
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Transplant Update

A coordinator for the transplant team came by a little while ago and explained that everything looks good and Tricia should be listed and activated within the next few days. They're looking at one last thing to be sure (you can pray about that). They dropped off some paperwork to sign, and the coordinator will come by again tomorrow afternoon to finalize everything.

Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers and encouraging words. I'll let you know as soon as it's official.

On a side note, Gwyneth had her first eye exam today, and everything looks just as it should. She also had another head ultrasound, and everything is looking good there as well.




  1. Yay for G's eyes and brain!!! What encouraging news. Can't wait to hear about Tricia in the next few days...praying for the donor family already.

  2. Praying praying praying in Vancouver. So glad to hear Gwyneth is doing so well too!

  3. Awesome news guys. Maddie prays for you every night before bed. For Twisha and gwenif:)
    Jenn and Matt

  4. That's wonderful news!

  5. Still praying and praising God for this encouraging report! Stay strong!

  6. Great news again for both of your girls. Praying Tricia is listed, and so good to hear Gwyneths progress.

    Laurie in Ca.

  7. What exciting news!! Keeping up the prayer here. Can't wait to see what happens next.

  8. Praise God for great news.

  9. wonderful news, prays will continue for Tricia's transplant and Gwyneth's continued growth and health. Thanks so much for sharing your journey with us.

  10. Nate, this is great news! Praying for all of the above but also for you. Not only are you dealing with having a baby in the NICU, but also with a wife who very shortly could have major, life-altering surgery. You're such an example of faith and strength though Christ. God bless all of you and praise Him for His faithfulness.

    Melissa in PA

  11. YAAAAAAA!! Super news! Still praying to be listed and for Gwyneth's continued good progress! We hope to go home sometime Thursday if everything goes well.


  12. Sooooo thrilled! Great news!

  13. God is good! I am praying for you guys!

  14. Good news... I will certainly continue to pray! God Keep.

  15. I haven't had faith in a very long time....starting to feel the stirrings in my heart after reading your story. I feal so ashamed of my whining and such. Have been praying for you and your family since I found this blog-will continue praying for more great news.
    Thank you for sharing your story and rekindling a spark in my heart.

  16. So close! You guys must be going crazy waiting to be on the list.
    I'm glad her eyes are looking good! We had to take ours to the eye doctor every 2 weeks to get checked for a while after we brought her home- I think thats normal.
    How often do they do the head ultrasound?

  17. Thats great news, praying with my heart for Tricia be listed very soon, thank you for updating us, Lu

  18. What a great day! Thanks for the update :)

    Sandra from Canada

  19. *fingers crossed* for Tricia getting listed & matched very, very soon!

  20. Keep the good news coming! Still praying. . . .

  21. So thankful Gwyneth's eyes and head check up went well! Praying Tricia will be listed ASAP:)jen in al

  22. Yeah for all of the good news! I will continue to pray.

  23. Praise God for the good news for both of your girls! Will continue to hold up both of them in my prayers.

  24. To the proud Papa and Mama,
    These are HUGE milestones for your premature Rose (as I know you already know)--BE ENCOURAGED!!! GOD IS WORKING!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!
    In Nebraska, still lifting you all to Jesus!!
    Nurse Candice & Co.

  25. Praising God with a very grateful heart! All of you continue to be in my prayers.

  26. Way to go GIRLS!
    That is great news about Trish being listed within a few days. Excellent news about Gwyneth's ROP check and brain scan, that is great great great news!


  27. Ah hem, it's Tuesday. Patiently waiting for the White Rose Blooming photo and stats...

    Just kidding. You've certainly had other things going on today and that is great news about both your girls. It must be something to do an eye exam on someone so little.

    So, I will be patient. I just gotta tell you that it is so cool to see Gwyneth growing up right in "front" of us.

    Lots of prayers for all of you.

  28. Prasie God!!!!!!
    In Christ,
    Amy Anderson

  29. Praise God!! Will keep praying!

  30. I am sure you have heard this before... though when she IS listed, how long after does she get her lungs??? praying.....

  31. That's encouraging! We will pray for Tricia's continued strength, for the doner family God has already picked out for her, for Gwyneth's continued growth and great results and for you--for strength, wisdom, and peace as you carry your family.

  32. Great news-I will be praying for the news of a transplant!

  33. Some much good news today!
    PRAISE GOD!!!!

  34. I hope I'm not too late for the contest....
    I want to submit "Your Grace Still Amazes Me" by Phillips, Craig and Dean.

    It it such a wonderful song that is so paralell to your story and your faith.

  35. That is so wonderful! Sending out a prayer right now.

  36. Tricia, So glad to hear this good news :)

  37. Praise God for the wonderful news! Praying while waiting for the big news!

  38. Hey Nathan, Tricia and Gwyneth,
    Still praying for you all daily..we have added you to our church prayer list and community prayer chain... I posted about you and your family today in my "alphabet a day" post. The letter for today was "G" and I could not pass the chance to mention your wonderful little one again.

