
Monday, March 3, 2008


Gwyneth Rose continues to do incredibly well on the nasal cannula. Her third MRSA swab came back negative, so hopefully next Monday she'll be on her way out of contact isolation.

Tricia is also doing great. She's been to see the baby several times in the past few days, which is very good for both them and me. She continues to remain infection free.


> I've had several questions about my camera. If you'll look back over other Q&A posts, you'll find some more info about my photography "skills". I'm using the Digital Canon Rebel Ti.




  1. I just wanted to drop by to tell y'all I am so glad everyone is doing well. Keepin you in my prayers, Jamie

  2. It is so good to hear that Gwyneth has only one swab to go to get out of isolation. And I am so thankful to hear that Tricia is doing good and seeing her little baby. Has to lift her spirits. And no infection, this is so great. You have two very strong ladies in your life!!:)

    Laurie in Ca.

  3. That is awesome, God is so good!
    I continue to pray for each of you...may you feel His arms around you continually.

  4. Happy for you that your ladies are doing well!! Still praying for you all!

  5. praise God!!! breath girls breath! grow Gwyneth grow baby girl!

    still praying in SC!

  6. Praise God!!! praying...jen in al

  7. Thank you, dear God. Hooray for Gwyneth! Hooray for Tricia!
    Praying for all 3 of you...

  8. Thats great news Nate, praying all continues to go well for Gwyneth and that Tricia gets her new lungs really really soon.
    Much love.

  9. When Gwyneth is declared MRSA free next week will Tricia be able to hold her? We are rejoicing in what God is doing in the life of your family and continuing in prayer.

  10. What a beautiful baby!! Thanks for the update just finished praying for Nate, Trisha, Gwyneth, Grandpa and Gram the donor and family. Lord bless today!

  11. Hey Nate,
    Congrats that your girls are doing so well- God is good!
    Also just wanted to thank you for being so diligent in updating the multitude of strangers (like me) who check in every morning. Especially considering how much you have going on- and that we're strangers! I'm on maternity leave still waiting for my little girl to get here (due any day now), and it's been so comforting and exciting to watch you guys get to know little Gwyneth. You guys keep me all pumped up about becoming a mom. thanks!

  12. The pictures speak thousands of words! It is awesome to "see" all three of you. Thanks for every single shot. Praying for lungs, Mike, Tina and Lilbit

  13. Keep the great news coming.

  14. Glad to hear your babe is doing well. Here's a link to a cool donor story in Tuesday's NY Times.

  15. Here's the link:

  16. Happy 8 week birthday little Gwyneth Rose!

    Always praying for you, Nate, Tricia, and Gwyneth!

  17. I am SO glad everyone is doing well. Continuing to pray!

    With Love and Hope,

    Jen-William's Mom

  18. Awesome news!!!!!!!! God is good!

  19. PTL they are doing well. I am praying for you in Illinois.

  20. The aminals are darling. I am so happy to hear that Gwyneth only has one more swab and then out of contact isolation. God is good! So thankful for your story and how it ministers to others.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. It is great to hear how well the girls are both doing, and the pictures of Meka are really cute in a homely dog kind of way:)Isn't today Tuesday, however? Where are the pics of Gwyn with her pug? Or are you waiting for her big two month birthday on the 8th? And no, we never get tired of seeing pictures of Gwyn or Tricia, so keep them coming.

  23. Glad to hear everyone is doing well! Love the Meka pictures.


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