
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

2 Million Hits!

I'll take the time later to look back through the contest and determine the winner, but for now, I'm hosting a blog party.

No drugs or alcohol, please!

I'm bringing the root beer floats!




  1. paaaarrrty! Oh, wait, I'm the first one here...what a nerd!! I'll just go stand in the corner and sip my root beer float until someone else arrives.....

  2. Yay, I'm first for the very first time! ;-)

    Glad this blog is getting so much attention and this is well-deserved!

  3. Sorry, Melissa! At least, you aren't the nerd here... well, for this post. I'll join you and Nate in drinking a root beer float! :-)

  4. I got homemade brownies coming uo!

  5. You are such a great guy & Trisha is so beautiful and elegant (her grace & beauty really came across in the news story). I aspire to find a husband like you ~ you are creative, humble, loyal, caring, handsome, sweet - everything a man should be & more.

    thanks 4 sharing your lives!!

    xo from texas!!

  6. Yippie! How 'bout some stuffed jalepenos and some homemade chocolate chip cookies? And homemade apple pie and cupcakes and some natural chips and vanilla coke and pepperoni & mushroom pizza from Brooklyn Pizza and, oh, I almost forgot, Grandma's famous Christmas cookies (haven't mastered these yet), just because they are oh so tasty regardless of time of year. Think she could send some? Hmm...have I forgotten anything? Wow, I love parties and eating and any excuse I can have to enjoy comforting yummies. Oops! Almost forgot our famous bladder-friendly chili! Ok, I think I'm ready now.

  7. Does Gwyneth get a little something extra to celebrate? Hmmm. . .SMELL some root beer maybe? :) Hmmm. . .maybe some ice cream down that little tube might be what she needs to pack on some ounces. Teasing of course. . .maybe just an extra ml of milk for dinner tonight while wearing her crazy Fraggle Hat! Party on! Congrats (((HUGS))) coming from Ohio!

  8. Yippeee....I have been wanting some ice cream all day! YUMMY!

  9. Pizzas are on the way! 2 million is amazing!

  10. My first blog party, woohoooooo.... I love root beer float :)

  11. Wowza! That's pretty amazing. I'm no cook so I'll bring the plastic cups and plates. Trust me... It's better for everyone.

  12. Wooo Hooo!!! I've got the chips and dip!!

    I was only off by a month. ;) But we knew I would be...

  13. Wow, I wish we could at least change color and fonts to make this more exciting!

  14. I am bringing CHOCOLATE. :)

  15. I'm bringing some sweet'n'sour meatballs!!


  16. I'm bringing dark chocolate cake!

  17. I am always up for a party!!!! Thanks for the invite!!! I am bringing chips and salsa!!!!!
    So exciting!!!!!!

  18. I'll bring the crab dip and crackers!

  19. I'll bring some of my homemade hot fudge in case someone wants to drown their ice cream in that instead of root beer!

  20. From the creator of the Blog Party ( I knew I should have done a copyright on it)

    Ill be brining the nachos with extra jalepnos and s-spicy beef.

    Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy

  21. I'll bring the jalapeno poppers. Try to keep down the noise. You are in a hospital.

  22. We have to have some rockin' music... I've got any you will need! Boy i love blog parties!!! no bake cookies any one?

  23. Someone is going to need Rolaids and Pepto! Congrats on the BIG 2million!
    Oh and "keep bloggin like no one is watchin!" :)

  24. Yay!! Blog par-tay!! I LOVE root beer floats!!!

  25. You have night shift nurses in Atlanta praying fpor your family and for the nurses who take care of you. We pray that you maintain your health, and that you find your strength through Him. You rock! I know you dont think so but dude, this blog has made a lot of people stop, think and appreciate our Father. Ill stop now

    Thank you

  26. awesome..I should have guessed today..its my wedding anniversary! congrats on the 2 million hits!

  27. I am bringing a huge bowl of famous Nags Head Church Oreo Fluff!

  28. I love parties... and I think blog parties are my favorite.

    And I LOVE root beer floats.

