
Sunday, March 16, 2008

Fun Day

Although Tricia is feeling a little more sick than she has the past several weeks, today was a really fun day for both of us.

First, my sister, Rachel and brother-in-law, Ramon were here all day playing games and hanging out. Ramon and I whipped the girls in some serious Skip-Bo.

Then, Andy hooked us up by setting his MacBook up in the back of our church auditorium this morning and letting us watch the service live via the net. The audio was horrible, and the video wasn't great, but for a few minutes it felt like we were there and not here, which was wonderful. And, after, he walked around with the mac while people said hi to us. Very cool!

And, then, I finally figured out a way to broadcast live video from the NICU to Tricia's room, from my mac to hers. And, we even had some of our family peeking in with us, which was very cool.

Along those lines, I'm devising a plan to set up a video chat with anyone who wants to peek in on our lives and ask us some real time questions. I'll let you know soon if it's going to be possible and how you can participate. Let me know by commenting here if that might be something you're interested in.

And, finally, here are a few of the best pics from the past several days. Enjoy!



  1. that binky is HUGE. :)(hee hee I might be the first comment)

  2. Great pictures, as usual. I'm glad Tricia had some fun today. Hope she is feeling better ASAP. Oh, and I'd love to see you set up the "real time" video!

  3. It would be neat to say hi. I am so glad to hear about your fun day. A hospital is just not the easiest place to have fun. I'm afraid if I connected with you all that I would just sit and cry. Not sad tears!, happy tears that you are pushing onward toward the prize. You all are a blessing to me. I love to in and see my prayer being answered.
    Christy in KY

  4. That all sounds so cool!(boy I sound lame) We had a birthday party for 3 kids today, they had fun too. I love the embroidery on the blankets! Still praying for you all..


  5. And that's a purple preemie binky, isn't it? Which gives us some clue of how tiny your Gwyneth is. It's easy to forget her size in the close up shots, but the pictures of you holding her gives some scale, seeing you cradle her entire body in the palms of your hands. She's just under 2lbs? And absolutely beautiful. :)

  6. Wow, that purple pacifier is huge! That will also be a good marker for how little Gwyneth is growing. It is great that she is sucking on it in preparation for drinking her milk rather than having it tubed in there! Love the new pictures and the monogrammed items put tears in my eyes--tears of happiness. And, I'd love to be on live chat although I'd probably just listen. If I could. Big week coming up for me with a little surgery for both me and my 23, almost 24 year old daughter.

  7. I think it would be fun to put a voice to the name, face and story. Go for it on the "real time" video.

  8. I'm not sure if I've got the sense to figure out a real-time chat, but I'm interested.

  9. I have been following on how things are going. It is great that Gwyneth is doing ok... my thoughts go out to you all... I will say one thing... I love that you can still laugh and be goofy through this whole experience... then again they say laughter is the best medicine... take care

  10. Awesome Pics! Is that a Pacifier in Gwyneth's Mouth? How adorable. You guys are awesome!

    Blessings and Love,

    Jen-William's Mom

  11. Looks like you all had a pretty good weekend:) Glad Tricia made it outside, fresh air is always nice.

  12. Wow, Tricia looks so happy, I'm glad she is having fun! And Gwyneth is so beautiful. I am so happy that they are doing so well. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. You guys inspire me and make me thankful for the gift of family.

  13. Thanks for sharing those photos. It would be fun to be able to chat one day, if it's possible, and you don't think it's too intrusive...

    Glad you had a fun day. I hope Tricia feels a bit better tomorrow.


  14. I pray that Tricia will be feeling better tomorrow ... glad you had a good day, that must take some purposeful effort somedays. Hang in there! Those lungs are right around the corner...

  15. Great pictures! I see someone has sent you a lovely gift of embroidery! I have wanted to send a gift, but alas, cannot seem to get an address to send a gift to. If I just send it to Tricia at Duke U Hospital will it get there??

  16. I have to admit seeing how much Gwyneth looks like you, your Dad and Grandfather gave me a little pause but after seeing your sister (she is a cutie!) I am not so worried anymore! :) Plus hopefully Gwyneth will never have as much facial hair as her father!:) Just joking fellow bloggers don't slam me! Seriously, I am so thankful you and Tricia got to enjoy some time with your family.

  17. Great looking day of fun! Fabulous new pictures -- good one there behind Nate's head, Tricia!

    Sounds like a great idea to connect...but, gee where do you find all this time, Nate? ;-)

    Keep up the great care of the girls!!


  18. awesome pics! "real-time" video would be awesome!

  19. I would love to chat with you guys. You all look great! Gwyn is getting so big and strong!

  20. Nate,
    That sounds like a wonderful idea. I bet we would have a lot to talk about. I know I have a lot to learn from me but I feel like I could share my experience and help you learn as well. I also have a Mac and can do live video conferencing no problem. It would be so special to see Tricia live and I'm sure the rest of the blogging world is excited by this prospect as I am!!!

