
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Aminals

Tricia really misses Meka the pug and Ralphie the cat. I gave Ralphie to Tricia for our first Christmas. Ralphie is the coolest, sweetest cat ever (and I don't like cats), and he loves Tricia (he just seems to tolerate me).

Anyway, if anyone back home goes by Grandma's house anytime soon, could you take a few pics of Ralphie and send them our way?

Anyway, Tricia likes seeing pics of Meka since she can't visit, so I figured I'd share the latest batch with you too (eye-boogers and all).

Yes, I know I spellt aminals wronge.



  1. very cute! These could be the photos on the front of an 'I miss you' card with those sweet eyes. She looks like she misses her mommy. Bittersweet! :)

  2. She's darling but I like pictures of Gwyneth the best!

  3. Cute. The way you took the pictures makes her look like a "The Dog" dog:

  4. you have a cute aminal, i see why tricia misses meka

    have a blessed day

  5. Love the comment about eye boogers. We have a pug with lots and lots of eye boogers. Does Meka do a kinda sneeze all over you too? Lou Lou (our pug) is constantly blowing snotts all over

  6. I like animals, I have to admit I am not an animal lover...but those are some darn cute pictures. Almost makes me want a pug.

  7. meka is cute and all, but i haven't seen a pic of ralph in a couple of months--yes,I'd much rather see him. :(... my kitty

  8. Pets can be such good therapy, it's too bad Tricia has to worry about the germs and can't see her pets! The pics are really cute, tho, and I hope they help her not miss them so badly.
    I like your silly misspelling!

  9. Hey homestar you make videos and are all about Hawaii so you should check out: Israel Kamakawiwo'ole... He sings a great version of 'Somewhere over the rainbow/What a wonderful world'. Your beautiful family would be complimented by that melody.

  10. i love these precious pictures. pugs are so expressive - it looks as if meka is saying "i want tricia to come home". i think i am going to buy your camera - your photography (and writing) is so inspiring.
    still praying in florida,

  11. Meka looks like she is saying that she misses you, too, Tricia. She is so cute.

  12. Your dog is adorable! :D We're still praying for you & your family.
    ~Kim in Ohio

  13. Thanks for the laugh. We say aminals here too. What a cutie. I posted a pic of our baby on my blog. He still thinks he's a baby.
    Christy in KY

  14. haha! I didn't even notice the misspelling until I read the last sentence.

    Meka sure is a cute pup!!

  15. I bet Meka & Ralphie misses Tricia just as must be so hard to be away from the "Furkids" for so long. Give Meka a Big hug for me....

  16. Very good pics! I think you should be a photographer! You have a real gift!

    Annie- Nashville

  17. I'm sure Tricia really misses them. I know I always say that our dog, Frisco (a westie) was our first baby. I can imagine that they miss her like crazy. They always seem to know when someone is "missing".

    Hope you are all having a good day.

  18. Have left several posts, but anyny. You 3 truly inspire me. What is there left to say...God is in total control. Oh.. how many lives have been touched. Mine will never be the same. Thank you for sharing your lives with us...I have grown to love you..even though we have never met. You are each amazing!! Nate ya got two "total knock out chics on your hands"

  19. In the 2nd picture of Meka, I can see Nate in Meka's eyes. (literally). Go ahead everyone. Take a second look now. :D

  20. love those photos, makes me miss my mum's dog in new york!!

    updated my march challenge here if you care to check it out

  21. Hey, thought of a website you might like. It has photo editing tools and it's FREE! I really enjoy it. ~Prayers From Arkansas~

  22. Love that smashed in, hit by a truck face. Just love it.
    I bet she does miss them and they miss her as much, ya know?

    Your photography by the way is phenominal!

  23. where are our tuesday Gwyneth with stuffed pug pictures?

  24. You have ALL been in our prayers since we received an email in January. We also put you on our Church's (New Life Community Church United Methodist in New Fairfield, CT) prayer chain.
    Two weeks ago we went to the Holy Land with a group from our Church. While we were there, we put your names and a prayer request for healing on a piece of paper ; and I put the paper in the Wailing Wall. Literally, people all around the world are praying for you ALL.
    Continue to keep the faith...FAITH KEEPS THOSE WHO KEEP THE FAITH! You are a mighty witness to the love of and the healing power of Jesus. "To God be the glory, great things He hath done" and IS STILL DOING !
    God Bless You ALL,
    Pete and Mary Lou Heslin
    We spend half the year in CT and the other half in Southern Shores. We plan on visiting your Church when we come down in May.

  25. I love pugs and Meka is SO cute!! I can see why Tricia misses her!!

  26. Trisha & Nate: I'm thinking and praying for you tonight. If you have time check out my blog (that way, I dont have to rewrite it! hahaha) just a few notes from Phil 1: 12-18 that reminded me of you two.

  27. Thanks for the update on your dog and kitty. I wish Tricia could have them in her room. Pugs are so cute but they have sad faces. Oh one other question I asked but you never covered. Is Gwyneth the first grand child for your parents? She is getting very cute and her face has expression now. I hope she is warm enough!!!!!

    Praying lots for your family,

    Cheryl from Fairfax

  28. I don't believe there's a single other breed of pup out there that would look quite so pathetic just to show how much momma is missed. Very sweet pictures. And I'm with Tricia on this one... cats are better. How can they not be? A purr is quieter than a bark, and a dry lick is preferable to wet slobber any day of the week. Oddly enough, I have a dog and not a cat (a sacrifice I make for my son, who has allergies)! I love your blog! Praying for you all.

  29. I am pretty picky about pictures and such... and I am really liking your stuff... you could spread some cheer at the hospital taking pretty pics of the folks.

  30. I love you guys -- Meka too.

    Heidi R.

  31. AWWWWWWWWWW Meka is so cute!


    Jen-William's Mom

  32. I got the link to this in my email today, thought you and Meka would enjoy it! Keeping you and your girls in my thoughts and prayers!

  33. She's so photogenic, but not as much as Gwyneth. :)

  34. oh she is so cute! you take great pics


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