
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

April 19

Exactly one month from today, I'll be making Great Strides for CF here on the Duke University campus. If you can, consider coming and hanging out with me and thousands of others as we enjoy some free food, games, a raffle and lots of other fun activities! Registration officially begins at 9am, but feel free to come out any time that morning or early afternoon. I'll be the one wearing the orange shoes.

In fact, there a several Great Stride Walks taking place in the month of April all over the country. Click Here to find the walk nearest you!



  1. We will be doing the May 17th walk (Midland, MI) in Tricia's honor!

  2. I am leading a team (for the first time!) of nurses at the walk up here in Connecticut!

  3. I recently found your blog from a friend's blog, and have to say I have been along for the ride for about a month now. I check it often and have been praying for your wife and daughter. I also have posted a link on my blog, so all of my family can be praying for you too! God Bless.
    Psalm 37:4

  4. Unfortunately, I will be at another walk that will be near and dear to your heart.

    March of Dimes March for Babies is that day at Nortel Networks.

  5. I am hoping to walk in Colorado Springs if we are moved by that time! I'll let you know if I do!

  6. Woohoooo!!!
    Great to hear Gwyneth's now 2lbs.

    I'm doing a Great Strides in Nottingham here in the UK, ours is on the 10th of May. It feels a bit like this walk links us all together although we live miles apart....brilliant.

    Continuing to pray for you all as always.

  7. Praying for Tricia to feel better soon-

  8. I was told about your site today by a friend. My husband has CF and was listed for a lung transplant on Monday. I will be praying for you, Tricia, and Gwenyth!

  9. This blog has won my heart! For the first time I am going to be a team leader in Rome, GA. I have just talked with Scott in Atlanta. His daughter is 22 years old with CF, and he works in the office for CF. He was amazed I would even care with no one in my family. I gave him your blog site, and told him I felt like family after reading your blog. He plans to read it and pass it on. I need your help. Help me come up with a good team name. I just found out I can be a branch to your team with the same team name. Please feel free to email me. My prayers are always with you!

  10. Hi Nate,

    I wanted to send you an email about this, but I'm too naive to figure out how to do it!

    I'd like to start a team to walk in Lima, OH on May 17th. I've never done anything like this before, but man....if I can do anything to help find a cure for this disease, then I'm on it!

    I've read the Great Strides site from the link you provided, but I still have a few questions.
    1. Can I name my team after
    Tricia? Would that be ok
    with both of you?

    2. Are there age stipulations
    for team members? My
    daughter, Courtney, is 12
    yrs. old and really would
    like to be part of the
    team and thinks a few of
    her friends would like to
    do so as well.

    Courtney is a big fan (as well as me!) of your family. First thing she asks everday when she walks in from school is if Tricia got her new lungs yet and how Baby Gwyneth is doing. Thanks to both you and Tricia for opening eyes about this disease and what it entails!

  11. I'm a May walker here! Already half way to my fundraising goal too!

  12. How exciting! I am participating (for the first time) in the Great Strides Walk in Houston on May 17! I'm really excited and I get a cool shirt - I hope you get a cool shirt too.

  13. Our family will be walking on May 25th in Pitt Meadows, BC (suburb of Vancouver), supporting my daughter's friend with CF.

    Continued prayers.

  14. I just told a little bit of your story on my blog and set up a link to your page so I could "introduce" you to my friends and family. After all, you are really hurting for visitors to your site so I figured you could use the advertising!!:)

  15. Nate, I have been reading your blog for the past week and I feel so inspired by you! What an amazing father, husband and young man you are ! I wish you and Tricia all the best and hope to remain updated as your journey continues.

  16. Thanks a lot for your witness and telling about the GREAT STRIDES walk. Our team are going to one 26Apr08 in Lancaster, PA at the Greenfield Corproate Center. May God use all the money to glorify Himself and find a cure for CF. Have a great day the Lawrenson Three and i am praying for all of you!


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