
Friday, March 7, 2008

Fraggle Rock-a-Bye Baby

It's very important that you watch this video before reading the rest of this post...

I always wanted a Fraggle...

We've received lots of fun baby stuff, but this one hat has got to be my favorite so far.



  1. What a cutie pie! One day when she's older and looks at this picture she's going to crack up!

  2. That's awesome. My granddaughter used to watch FraggleRock all the time. What a great hat on an even greater baby. I'm sooo happy you are having fun with her.

  3. That's hilarious! Fraggle Rock used to be one of my favorites. Thanks for the smiles!

  4. A baby fraggle! Too cute.

    Praying for your girls (and you)

    ~Leah in Alaska~

  5. I couldn't stop laughing !! She's so darn cute!! I had some hats like that for my boys (only in boy colors) and people just loved them!! Too much fun:) What a good way to end my day! So Glad Tricia's doing good too!! God Bless, Melissa

  6. This just really had me you have your very own fraggle...& shes really much cuter than any of the fraggle family could ever be lol...Gwyneth is really cute with that hat on!!!

  7. Nate I am so pleased that your girls are improving. Great pics, I can see that the litle one is changing in her facial features. How cool is that? She looks as if she is so content. That is a good thing.

    Continued prayers for improvement and good health.

  8. oh fraggles are my favorite. I still watch clips on you tube when I'm bored... nice picture of your girl.

  9. Lol, ah, having fun at your kid's expense! Yay! She is adorable, I defy anyone to find a hat that doesn't just add to her adorableness!

  10. I hope one day I'll be as lucky as you & Tricia to have a fraggle rock baby!!! Wonderful photos, thanks for sharing :)

  11. Hahahaha! Love the hat! Gwyneth makes a good Fraggle!

    ~Sara in MD

  12. I'm laughing so hard I can hardly type! That poor, dear, sweet child simply has NO idea of the kind of life she is about to experience!!! :):):):) I can see her, in about 13 years, looking at that picture and rolling her eyes and saying something like, "Dad, I can't believe you did that to me!!!"

  13. I love it!!! She is absolutely adorable and my children and I loved watching the Fraggle Rock video! We pray for your family every night before bed. What a blessing to be having so much fun with her!!!

  14. that made my morning..gave me a good laugh..she is absolutely adorable!!

  15. That is FUNNY!! She is cute no matter what she is wearing..

  16. Someday when you are showing this picture to Gwyneth's boyfriend she is not going to like you very much!!! Thanks for all the pics, articles, etc. We are thrilled things are progressing well. We will continue to pray for each of you daily.

  17. Fabulous hat!!! One day Gwyneth will laugh a lot at that picture (or roll her eyes and say, "Oh Daddy!") I love your sense of humor! (And the day when you WILL be buying her a mac is probably going to come sooner that you ever dreamed...)

  18. Gwyneth is adorable, fraggle-like in the best way possible. I actually think she looks rather stylish. She must be the most stylish baby in the NICU.

  19. I hear a lot of DaaaAA- aaAAd with accompanying ^^eyeroll^^in your future. YAY!

  20. LOL! Just about the cuttest Fraggle EVER!!!

  21. that is the best picture on the internet today. i love it!

  22. She has got to be the coolest baby on the planet today. How many have Fraggle heads? Fantastic!

  23. You need to send this to a tv station. Maybe they will start a reality Fraggle rock...hahaeheheh! Just kidding:)
    She looks beyond cute!! Just like mom pretty in pink.
    love, beth

  24. The pictures are to cute. Fraggle Rock was one of my children favorite shows. Love the hat!

  25. man, i loved that show...they just don't make um like they used to. i guess the same can be said for baby bonnets as well ;) she is super-duper adorable. good work, you guys+the hat maker.

  26. I love the fraggles! How cute is that hat!

  27. LOL!!!! You can pull that one out when her Fiance comes a calling! =)

  28. I always loved Fraggle Rock...

    What a cool hat! Whoever made that for you should seriously go into business. Gwyneth would make the perfect model, too!!

  29. I love it! I never wanted a Fraggle but I have to agree, that hat is AWESOME! Although it could be that Gwyneth makes the hat look that good. ;)

  30. That made me laugh out loud!! How precious!! Just too much fun!
    I loved Fraggle Rock as a kid!!
    Hope you all have a very special Friday!
    Continued prayers!

  31. That may be one of the best hats I've ever seen!


    Thanks for the laugh and the trip down memory lane. I loved Fraggle Rock!