  39. Praying here in Georgia! Glad Gwyneth is doing well! Is she getting OT/PT in the NICU? I've always said my dream job would be in the NICU but for now I work with the premies after they're home. Keeping y'all in our prayers.

  40. Praise God for your girls' good news!!

  41. YAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  42. Yay for Gwyneth's tests coming back good! Praying hard for both you guys and the donor and donor family.

  43. What a great day. We continue to pray for yous guys (s.jersey slang!) We will pray for a donor in the Lord's time. Keep on growin' lil' G.

    Posted a song suggestion on the other day's comments for a song for Gwyneths's 2 month bday...hope I'm not too late!!!

    Warmly from "S. Jersey"

  44. You are truly an amazing family and I can't help but fall in love with you guys! Praying for your wife and your litte girl. She is beautiful and one day you will have to fight all those boys off!

  45. Sounds like good news all the way around today. Our God is an awesome God!

  46. prayers answered once again...YIPEEEE
    WONDERFUL news about gwyneth rose & tricia
    gonna keep on praying for the mighty three & families
    also the donor and donnar familly

  47. Had my license renewed and they asked me if I wanted to be a donor and it really stopped me in my tracks for a second. I always said yes to this question or signed the back but this time I actually REALIZED the potential of the many many lives that could be affected by my little yes. I never gave it much thought before....just said, "yea, sure, ok....why not, won't need that stuff anymore". Not only will I NOT take it so lightly anymore, I will pray right now for the person who may have said "yes" yesterday, today or many years ago that will ultimately be the conduit for Trish to get a shot at a good set of lungs! And I will pray for the loved ones of that person and for all of you that love Trish and Nate and Gwyneth.
    Trish, you are the bravest! Nate, you are indeed humble and sweet. And Gwyneth, Praise God for good test results and for the bestest Mommy and Daddy around! You've got your Mommy's fight and your Dady's will!

  48. I just wanted to say that you truly inspire me! I can't imagine dealing with you are dealing with, keeping up this amazing blog, and living a normal life without going insane. Tricia, you are gorgeous. Gwyneth, is precious! I can't believe how small she is but she is absolutely gorgeous. Keep it up! I will pray for you all! I wish there was some way I could help. :)

    Hugs to you all!!!


  49. Just found your site and was curious about something...Is it possible that Tricia can pass on the CF disease to Gwyneth and if so , is that something they can tell you now or does Gwyneth have to be older to be diagnosed with it? Forgive me, but I do not know much about CF and if it is something hereditary or not. I assume it isnt since I am sure Tricia wouldnt want to take the chance her daughter would have to go thru what she is going thru now..but thought id ask just to be sure.! We are praying hard for you and your family from NEW YORK CITY!

  50. Nate-

    SO EXCITED for this news and for God's hand of protection upon you and the girls! I am so thankful that everything seems to be progressing well...

    Praying for your family daily!

  51. God is Good! Now we wait for some strong lungs!! I'm praying!! Awesome progress for your family this week!!!

  52. A song for baby Gwyneth...

    In My Daughter's Eyes

    by: Martina Mcbride

    In my daughter's eyes I am a hero
    I am strong and wise and I know no fear
    But the truth is plain to see
    She was sent to rescue me
    I see who I want to be
    In my daughter's eyes

    In my daughter's eyes
    Everyone is equal
    Darkness turns to light
    And the world is at peace
    This miracle God gave to me
    Gives me strength when I'm weak
    I find reason to believe
    In my daughter's eyes

    And when she wraps her hand around my finger
    Oh it puts a smile in my heart
    Everything becomes a little clearer
    I realize what life is all about

    It's hangin' on when your heart
    Is had enough
    It's givin' more when you feel like givin' up
    I've seen the light
    It's in my daughter's eyes

    In my daughter's eyes
    I can see the future
    A reflection of who I am
    And what we'll be
    And though she'll grow and someday leave
    Maybe raise a family
    When I'm gone
    I hope you'll see
    How happy she made me
    For I'll be there
    In my daughter's eyes

  53. Awesome News! Praying for the 3 of you in Louisiana!!

  54. Excellente!

    I'll see you guys tomorrow.

    Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy

  55. We're praying for the donor family and for Tricia's continued strength. We're praising God that Gwyneth continues to come through testing with flying colors. Miss you so much.......Sending love and hugs.

  56. Praying that things work out for Tricia to be on the transplant list yet this week! Exciting news! And continued prayers for little Gwyneth! Grow strong sweet girl!

  57. Praise the Lord, that is wonderful news for Gwyneth. She is an amazing little girl.
    Still praying for Tricia's transplant listing soon, and for growing strength and health for both your beautiful girls.

  58. Great news for you! Can you explain a little of what happens from here--like how long might it take (I realize there is no set time and that you have to wait for another family to experience some heartache and then be in the right frame of mind to do such a noble act!!). I'm just curious since you mentioned in your post to Gwyneth that it might be next week? Is it not like other organs where you could be on a list for years? Thanks

  59. This is wonderful news! Can't wait to hear more good news. :)


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