  29. Woo-Hoo indeed!

    You have a beautiful family and I pray for the day when you are all at home together!

    xo from Kansas

  30. Woo Hoo!!!How much fun is that!!!
    A toast...To finding the cure for CF, for new lungs for Tricia and lots of good weight gain for Gwyneth!!

  31. Congrats! I knew I'd be way off! lol But yay for 2 million hits, that is awesome. Awareness everywhere! :)

  32. Well, I'll bring the chocolate chip cookies I just finished baking. They're still hot - the best way to eat them!

    Root beer floats...mmmmmm....

  33. How amazing your blog has become...who knows, I smell a "made for tv, a mini-series"! I wonder who could capture your personality better, Jim Carrey or Jack Black? Hmmm...seriously, congrats on the 2mil hits. It's wonderful what God is doing in your lives. Continued prayers to you all...especially everytime we hear the "east care med chopper".
    Jo & the fellas

  34. I am new to this blogging phenom but wanted to say "God bless you and your beautiful girls." I and my friends will be praying for you.

  35. Congrats on 2,000,000 hits! :)

  36. I will bring some homemade pepperoni bread to this amazing no-calorie party.

    Contuing in prayer and rejoicing in what God is doing in you all and through you all.

  37. I'll bring homemade chocolate chip pie! Got milk????

  38. You all definately deserve this positive attention! Congrats on the 2 million hits, the t.v. spots, newspaper articles, and such. God bless your amazing family!

  39. For serious....I just went to Bilo and purchases root beer and vanilla ice cream because you made me really want it! I drink it in honor of the 2 million :)

  40. Yeah! Congrats on such a HUGE milestone.

  41. I'm there with GIRL SCOUT Cookies!! The more I share the less I have to eat on my own! Why in the world did I order 19 boxes?? Oh yeah - because my daughter wanted a better prize! lol

  42. Yay! I'm proud to say I am a bunch of those hits ;)

  43. congrats on 2 million!! how exciting.
    i am SO craving all these foods now! lol

  44. I'm in lol. Sounds like a blast! And Nate...I can't tell you enough how grateful I am for the chance to be a part of this whole experience. Thanks for sharing with us!!!!

    And, as always, I'm praying for your GORGEOUS girls!

  45. That is so awesome! Great news!
    I will bring some guacamole and chips since I am from California and that's just how we party out here :)
    big love to you sweet family

  46. Just curious if anyone else is getting like 498 emails from the blog awards thing where everyone voted for you? I couldn't believe it when I opened my email and it told me I had 503 new emails and 498 of them were the same emails from the blog awards website.


  47. AWESOME!

    I make a mean cheese dip...


  48. I'm having carrot cake for the celebration!

  49. I will bring the potato skins and moose tracks ice cream, cause they are the best things ever, and so are you guys!

  50. Our root beer floats will be made with snow cream...homemade with, you guessed it, SNOW from our deck. RB floats are my son's very favorite, so we'll all be celebrating 2 million hits with you. That's lots of people being touched by Hope!

  51. Yippee...Of course my husband says you hit 2 million because I hit your site about 10 times a day :) I think I will bring Tuxedo Brownies to the blog party!!

  52. Yeah - Congrats. I got the right day I was over by three hours.

    I'll make an English Trifle special for the occasion.


  53. The root beer float was awesome!! But not as awesome as that beautiful baby daughter of yours! Prayers continuing.

  54. Oh rats!! I didn't bring anything, and everyone else did. Let's see. Chili con queso???

  55. Oh, man, I missed the whole party! Oh, well, I was actually out on my motorcycle for the first time this season while you all were blog partyin'. Maybe next million, eh?

    What a great milestone for this blog -- hope you had a good time!!


  56. Nate,

    I'll take vanilla ice cream with my root beer float! Congrats

  57. Hooray! That's so cool. I'm bringing Tostitos (with a hint of lime) and salsa.
    Karen - you didn't miss the party... we're still going!
    Uncle Andy cracks me up... break dancing! :-)
    Hugs, Pam


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