  33. Oh my gosh. That hat is soo stinking cute. I want one for my little bambino! Gwyneth looks absolutely adorable in her little Fraggle hat. She's soooooo precious. Glad to hear everything is continuing to go wonderfully. Your family is amazing.


  34. I totally watched the video before scrolling down and then I cracked the heck up. That is completely adorable and I think I want one too. Uh, well, not for my daughter actually though. I want one for ME!!

    Have a wonderful Friday Nate, Tricia, and Gwyneth! We are so happy to read of all the good news and even though we celebrate each victory with you, we do not forget our prayers (and praises) for you too.

    Much Love,
    Heidi and family

  35. That Fraggle Rock video brought back memories. She looks like one of the club! Aspiemom

  36. That is too cute, and hilarious...

  37. Very cute! I continue to follow your story sometimes with tears (as I watch the adorable videos with you, Tricia & Gwyneth) and sometimes with cheers! We continue to pray for both our your girls, you, and both of your families.

    ~Rebecca in Chicago~

  38. Ha! That is hilarious! I remember my Fragle Rock days. Thanks for the smile!

  39. Gwyneth is so adorable.. I know it sure feels to hold that precious lamb of God.. May Gods Blessings continue in your life and your girls life

  40. That is the funniest thing I have ever seen. You two are maintaining such a good sense of humor throughout a very stressful time. And Nate, the lengths you go to to entertain your vast public are admirable and appreciated. Thanks for the laughs!

  41. that poor girl has no idea what is in store for her if this is what you do to her just 2 months in to her life!! We found bunny ears around Easter the year after my son was born and I have a pic of him with the ears and a look on his face that said "what the heck mom??!!" He'll hate me later for it but oh well.. that is what parents are for. I remember a certain bathroom pic of me when I was about 4...
    Gee thanks mom!

  42. That's hysterical. She's going to hate that pic one day. I think it's too cute.

  43. Congrats on getting your very own fraggle! She's adorable!

    refreshing in ohio

  44. One thing about the silly pics- cause I now have a daughter who can give input on all the fun I had with the camera with her as a baby and I DID! Even the most embarrasing ones speaks your love for them. They may not want to show them all off to the boyfrieds- but she thinks its funny and cute to see pics of her nakey rear running through the house! Keep on shootin' U all will love it *promise* and yes she is so adorable its not even funny! Much to be proud of perfect package!


  45. That hat is the best! I need one of those for Abel.

  46. What a doll! Absolutely adorable and totally Fraggle Rock.

  47. Too cute. Make sure you keep all the small hat and clothes. You will be amazed a year from now how much Gwyneth has grown. Don't worry about her weight. Grace is 15 months and just hit 14 lbs! You are always in our prayers.


  48. She is hands down, without question, the cutest Fraggle ever made! :)
    She also happens to be one of the most beautiful babies God ever created!!

    I'll be checking back around 11 for the 'cool thing' update! :)

  49. I used to love Fraggle Rock too. I do say that she is definitely the cutest Fraggle that I have EVER seen. Love the hat. Just think Gwyneth, you were styling before you were even supposed to be here. You go girl!
    Christy in KY

  50. I call this hat her " Philly -Mummur " look. Little # 9 is soooo cute! I can hardly stand it.

  51. I'm so completely honored. I started crying when I read this post and saw my hat. She looks even more beautiful than I thought she would. And I'm so glad you like it. Now I can begin working on the next size! Thank you so much for sharing her with us!

  52. What a great way to start off the day. I think she is the cutest Fraggle EVER. :)

  53. She is too cute in that hat! SO faunny to relate that to Fraggles! I havn't thought of Fraggle Rock in ages!

  54. That is one of the most hilarious hats I have ever seen. She is a total fraggle, but a stinkin' cute fraggle. Can't wait to hear what special event is taking place today for your sweet wife.

  55. ha ha!!! I laughed out loud when I saw that picture! I used to LOVE Fraggle Rock. Gwenyth is so stinkin cute!!

  56. I loved wathcing Fragle Rock. She defiantly is sporting the Wembley look!! Love it.

  57. LOL :) Such a sweetheart fraggle rock baby.

  58. How funny! She might decide to get even with you one day! ;-) She's so sweet.

  59. Hee hee hee...she is so cute. I wonder how mad she will be about this picture when she is about 13 or so. Super cute!


    Jen-William's Mom

  60. That's awesome.

    Can't wait until after 11!

