
Thursday, March 6, 2008

Update and Q&A

Tricia is doing most excellent. She is walking over a quarter mile everyday, and is not coughing up nearly as much junk from her lungs as she had been (which means she's infection free for the time being).

And, I bought her a new macbook today, because her PC is old and broken (and it is a PC...), so you should be seeing more of her via Facebook and email and her blog.

Gwyneth gained another ounce last night. She continues to breathe incredibly well on her own. She is already outgrowing some of the hats people have made for her. I did not buy her a mac today.


> Gwyneth is the first grandchild on my side of the family, and the ninth on Tricia's side.

> I still read every comment, usually on the same day as it is posted.

> The picture of Tricia in my blog header was taken at a friends' wedding just before Tricia and I were married.

> The doctors are not concerned with Gwyneth's weight.

Just in case you've missed any, be sure to watch all of the CFHusband Videos next time you're bored.



  1. I'd love a macbook! I'm jealous! You lucky girl! Can you believe it's snowing here? In March no less! Can't wait to see what happens tomorrow! And only 2 more days until Gwyneth's 2 mo bday! Woohoo!!! Glad Tricia is doing so well! God is good.

  2. Loved the video and the soong was perfect - ecen if I did not pick it;)

    So thankful things are going so well for your precicous family!

    Your lives are such a miracle and a testimony to the faithfulness of God:)


  3. ok. now may not be the time..but I'm going to vote for the next song.(loved the last one) my daughter (worship leader at liberty) pointed it out to's pretty perfect and i can't hear it without thinking of you guys. it's called "I will not be afarid" on the chlidren's cd that phil joel put out last year.(blonde guy who was in news boys) if you cant find it let me know i'll get it to you...was it cheating to suggest it now??

  4. No New Mac for Gwyenth? She is getting so much bigger, you can really tell from your pictures!

    Glad Trisha was able to walk and is doing better.

    I think of you often and pray for you all!

  5. My husband recently got a macbook. I'm jealous too! I have a PowerMac G5… a workhorse, but not exactly portable. :P Anyway, it's time for an upgrade, don't ya' think?

    Glad to hear that Tricia is doing well and that Gwyneth gained another ounce. Go baby go! She is such a little doll. And will she ever be spoiled by your parents!

    Barb from Arkansas

  6. I'm glad that Gwyneth is gaining weight--that's good news. Its such good news that Tricia isn't coughing up a lot of stuff & walking that long distance...I'm so proud of her. I find myself directing everyone I talk to in the direction of your have all 3 just inspired me so much. God bless you!!!

  7. I cant believe you didnt get your baby a macbook. She and Tricia could IM each other when they cant be together!
    Praying for tomorrow- whatever it may be! And praising God for the *great strides* Tricia is making. And the tiny one- starting to get not so tiny :)yay!

  8. Oh, you're going to pay one day that Gwyneth didn't get HER own Macbook. But, she may have wanted a pink laptop or something else so you were probably wise to wait. Although I am certain she will soon be quite gadget oriented as she is genetically programmed for it! (As are my own kids, most likely, even though I am an old geezer).

  9. An ounce at a time will do just fine Gwyneth! Before you know it she will be almost 10 pounds like my friend's daughter. Olivia is just over six months old and weighs 9lbs 13oz after weighing only 1.05lbs at birth. Truly unbelievable. Glad to hear the good news all around!

    Kerry (Wichita, KS)

  10. Glad that Trish got the macbook. I'm sure that Gweneth will be borrowing it one of these days..... if you let her... lol.

    I remember when my boys were little in the NICU and I watched every gram of weight that they grew. Especially the oldest. You don't seem to be doing that as much as I did when my sons were little probably because there are other things to think about....... if she gained another ounce, does that mean she has about 3 ounces more to gain before she gets to 2 pounds?

    They let me take my oldest home when he was under 5 pounds. I thought that I'd never forget the exact weight, but I guess that 22 years has taken it's toll. Not to mention the stroke that I had last Mother's Day. Matt would eat an ounce at a time, and it would take him a while to suck it down. He still wore premie diapers when he went home at 12 days old. He was born at 4lb 4 oz, and then my next son was born at 3 lb 9 oz 11 1/2 months later. They were adopted, same birth mom, and so I didn't have to do any of the hard work with them. They kept my younger son in the hospital longer (almost a month) because I already had a baby at home, and also he was slower to grow.

    I'm sure that months from now when Gweneth is ready to go home someone will tell you which kind of infant car seat is best for little ones.... we didn't have the right kind and had to go out the same day and get another one. Poor little guy's head flopped the regular one. Couldn't have that. I remember that when we finally did take him home it was such a shock... now he was ours, and we didn't have all of the experienced nurses to help us... (well, we really did have people to call, but the responsibility was weird.

    Those were the good old days. I remember them fondly. Now.

  11. No MacBook for Gwenyth? Mean daddy.

    (Just kidding.)

    Maybe in a couple of years though...

    Congrats to Tricia on her new Macbook! She'll love it!

    Yay for Macs! They totally rock.

    Happy for continued improvement and still praying!

