
Monday, March 24, 2008


Just saw the preview of our story on ABC! Should be airing in the next 30 minutes!



  1. Oh I just saw a brief glimpse of Gwyneth .. I love that there are good "love stories" on the news ... ;) Can't wait to see the rest. Oh and the extra 10 pounds and bad hair day on Nathan.

  2. I am totaly recording it so I can rewatch it. Im so excited! You all are going to be even bigger celebs.

  3. Don't the commercials seem longer than usual??? Waiting......(impatiently)

  4. God be the glory. And to hear a prayer request from a news anchor for your!

  5. What an amazing interview! Praise the Lord for being such a living testament of God to the whole world.

  6. Well, will it be on here in California? or is it only on the local ABC affiliate?

  7. Aw, I just saw it. Very touching. The three of you are bringing a little miracle into my life and I thank you.

  8. Wow, I just saw your story on ABC news!! That was so awesome!! Praise God for what He is doing through this. I am praying thousands of people will make the decision for organ donation not just for you guys, but for so many others. I also pray people will read your blog and find Jesus.

  9. Wow, I just finished my box of tissues. That was beautiful....just... Wow!

  10. A few thoughts after watching the story.

    I think they did an excellent job in editing. Your hair did not look bad at all. :) They must have edited out the bad hair and put in new hair.

    I loved the story. Thank you for sharing it with those that probably haven't heard your story. Beautiful miracles on the news where we here a lot of bad things. :D

  11. Just saw the story! How wonderful! Barbara did a great job on the story and the pictures are just incredible.

    Continueing to pray here in Raleigh, that your little white rose will continue to grow and start gaining weight!

  12. I just watched your story on TV and was beyond touched all over again! As I sat and watched your story on TV after reading it on your blog I found myself with tears streaming down my face. It is great to see something positive on the news! Your family is in my thoughts and prayers daily!

    PS I linked to your blog through Terry. I went to church with Terry when he went to Sandy Creek!


  13. Nate-Your hair looks fine. :)
    Trisha- you are a beautiful woman! It hurt me to see you cry ( you too Nate). Words can't even describe how inspiring you and your family are.

    That made my day to see you all on TV. Made me cry too. Your story is so touching, Praise God!!!

  14. Forgot to say .. Tricia, you are so beautiful. :D

  15. Just saw it!!! That was so awesome! Still wiping my tears....I am most impressed on how long of a segment it was. They really took time on your story. I love that there is a link to your blog on their website. I know there will be so many that come to trust Jesus like you and Tricia! Praise God!!!

  16. Boy did I cry!!! People that didn't already know about your story hopefully will see what God can do in their lives if they would have faith in Him. I pray that you planted many seeds in the hearts of people watching your story on tv.
    I was already so touched by your story and seeing it on tv touched my heart even more. Both of you looked great on tv.

  17. Dear Lawrenson Family,
    I just watched the News and it was a great story...although, checking your blog several times a day...I know there is much much more than they could have time to mention. I am just waiting for the day I check the blog to read that Tricia has her lungs!!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. BTW, Tricia, you are even more beautiful on tv than on the internet! I wish you everything you dream of.

  20. is there a way to post a link to the video?

  21. Oh Nate - what a wonderful job Barbara did on your love story. I cried all the way through it. So inspirational!!!

    Lisa in NC/C3

  22. They did a beautiful job with your story. Tricia was looking nice that day- we hear so much from Nate that just the simple emotion from Tricia as well makes me feel I know her a little more too. Praying for new lungs soon.

  23. do you have a link to the video?

  24. Nathan ... do you have a link for us up here in the great white north of Canada. God Bless your beautiful family. Praying for strentgh and health for both your girls.


  25. Hi, I found you b/c of the story on ABC news. First of all, I am so amazed at what a miracle this story is! You've been given such a blessing in the form of your wife and your child! God is so good and I want to commend you on not taking the drs advice regarding continuing the pregnancy. Anyways, I could write a book here, but I just wanted to know that we're praying for you, & if it's okay, I'd like to add Gwyneth's name to my t-shirt for the MOD March for Babies of who I'm walking for!

  26. Wow, great news segment. I thought they did a great job, and it was pretty long too! Thank you for continuing to share your story and open up your lives. Praying in Durham, Christi

  27. Was it just me or was Larry Stogner even a bit choked up at the end of the segment? What a beautiful job they did weaving your story of faith together into just a couple of minutes. Sorry WRAL - ABC11 is my new favorite news channel! :-)

  28. Way cool news interview ~ just saw the video online, they've put it up alongside the transcript of the story, if others want to check it out.

    Thanks for sharing with the world!


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