  61. How cute is that!! Finally, your own Fraggle Rock!!

  62. That is fantastic...only a true child of the 80s can fully appreciate a Fraggle reference.

    Not gonna' lie...I do own Season 1 on dvd. :)

  63. I love your little Fraggle, she is beautiful. I'm glad Tricia is doing so much better. I look forward to reading her side of your story. I laugh reading what you both write sometimes. Is it 11:00 yet?

  64. i love it!!!! So cute! your own little Fraggle!!!
    Praying, jen in al

  65. LOVE IT! I also loved Fraggle Rock when I was growing up! Your too funny Nate!

  66. Oh goodness, I am laughing so hard. That is just too cute. And the faces Gwyneth is making are just great.


  67. I loved Fraggle rock as a kid! I like she looks lovely! Makes me wish for another girl, my last 3 are boys.

    Still praying and sending great thoughts your way.


  68. What a cute bug in a rug! By the way, Nate, have you and Tricia figured out yet that you will have an absolute "force of nature" on your hands when she's 2/3 and 13-16??? Nobody has this much fight in them to live, and then doesn't show their strength of character in the toddlers and teens. Heaven help you :o)~

  69. Too cute! Ah, the fraggles! She'll love that picture someday, too!

  70. I Love the Fraggles! But I must confess she is the cutest Fraggle I have ever seen

  71. She is MUCH cuter than a Fraggle!!!!!!!! TOO CUTE!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE the hat!!!!!

  72. Love Fraggle Rock! What a great idea! I always say that you might as well have fun with your kids by doing silly things like that to them! :)

  73. She is the cutest little fragle I have ever seen!

    Too cute!


  74. I LOVE it....gave me a Smile today! Thanks!
    P.S. You do an awesome job with your blog....the lead in video was perfect, and I did read it first before I scrolled to the little sweetie pie!
    Thanks again Nate...You Rock!

  75. I LOVED watching Fraggle Rock. Your daughter is by far the cutest Fraggle! ;)

  76. I've been singing Fraggle Rock all morning since first viewing this. Love the hat! What great pictures! Just so you know...we never get tired of the pictures.

    Praying in Missouri

  77. She is so the pic and the hat! She is a strong little girl, just like her mom. She is growing and changing so much. But ya remind me of my hubby--she is gonna be crazy about you, and complain how you embarass her, but keep coming back for more! You are a great dad and hubby!!

    Shari NC

  78. Hilarious. I am absolutely DYING.

    What a cute little Fraggle you have on your hands!

    Devin in Illinois

  79. I follow your blog every day. This is one of my favorite post because I love fraggles!They just make you smile. What a great hat.

  80. what a cute Fragle Rock!thats Halarious , shes so adorable and her looks are sure changing:)

  81. Please add me to your prayer chain.
    I have been lurking for the past week and am coming out of my prayer closet :) to let you know that you will be daily prayed for in S.B. Ca. i am a mother of two, 25, and 22 and LOVE the Lord and Fraggles :))
    peact to your hearts,

  82. If possible she is getting more precious each day. And I love the hat!

  83. What a precious family. I have been reading your blog for about a month now (after being linked here from another blog) and I have gone back and read all the prior posts. Thanks for always being honest and forthright in your blogs. Love the little fraggle!

  84. haha! She makes a perfect little Fraggle! :-) She may look back on this with resentment one day when she is older... haha!

  85. Awesome! I LOVED fraggle rock growing up. great show!

  86. Dear Nate,
    You are the most patient person ever. You always answer my questions even though they are the dumbest ones. Have you ever considered becoming a middle school teacher? You would be great and a wonderful role model too!!!!
    I am so happy that Gwyneth is gaining weight. Personally, I don't like that hat on her. I think a cute little bunny hat or a tiara would suit her better and not tickle her eyes. Oh wait! Tricia deserves the tiara. I am happy that she is walking so far and feeling better. Thank you again for always being so kind and patient. I adored the Jockey's Ridge post. That's one of my favorite places. You will have to buy Gwyneth a kite to fly there when she is 3.

    Cheryl from Fairfax

  87. Now that is funny! She's a cutie! Still praying for you from Atlata! :)

  88. that is the stinkin cutest thing ever!!!!!

  89. I personally think you need a matching hat! Too funny!
    Lori in VA

  90. Funniest post ever. You even got a smile out of my 13 year old son. My youngest had a hat just like that, with little booties to match. They were my favourite too!

