
Monday, March 24, 2008

ABC Article Up!

Not sure if this the transcript of the video, but Here You Go!



  1. Love it! I can't wait to watch at 6.

  2. Great article. I don't know if I'll get the story here in Ohio but I'm gonna try to find it!

  3. Can't wait to see it at 6- great article on News Channel 11 as well as the News and Observer. Praying new lungs arrive soon-

  4. Prayers to you and Tricia...I know you're not perfect, but models of what we all should strive to be. Thank you so much for sharing this experience! I thought I was an organ donor but the license branch did not complete my license as they should so I signed up yesterday online and made my family aware of my wishes and printed the information to carry in my wallet. Praying for Tricia's new lungs to get here soon!



  5. Awesome...will look after the 6:00 airing, to see if it is on video as well! Thanks for the link!

  6. That is is so neat to see the impact ya'll are making all over the world. God is good!!!! Praying for all 3 of you!

  7. This is terrific, Nate. You should be proud of how much awareness you have brought regarding CF and even pre-term birth as well. Nice work, hope you keep it up!

  8. Awesome stuff Nate!! You are in our prayers everyday! Our family is flying from Fl to Pennsylvania this morning and will be gone till Saturday. I'm not sure how much access I will have to a computer. So If you don't see any posts from me for a few days that is why. We'll pray anyway!!

  9. Just saw the video on ABC's site. It was amazing! What a testimony!

    Praying for you all!


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