
Monday, February 18, 2008

A Few "Thank Yous" Are In Order

Tricia has been begging me to mention a few people on the blog that she and I want to thank. I continue to be amazed at how many medical "professionals" come into the room to talk with us about medical stuff, and end up getting, at least, slightly teary-eyed because of their personal involvement with Tricia (IMO, that's a very nice thing). And, I'm even more amazed at how many of them (just about everyone) have heard about this blog...I have no idea how it's getting spread around so much unless they've actually got it written down in her charts somewhere.

These are people who have made a huge difference in our lives over the past several weeks, months and years at Duke by providing Tricia with the best possible health care (that good insurance can buy). We cannot thank these people enough.

(I'll not mention full names because I don't know if all/any of these people want their names blasted across the internet...and, we really just want them to know that they're appreciated)

Dr. K has been Tricia's primary CF doctor for about the past 6 years. We both believe that, beyond her own lifestyle choices, it has been the efforts and skills of Dr. K that has allowed Tricia to live the life she has had for the past 6 years. Although we don't always see eye to eye, and he is a Yankee through and through, Tricia loves and respects him.

Edana is Tricia's CF nurse practitioner and her best friend at Duke. She is the yin to Dr. K's yang, and Tricia loves her dearly. Edana has invested many hours being a great source of encouragement to Tricia, especially over the past several weeks.

Bill is Tricia's CF social worker, and one of our favorite people in the world. He has taken a lot of professional and personal time to invest in our lives as well as in the lives of our families. Bill attended our wedding, has been a great advocate, and sat with our parents and I in the waiting room during Gwyneth's emergency C-Section.

The 7800 Team has been the hands-on care for Tricia during most of the time she has spent as an inpatient at Duke over the past 8 years. The doctors, nurses, RTs and other staff have provided great care and friendship for Tricia. Even while she was in the ICU recently, I felt compelled to take a walk through 7800 every few days and give the latest update on the two girls as I was swarmed by their familiar faces.

The Physical and Occupational Therapists (in the hospital) are both Tricia's best friends and most hated enemies. These are the people who have the heart of encouragement and the skills to help Tricia maintain or return to her best possible health. This team has especially gone above and beyond recently in helping Tricia prepare her body and mind for the upcoming transplant.

The 8200 ICU Team went so far above and beyond what we could ever have expected. I'm not allowed to even tell you half of what they did for us, and for that we are eternally grateful. Every person was almost perfect in every way. Several have come to visit Tricia down on 7800, which is very nice. A special thanks to Dr. M.

The OB Team who helped care for Tricia and delivered Gwyneth. The OB clinic appointments were, of course, our favorite, and the care and attention provided to us (even now) in the hospital has been amazing.

The NICU Team for taking such incredible care of our little White Rose. I really don't think there's anything else we need to say about that. :)

The Center For Living Staff have been an intimate part of Tricia's life over the past several months as she had been working with them 4-5 days a week for physical therapy. They will continue to work with her post transplant, and have been following her journey closely as she has been in the hospital these past several weeks. She misses you and the other patients!

The Transplant Team has been and will continue to be an incredibly important part of our lives. This huge team is responsible for just about everything involving Tricia's entire transplant journey. They have lots of tough decisions to make about so many patients, and their care and concern for Tricia has been very evident.

Our Nags Head Church Family who have provided such a loving and strong support for us during this journey. Even though most of them have been unable to be here in Durham, we know that they have been on their knees in prayer and thanksgiving for all that God is doing in our lives. We miss them and love them all so much.

Our Family and Friends who have spent so much time here with us over the past several months and weeks. So many to even begin trying to name. We are so thankful for their presence here (those who have been able) and can't imagine even making it through just a few days without them.

I'm sure there are so many more who we are forgetting at the moment, so please, if you're reading this and we haven't mentioned you, it's only because our brains are fried. :)




  1. you are blessed! :)

  2. Hospital friends rock!!!!! Sounds like you have some awesome people around you! WOOHOO!

  3. How blessed you are to have all these caring people, and how even MORE blessed they are to get to work with you three! Still praying!

