
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Awesome Story of CF and Organ Donation!

Here's a story of a young woman who was inspired to become an organ donor by attending a Great Strides Walk for CF. At the age of 15, her lungs saved a CFer's life. This is why I blog.

Valerie Vandervort-Boyer's feet sped over a treadmill's moving surface as her ponytail flicked side to side. She ran or walked but always kept going. Valerie's not one to stop unless she must. Life's short. She knows this -- she almost ran out of it... (Read The Entire Story!)



  1. What an awesome and encouraging testimony!

  2. truly amazing story and another reason I'm happy to say I'm an organ donor.

  3. Yea Val! I met Val in the hospital when I was around 5. I remember she was 13, which seemed to be just about the coolest age you could be at the time. I wanted to be just like her! She is such an inspiration to all of us. Glad you posted this. :)

  4. Thanks Nate, we have been searching for a recent story of organ donation and CF to link to our blog. Our brother was on the transplant list to receive double lungs, so getting others to become donors is just another step towards our goal of kicking this nasty disease. I hope you don't mind us sharing on to help inspire others to become organ donors!

  5. Novartis has a 2008 calendar out, and Valerie is on the month of March! It was good to see the full story of her lung transplant. Thanks for posting it.

  6. Thank you so much for sharing... that truly is an awesome story! I love the movie, "Return to Me," too, which if anyone hasn't seen it, you should... it will also help someone see the incredible impact organ donation can have on a person's (or even a family's) life. =o)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I have been following your blog for a while now and all I can say is it puts me in awe. It is some of the most inspiring stuff I have ever read. I can't wait to get on each day and read updates on Tricia and Gwyneth. I pray for your family and that Tricia receives her new lungs. Your family is an inspiration to all. I pray that Tricia will have a story like this one you posted. it it such a testament of what organ donation is all about. I am an organ donor as well.

  9. Amazing. I am 15 now and when I get my permit I will definetly get the little red heart on it. Because of this blog I have decided to do this.

    Thank you.
    -Kathryn Elizabeth, Cary NC

  10. Wow, that's incredible!

    Thanks for sharing it! =]

  11.; You saved my day again.


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