  12. Nice to hear all is well! Reading good news on your blog makes me so happy! Praise the good Lord!
    I have never used a Macbook. I hear the are superior to PCs...I am one of those unfortunates who has a PC :)

    with love,

    Jen-William's Mom

    p.s.Could you do me a favor? Please pray for my little guy over in Africa? He is having a major surgery on Monday on the "Mercy Ship" to help correct one of his special needs. He is in the Lord's hands, but being so little(4 months) and him having a greater than average risk of infection...I still worry. Thanks so much :)

    p.s. I can imagine Gwyneth would have little use for a Mac!

  13. Can I get an address to send something?

  14. Good Evening,
    What a blessing in disguise your little family has been to me the last few weeks.

    A true testimony of faith, never ending love and courage. Not to mention the constant ever lasting love our Father in Heaven has for us.

    Both of your little miracles are proof that w do have an all loving and powerful Father in Heaven who is caring for us.

    Thank You...for being so honest, real...for helping me regain my testimony!!

    As for the Mac...well, I think Your beautiful wife deserves it!! And whata great gift for you to buy her.

    As for Gwenth....I'm sure she will have all the things she ever wants...she can borrow mommy's when she is able to!!

    :) Love, Gala

  15. what a wonderful blessing! I am glad things are going well! I am not a patient person, but will wait till 11 am only 9 hours away I think....

  16. It brings me such joy to hear more good news! God is so good.

    Praying for you...

  17. Good to hear Gwyneth is growing. Poor girl...she's going to be sad she didn't get a macbook too. I have to say, I love you guy's taste in names. My last LO (who ended up being a boy) was going to be Gwyneth Fern.

  18. Ok so I had to chuckle at your last posting when you said "and no its not the transplant". it wasn't a mean chuckle...maybe more of a cf humor chuckle. like I wish we could just plan things so easy like that type of chuckle.

    Amanda B

  19. I wish I could afford a Mac Book! Lucky Tricia! I'm glad she will have a new computer to help pass time. I am sure it must be hard to just sit there day after day in the hospital and not have the freedom to go outside, so yay for Tricia in getting her new laptop!
    I was curious if Tricia was part hispanic, because she looks so much like my cousin, who is half Colombian. Both beautiful girls! Yay for Gwyneth for gaining an ounce! I also am a big fan of Gywneth Paltrow, one of my fave actresses!

  20. No Macbook for Gwyneth? You're never too young for a Mac! Love the hat.

    proud owner of 3 years of a Mac and never going back

  21. great news! i always love how randomly related (or unrelated) the q & a's are. i'm excited to see all of the crazy photobooth photos that are sure to come from tricia's lonely, bored, late nights in the hospital room! sorry to hear that gwyneth did not get one of her own...maybe an iphone would be a more appropriate first mac purchase for someone of her size and popularity.

  22. I know people probably tell you this all the time, but you should hear it all the time...
    Nate, you are a really great husband. I am so proud to know that there are men like you out there. So stay strong and know how proud of you we all are.

  23. It's been great to read your good news over the past few days. I am glad I found your blog. It reminds me to pray and to be thankful for all my daughter and I have!

  24. Im going to make my husband read this because I think that it is truly romantic that you bought Tricia a NEW MACBOOK! I've been trying to get my husband to be romantic in those same ways but for now I am still working off a really lod ibook and he on his PC. :) I loved that you said you didn't by Gwyneth a day, one day, little Gwyneth! :) So glad you all continue to be healthy and full of life to the fullest! I am blessed each day by the blogs about your lovely and healthy family!

  25. Cute that Gwyneth didn't get a macbook :) Don't worry before long she will look up at her daddy with those cute eyes and say..."please daddy" to lots of stuff :)

    Awesome news on another ounce...woohoo!!!

  26. Hah, thanks for clarifying that you did not buy Gwyneth a Mac. :)


  27. Well Gwyneth doesn't need a mac YET, but I was enjoying your photo booth video with Tricia a few days ago and thinking how much Gwyneth will love that in a couple of years.

  28. A MacBook, eh? What a sweet computer!
    I'm new here, and I'm soaking it all in. Praying for all of you on this journey.

  29. Ah the old pc/mac debate...I do have to admit Macbooks are pretty cool though. Love that Fragglish look, but Gwyneth really looks pretty in anything. So glad both of your girls are doing so well!

  30. i LOVED fraggle rock! it was one of my favorite after school/sunday morning shows to watch. i think gwyneth looks too cute in that fuzzy hat. it's so neat to see her face without all that tape and stuff. i don't remember if i told you or not, but my girls were on the vents/CPAP for a long time. if i remember right (and it WAS 6 years ago) they used the vents/CPAP for, like 3 months. Finally they were able to try and breathe on their own, which was very traumatizing to me. To watch them desat and turn purple every few minutes was not my idea of fun. i would have nightmares about the whole thing.
    i am glad your little miss is doing so well!!

  31. Have a Mac podcast over at, and waiting to get my wife switched soon. Any tips on how to make that happen, or should I just go buy one and plop it in her lap?

  32. another seriously funny post. I'm always glad for my end-of-the-day chuckle. Thanks, Nate. :-)


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