
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Top O' The Morning!

Read with your best Irish accent!

In Durham lives a lad named Nate
Who's wife for new lungs does wait
Their bless'ed white rose
with blond hair and butt'n nose
amazes all 'spite wee size and weight

You have until 8pm (EST) tonight to come up with your own CFHusband limerick! Keep it G rated and CFHusband themed (or I'll delete it). Or, write one about yourself and post it on your own blog!

Tricia decides who's is the "best" and will give the winner a cyber high five!



  1. Was that picture taken today?! Tricia you are beautiful and you guys look so happy! You are such an inspiration to me.
    May God provide you with whatever you need for the day...that is my prayer to you!
    Some more sunshine from SA!

  2. This picture's great! Love the bib and how you include your little one in the photo,(so to speak) So glad you're able to make the best of your time spent there in the hospital. When ever I drive past a hospital I think of you guys, and say a prayer. Melissa

  3. What a cute pic. Everyday I click on your blog address and read the story of that day in front of my colleagues. I work at a christian TV channel here in Holland called EO.
    Did you know that st. patricksday isn’t even celebrated in ireland. There’s a parade in Dublin but it’s not a national holiday there. I didn’t know that until my Irish friends toild me this yesterday. We don’t celebrate it here in Holland.
    I’m thinking of you & praying for you! A fellow Freq, Jacoline

  4. I know of a fine man named Nate,
    And lots of us think that he's
    His wife is the best,
    With Gwyneth they're blessed,
    And 2 new lungs an-tic-i-pate.


  5. I could never attempt to write a limerick (don't even think I could spell it) better than that!

    It was darling, as is your sweet little family.

    Thinking of you and praying for you guys all the time!

    And, about your other post about being torn... just take it one step at a time. You've figured it out so far, don't put too much pressure on yourself, Nate!

  6. there once was a babe named gwyn
    in the fight of her life to win
    much like her mom
    tricia- the BOMB
    they both have others pray-in

    (Michelle in South Korea)

  7. Okay, here's the best I've got...

    There once was a man named Nate
    whose choice in a wife was great
    With a baby in tow
    The listing for new lungs a go
    Now they just sit back and wait!

  8. Near the sea lived a wild-man named Nate,
    Who wanted fair Tricia to date.
    At last he did win,
    And now they have Gwyn,
    And watch the whole world celebrate!

  9. With eyes of laughter and a smile so safe
    Tricia and Nate trust in their faith
    As they eloquently show, the world their fate

  10. Just remember, YOU asked for it. LOL
    A St. Patrick's Day blessing opun you,
    From all of us here in the Sharp crew.
    We wanted to send you some luck and a shamrock,
    But the daoine in Duke would put up a block.
    So we say, Bail o' Dhia Ort, The blessing of God on you.

    Christy in KY

  11. My Gwyneth lies over in ICU
    My Tricia lies over the cot;
    Poor Nathan runs all between them
    Giving both girls all that he's got!

    Now Gwyneth is learning to grow
    To thrive, to breath, and to cry;
    And Tricia, she's patiently waiting
    For a new set of lungs to her to fly.

    The rest of us thank you for blogging
    And keeping us abreast of the news
    Of the family Lawrenson in Durham
    Hope, prayer, and faith--your shared cues.

    (sung to the tune of "My Bonnie lies over the Ocean")

    And, I apologize for quickly jotted out lyrics but no time for more today!

  12. Love the St. Patirick's Day Bib! :)
    your limmerick is so cute but I'n not good at those! Good Luck on the Bake Sale today! I wish I could be there!


  13. Unknown to her whole family,
    Nate's beautiful wife made a plea,
    For a miracle child -
    God looked down and smiled,
    And now they're the Lawrensons THREE!

  14. The Michigan winter she be so cold
    But the Lawrenson family my wee heart they stole
    A lady who lives in a little house on a hill
    Their passion for life it broke through the chill
    People now watch their story be told
    A life now of three continues to unfold

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. In Durham is a family of three,
    Each day is a struggle but God is the key,
    Nate is the dad Tricia's the mom,
    And Gwyneth she completes them,

    Sorry kind of retarded I know. But i thought it looked fun. :)

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. A young family in Durham
    The trials they've been through'em
    But the gest of their story-
    To give God the glory
    And that they certainly do.

    Leigh Ann, Nashville, TN

  19. Blogger Karen said...

    The Lawrenson family of three,

    awaiting new lungs for mommy,

    is praising through pain,

    in sunshine and rain,

    for Gwyneth,their new sweet baby.

  20. I loved reading these! ...but Sallie's made me CRY!

    Blessings to you all!

  21. I loved Sallie's too!!!
    not that we are trying to sway the vote....

  22. I, too, must cast my vote for Sallie's limerick. Now for my own attempt....

    A miracle, a Blessed White Rose
    With tiny fingers, hands and toes
    Waits and grows in ICU
    But her family's faith is true
    They thank God as Gwyneth grows.

    Well, I think I'm better at prose, but there ya go. Can't wait for today's weekly update!

  23. i think your hair is as long as trisha's

  24. Best said in an Irish accent (hence three is pronounced 'tree' and 'faith' is fate..)

    Will you look at that fam'ly of three?
    They're good looking and cute as can be.
    Gwyneth, Tricia and Nate
    Hearts full up wit' faith
    Pray that happy and healthy they'll be

    I haven't a clue if I'm in time because I'm in England but I'm sure you guys are a bit behind us on the clock!

    Sarah H in Kent, England xx