  4. A verse came to my mind that I'm sure you can relate to every single day:

    Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,
    unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen

    May God be praised.

  5. Thank God for each of these special people!

  6. Will be praying with everyone else that it is the Lord's will to have Tricia listed tomorrow. She looks wonderful for being in the hospital for so long. There's even a hint of color in her cheeks today. Keep fighting, Tricia.
    Praise God that Gwyneth is doing so well.

    Your family's faith and openness is an inspiration to many--especially CF families.

  7. Will be praying with everyone else that it is the Lord's will to have Tricia listed tomorrow. She looks wonderful for being in the hospital for so long. There's even a hint of color in her cheeks today. Keep fighting, Tricia.
    Praise God that Gwyneth is doing so well.

    Your family's faith and openness is an inspiration to many--especially CF families.

  8. sorry that comment came through twice. I don't know how to undo it.

  9. What a great shout out !!!
    It is SO wonderful to hear how EXTRA SPECIAL all the medical professionals in your lives are.
    Hey you know I keep noticing from ALL the post and comments ONE
    thing jumps out OVER & OVER again.
    Tricia has touched the lives of so many people,her family, any and all children who are in Tricia's life ...I think someone refered to Tricia as a Child Magnet, her friends, her church family, her medical team, the millions & millions through the internet... neighter side will ever lay eyes on each other but still there is that sure feel of a connection.
    To me Tricia is TRULY BlESSED, TRULY TOUCHED BY GODS HAND and through her just maybe so are we.
    God Bless the "MIGHTY THREE"
    and their families.....
    Showering you all lovingly with Prayers

  10. Praise God for all these people. I pray they are each blessed in an awesome way! God is so faithful to provide all the people you need when you need them. He alone is worthy of all praise! Thank you Lord for all you do for those in need. Take care and I look forward to tomorrow when (Lord willing) you are able to tell us all that Tricia is on the list!! Praying it happens....
    Shawna in Oklahoma

  11. God hand picked these awesome people, to be there for all of you. I mean..."WOW". God is so good!!

  12. Beautiful pictures of Tricia! She looks wonderful! And...Gwyneth looks gorgeous, of course, as always... :-)

  13. Nate and Tricia,

    I love your beautiful blog - ever since discovering it a few weeks ago, I check several times a day to see how Tricia and "White Rose" are doing. Nate, I know the dad can often be "forgotten" or unnoticed as the mother/baby tend to get all the attention. I just have to say that there aren't many men in this world that could handle things the way you have. You give me strength everyday and make me realize the things I complain about or take for granted are so minor compared to what you endure on a daily basis with your family. I pray that Tricia will make it on the transplant list tomorrow so that you both can move forward and enjoy time with your beautiful daughter. Stay strong - you amaze me!

  14. I just wanted to let you know that I check and read your blog at least 3 times per day. Your attitude, love and passion for life shine right through onto my screen. You are a beautiful family, your willingness to share your journey with "us" is wonderful and I am greatly appreciative. I am grateful each day that your day is well, I am always sending my positive energys your way.
    Thank you and God Bless.
    Kriss M.

    PS I am only Anonymous because I haven't set up an account yet...but I will!!!

  15. I didn't get a chance to comment on the post- your favorite TV show. I love EMHE too! :) Glad to hear that all is well! God sure has blessed you guys. :)

  16. May God bless each and every one of these people who have had a part in the care of your family.


  17. It's amazing how God has put together an awesome team of professionals, friends, and family to support you through this difficult journey. Know I continue to pray for all of you.



