!

    Hope to see that Tricia get's listed today...Oh, and save this video for Gwyneth's entertainment.

  57. You might want to check the air vents in your room! lol

  58. Ahhh the Mac. It is a thing of beauty.

  59. You guys are too funny!! It's great to have a goofy sense of humor, especially at potentially stressful times! :) Tricia, you're always such a good sport!! And you look FANTASTIC, by the way-especially in the photos from yesterday. Praise the Lord for your remarkable stamina and stength! Can't wait for the kids to see this video. They'll LOVE it!

    Praying for you to be at the top of the transplant list,
    The Edwards

  60. This is great! You two are an inspiration for all. Praying for you from Wisconsin. The new quote I heard just the morning goes with this
    “You don’t really understand human nature unless you know why a child on a merry-go-round will wave at his parents every time around – and why his parents will always wave back.” William D. Tammeus

    Thanks for sharing with me and the world!

  61. Maybe Scott has a remedy for this as well.

  62. You guys are great! I love how you can be so silly with one another. I bet the nurses love having you guys around - although I'm sure you're ready to leave! :)

  63. Pretty funny stuff. Praying for an extra special answer to prayer today.

  64. So, I'm watching the video, laughing, and enjoying Tricia and Nathan's inspiring show of love and then I think, "OHMYGOODNESS! It's only a matter of time (shortly, Lord willing!!) when the two of them AND their sweet, unaffected (so far) daughter leave the hospital and join the WORLD at large! And Tricia will be healthier than ever before! What THEN!?! WHAT THEN?!?"
    Then, I regained my composure and remembered that they will be a joy to others and bring fun, where fun is needed. That "Nathan" + "Tricia" (* "Gwyneth") = exponentially cool, flat-out, unconditional, joyful love.
    Kind of what Jesus would do! : )
    AND, all while not scaring small children OR their parents!

  65. Ya'll are nuts !!! Love you, Everhart Family

  66. That was hilarious! That was great! How'd you do that?!

    Hospitals aren't supposed to be that much fun! Keep it up, though!

    Prayers continue for your family!

    God Bless You!

  67. Photo booth rocks!!

  68. My little almost 4 year old daughter had the giggles so bad while we were watching that!
    Thanks for the fun!

  69. You both seem like such an amazing couple. Although we don't know one another, I wish you both strength, courage and a quick road to health, not just for Tricia, but for your beautiful daughter. May the lord always and forever bless the three of you.


  70. lol! you are the cutest couple!

  71. you two are crazy, but you have made me laugh. Thanks. Can always use a laugh at work!! Love you.

  72. Oh....hilarious. My favorite is of the two of you (early in the video) kissing...

    So funny--thanks for that in the middle of my day!

    Still praying for you all!
    Devin in Illinois

  73. That is too cute!! I pray that you 2 always keep laughing together. The boys better look out when Gwyneth comes along because she's already beautiful and is bound to have a wonderful personality!!

  74. Photobooth is like, awesome!

    Great video! I loved the pics!

  75. That is such a sweet song. It's nice to see that you two are having fun! I am a friend of Carolyn Kirschner from college. I have been praying for your family since the beginning. It's awesome to see the way God works. I will continue to keep you all in my prayers. I do want to ask, though, where you found that song? I have been looking for it on the internet, and cannot find it.

  76. I love my Apple and Photobooth!!!!! Great pictures:)

  77. in the 3rd (possibly 2nd) pic - where tricias head is all big she looks a bit like the bad dude from the incredibles movie!

  78. You guys are crazy - CRAZY in LOVE.

  79. way too funny! Loved it,

  80. I love it!! Y'all are so precious! :)


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