    Continued prayers,

  91. What a riot!

    Talk about having some blackmale pics to show to Gwyneth's first date!

    She is Such a cutie!!!

  92. How adorable!! You have the cutest lil Fraggle!!

  93. That hat is too funny...What a beautiful baby. I agree that you need matching hats for all 3 of you. ~Praying from Iowa~

  94. Just wait until she's big enough to dress YOU up in silly stuff! She'll get you back, mark my word. Her cheeks are starting to get chubby, so precious.

  95. SO stinkin cute! Where can we get our own Fraggle Hats???

  96. She is so beautiful and your family's story is amazing! Sendind thoughts and prayers to you. Do you have an address for cards and such to be sent to?

  97. That just kills me,. lolol, she is so darn cute!!!!! She is really gona love that when she is about 16!!!!! I am so glad you are having fun with her!!!

    Love and blessings, Kristy

  98. I'd be careful. She'll be picking your nursing home some day.

    Just sayin...

  99. That is the cutest thing EVER!

    I love Fraggle Rock!


  100. How fun!! Cutest Fraggle Ever!

  101. That is one of the cutest things I have EVER seen.

  102. FINALLY I have figured out how to post a comment on the blog!!! She is ADORABLE! Love the hat. Fraggle rock was a favorite of my kids so brings back warm fuzzies =)

    Praying for all of you!
    Mary Knapp

  103. While my brother was sick, I got fixated on making hats for children who had cancer. I have a bag of them that I never sent or gave to anyone--and some of them are made with the fuzzy yarn! She is adorable no matter what she has or doesn't have on!

  104. Fraggle Rock STILL rocks! Who doesn't wanna dance their cares away? >:0)

    Love that hat! She's adorable in it.

  105. That's adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  106. That is most excellent! I love Fraggle Rock!

  107. That hat is the coolest!!!!! Thanks for bringing back 'Fraggle' memories....

  108. That has to be the most cutest funniest thing I have ever seen. Praise God that we are able to laugh with you today, God is good.

  109. I loved Fraggle Rock! She is such a cutie in that little fuzzy hat!

  110. Oh my gosh! That is one sassy hat! She's wears it well. :)

  111. That has got to be the cutest thing I've seen in a while...of course I think the model makes the hat!!

  112. these are my friends, and i think their dog is a fraggle.

    seriously cute face!!!!

    cool about the news show!!!! that means you're popular!

  113. That is the most precious picture! Blessings going out to you and your family!

  114. i grew up watching fragglerock! i had all the dolls and now have the DVDs! you are too lucky to have your own real-life fraggle!

  115. Cutest. Baby. Ever!

    Just don't tell my daughter I said that. ;)

  116. ROFLOL!! I needed that giggle!

  117. That is the cutest Fraggle-baby EVER!!!!

  118. Gwyneth looks beautiful in the hat! I hope God continues to strengthen her and Tricia has they endure through this time. I love you all and I am praying for you!

  119. Now, all Gwyneth needs is a postcard from Uncle TravelingMatt!

  120. I used to babysit a couple of little guys that LOVED Fraggle Rock. I was so into the video and then moved down to the photos while drinking tea...I almost washed my screen because dear Gwyneth made me giggle!
    And I needed a giggle today!!!
    Thank you Gwyneth (and Daddy Nate!)

    you are so precious! i can't wait to watch the video your daddy's been working on when i wake up in the morning! sleep tight, sweet one.

  122. wahhahahahaha!!!! I love it!!!!

  123. Ok, now THAT'S funny. Cutest little Fraggle ever. Thanks for sharing. Heather

  124. that video is awesome! I'd completely forgotten about the fraggles, lol! My 7month old daughter was on my lap when I turned it on and she was so facinated and started laughing! Thanks for bringing back memories! ;D

  125. That is beyond cute! What a fantastic hat!

  126. I used to ALWAYS watch Fraggle Rock! Thanks for the memory and the hat is TOO COOL!!!

  127. soooo cute! My dd was our lil monchichi (if you know fraggles, you better know monchichi! lol)

  128. Nate you are hilarious! I absolutely L-O-V-E this pic of miss gwyn and ther new fraggle rock doo. I really think you & tricia should find some baby photo contest to enter that in! YOu'd win for sure! She's a doll!

  129. I loooooved Fraggle Rock!!

    Gwyneth is a precious little fraggle!

  130. I have been looking through older post most of the day and I have to say This one made me giggle. She really does look like a sweet lil baby fraggle. I love that hat.


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