
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

CFHusband Limerick Contest Winner!

Congrats to Sallie! Tricia liked several, but yours was her favorite!

Unknown to her whole family,
Nate's beautiful wife made a plea,
For a miracle child -
God looked down and smiled,
And now they're the Lawrensons THREE!

Sallie, put one of your hands close to your computer screen and then hit the play button for a High Five from Tricia.



  1. Congratulations, Sallie.
    I gave Tricia a high five too:)

  2. I am sitting here in a pool of tears. I also have a 24 weeker, although My faith was shaken to my core when It was all happening to me and my husband. I was amazed how you said that You tend to turn more to God in the hard times then when everything is good. My little guy is 2 1/2 and I am just now getting over my anger at God and relizing that he really did know what he was doing and that I can trust him for everything I need. My faith has become so much stronger than I thought possible. I just have fallen in love with your beautiful wife. She is so strong! I don't even know how to tell you how my heart just hurts to make things eiser for you. I would say that things will get so much better and you won't even remember the hard times you had in the NICU, but you will, except you will love your little Gwyeneth even more because of it. I will pray right now on my knees begging God to bring new lungs for Tricia. We love you guys.

  3. I came across a poem yesterday in a children's poetry book, while reading to my 20 month old before bed. I thought you and Tricia might enjoy it. Sorry if you have heard this one already.

    Mighty as a Rose

    They say I'm mighty as a rose;
    Soft and silky head to toes.
    My lips and cheeks are petal pink;
    God's most precious flower, I think.

    Oh, and I know this great song by George Strait you just have to hear. : )

    My prayers are with all of you!

  4. The high five from Tricia cracked me up. Great spirits!!

  5. Thanks, Tricia! What a way to start my day.

    May God continue to strengthen and encourage your family. I'm praying for you all.

  6. Oooh, I was hoping that one won! What a sweet poem...loved the high five!

  7. Yay for Sallie!

    And I loved the high-five from Tricia. :)

  8. I love it! I cried when I read it to my mom.

  9. Congrats to Sallie! It says it all, beautifully!
    Praying that today will show improvement for Tricia and a couple more ounces for Gwyneth, while Nate walks the hospital halls in prep for the upcoming CF walks!
    Can I challenge all readers, who won't be walking, to sponsor Nate or someone in your own community over the months ahead? Let's all do our part to knock out this disease!

  10. Love the limmerick and the high five...I did a high five w/Tricia for all her strength and courage!! You guys are great! I am just waiting--not so patiently--for the day I log on here and see the lungs are on their way. All in His time!!

    Shari NC

  11. I am not creative enough to write a cool limerick, but I enjoyed Sallie's. I also high fived Tricia just because it was fun! ;)
    How're ya feeling, Tricia? Nate mentioned here and there that this hasn't been a great week for you. Praying it gets better and any pain will subside. You're(all of you) always on my heart and in my prayers.

  12. This has nothing to do with this post but I thought I'd share something I learned while homeschooling my first grader this morning....Since I've seen a few cross-eyed pictures I thought youshould know that it is healthy for you eyes to do so - contrary to what our grandmothers told us they won't stick that way, but rather the eye muscles are strengthened....interesting, huh?

  13. Yay Sallie! Great limerick! =]

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Love the poem and love the virtual high five! High Five back at ya Tricia! (even though it wasn't for me LOL)

    Love seeing all the white rose blooming updates! She really is turning into a rose!

    If you get a chance, I have a post (at the very top) on Lily's Pad ( a friend that has a son that has Cerebral Palsy! Would love prayers for this family as well!

  16. Good job Sallie. That was awesome.

  17. I continue to follow your story and pray for your family. It is amazing to see how God is working in your lives. I wanted to ask if it is okay to link your site on mine?

  18. A contest, I missed a contest. Oh well, I think the winner's entry rocked.


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