  18. Oh, I found this site through xanga, a young woman who visited my raphahrose site, has this link on her page. God led me here. I am praying for you as a donor mom.... our son was a week shy of nineteen when he fell at work at a construction site, making those big college $$$.. Our two sons and I had been praying for a friend from my Bible study's neice, who had CF and was on the list waiting for a transplant, so we celebated in Feb. of 2001, when she received her life gift, and I knew then of how both sons felt about being donors. Brian was killed July 2 of that very year. His gift saved seven lives, the healthiest donor can save eight, but one gentleman needed both lungs... but he did give eight. I speak to future doctors, nurses, cities, the public at the Minnesota State Fair,future pastors at Bethel Seminary, anywhere I am asked to speak.... in honor of Brian's life, and also in honor of the recipeints I have been blessed to know. Knowing recipients has been a large part of restoration in my grief journey, and I praise God for them, for their lives. I know a few who actually were "born again" their words!! when they received their transplant.... and now openly love God back. I hope to encourage you to write to your donor family as soon as YOU want to. They will be honored, they will be touched, you will be cherished as will your child and hubby, as you live out your hopes, as they thought their loved one would. I am praying and will coninue to do so...... for your encouragement and your health, for the family who will be your gift giver.... that you may rejoice in your gift, given with deep love and pain both. We would want you to LIVE fully!! and abundantly!!!
    blessings, Deb

  19. Praying for everyone who works with yours girls. May God bless them in an extra special way. :)

  20. Nate and Tricia- I don't know if you will ever have time to read this with all of the comments you must receive, just know that my daughter and i pray for your family every night, and continue to be amazed at the love, faith and strength that you continue to have. God Bless and double prayers to get on the list soon!!
    Kim in Pa

  21. You are all so blessed and so glad you are all blessed. It is great to have a team that works so well. We continue to pray.


  22. Your gratitude is appreciated by all who come in contact with you, I'm sure! Thank you for letting us peek into your life and be a part of your family. I truly look forward to your updates, and you and your family are in our prayers.

  23. I am thankful for all of the people Tricia wanted to thank too. They are a big part of the reason that beautiful smile on that beautiful face posted below is still here, with God in control over all of the helpers. He is so good and loves you so much. Have a restful night, all three of you. You continue to inspire me and amaze me with each new day. Praying Tricia on to the transplant list.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  24. I found your site through Sarah Smith's site and have been reading daily ever since. I feel a connection to you guys - I have a friend who had a heart & lung transplant about 5 years ago and she is doing well. I also have another friend who's grandaughter was born very preemie and weighed 1 lb and 14 oz. She is now a happy and very healthy 12-year-old. I pray Tricia gets listed tomorrow and gets put at the top of the list. Love the new pictures today - Tricia looks wonderful and Gwenyth is precious.
    Praying for you all in Florida!

  25. My first comment, although I have lurked and read every blog and every comment on the blog since before Gwyneth's birth. I am Nathan's mom. Nathan, thank you for sharing all the thank you's that you did. I know these people mean so much to both you and Tricia. I want to add a thank you to all those who have commented with such words of encouragement, all those who have lurked, but I know are praying. Your words and prayers mean so much to all the family members of Tricia and Nathan. We have been absolutely amazed at the response to Nathan's blog, which just a couple of months ago was being read by maybe 2-3 dozen people, mostly family. It continues to grow and amaze us. Thank you all.

  26. Isn't it crazy what the internet (and the Lord!) can do? I found it through a group that a friend of a friend joined on facebook. It would be interesting to see how far back I'd have to go to get someone who actually knows you, but at this point I don't think it matters.

    Thanks for sharing, and I'm praying for you guys.

  27. The first thing that popped in my mind as I read your post was "Oh give thanks to the Lord, for HE is good; for HIS steadfast love endures forever!" (Ps 118:1) There is something to be said for being thankful - I really believe that it changes your perspective on many things. Thankfulness makes a heart happy. :)

    I echo your thankfulness for people who the Father has entrusted with medical wisdom to help so many others heal. We have been there - done that...

    I know that those you are thankful for - will be blessed by the LIFE that HE lives through you. You, Tricia and Gwyneth are touching more lives than you will ever know.

    Praying that Tricia will be on the list ASAP! And prayers continue for Gwyneth to continue to thrive on the CPAP. I know that is a BIG deal!! Go Gwyn!!


  28. To Gail~

    It's thoughtful of you, but no need to thank any of us commenters...the encouragement that Nate and Tricia offer us just through their examples alone is more than inspiring. It's awesome how God's timing works; I bet many of us, at this moment, needed to see the amazing trust that they have placed in God. I know I did! It's our honor to pray for them. God bless your family!


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