  21. Hi Nate and Tricia,

    I am a co-CF'er from the Netherlands and came here because of Marjolein.
    I've been reading here since Tricia gave birth to your beautiful daughter Gwyneth Rose.
    I hope everything goes well and Tricia will soon receive her new pair of lungs, as we use to call a transplant over her. And that Gwyneth just grows and grows and becomes stronger every day.
    Since I'm not a believer in the way you are I can't pray for all of you. Instead I do burn candles and think of you a lot.

    I wish you all the best.
    Kind regards,
    Irène from Holland

    PS That 'Fraggle Photo' was hillarious. I think, when Gwyneth is about the age of 14, it's pay back time for her sweet daddy for her! ;-)

  22. Hi Nate! I would love to be able to chat with you guys in a real time video chat..I must warn you that I´m not very computer literate, tho! I don´t have a functioning webcam at the moment, but I could still see you guys. :) Something tells me you´re going to have so many takers on this idea that you won´t have time for them all! In any case, I continue to follow your blog, and pray for you and Tricia and Gwyneth. Thanks for keeping us updated!

  23. Love the new pics. Looks like you all had a fun day today. We are still praying for you all.
    Would love to join in on a live chat.

  24. I'm sorry to hear that Tricia is feeling worse, but glad to hear that it was a fun day.

    That picture with the pacifier is too funny. That thing looks huge with your tiny girl!! Really helps you see how tiny she really is. I'm assuming it is even a preemie pacifier!!

    (and after glancing over, I see I wasn't the first to think this, but I'm posting it anyway :-)

  25. You are a beautiful beautiful family. God Bless, and I hope Tricia starts to feel better. Glad it was a good day for you all!

  26. I see more resemblance between Gwyneth and her Auntie Rachel then anyone so far! :) I'm so glad to hear about the great day! I got lost in Eva's blog for hours today. What a remarkable young woman. Thank you for pointing us in the direction of such great resources as we look to gain more knowledge and insight into this disease. I'm completely intriqued and in awe of the strength of these woman (Alice, Eva, Tricia...) In fact, I have been so inspired through this all that I have been smoke free for over a week. I realized as I sat here praying for Tricia's new lungs, that God gave me perfectly healthy lungs and I have been killing them by smoking. Of course I knew this before, but it put it in a whole new perspective for me. Whenever I get the craving or urge, I think of Tricia, Alice, and now Eva and I pray that I will never pick another one up.

  27. I would love to participate in your interactive live feed thing whenever you can get it set up. Just let me know when and how and I will be there~! I am cracking up over Gwyneth's binky - it is almost bigger than her face!!

    Love all the pics and it was great to see Tricia outside!

    Love to all from WV,

  28. I've never posted before but I've been following since before little Gwyneth was born. However, the Skipbo comment brought me out of my shell :) We always play Uno with my grandparents. My grandpa calls it 'that dumn Uno game'... but that's because he never wins. THEN he pulls out the Skipbo cards :)

    Best wishes to you, Tricia, and your sweet daughter from Kansas.

  29. I have one of those pacifiers in my memory box for our boys. Abraham found it the other day and popped it in his mouth.. he was NOT impressed with it - being so small compared to what he has now! It was a funny picture to see that tiny "fier" in his big 2 yr old mouth!! Are the ones Gwyn has vanilla flavored/smelling??

    I also noticed the HUGE window in Tricia's room! WOW! I wish I had one of those when I was in the hospital on bedrest... I got so depressed without sunlight.. Glad she has that visual every day!

    Still praying for Tricia to feel better.. and get her new lungs soon.

  30. Come on Tricia - pull out your Skip-Bo "Queen-ness!" I love Skip-Bo - my Mom and I are addicted and I have to go to my parent's house almost every night to play...we have to play until I win! ;)Tonight, I won the second game...some nights it takes longer...My Mom is THE SKIP-BO QUEEN!
    I am praying for you all - Gwyneth is growing and looking cuter every day! I too LOVE your monogrammed goodies.

    Blessings - Angie (The Skip-Bo Princess)

  31. I would love to 'chat' or visit with y'all, I have a MAC and can't believe I didn't think to ask sooner, how fun it would be!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. That would be cool to interact with the live feed thing!
    Praying for you guys!

    Blessings from Arizona

  33. Looks like you had a fun weekend! Waiting for lungs is like waiting for the Lord's return, it could be today! You guys are in our prayers.

  34. Morning!!

    Sorry to here Tricia not feeling so great. Prayers for her to start feeling better. I am sure she enjoys getting outside for a change!! Love all the new pics and would love the live transmission. Your ability to do all the electronic wizardry is great!!

    Shari NC

  35. Gwyneth is looking bigger now! Looks like you guys had a great time!!! :)

  36. Fun pictures! praying that you all will be leaving the hospital soon and enjoying lots of outside time! Great ideas for interaction, that would be amazing.
    praying, jen in al

  37. What a great weekend! I am always so amazed at the pics of Gwyneth, what a doll. I pray that Tricia is feeling better again soon.

  38. I'd love a live chat!!

    Wow ... a paci - how cool!!

  39. I think if that last picture had a caption it would be Qwyneth saying...

    "Dad... yes I know I'm cute, but quit taking my picture I'm trying to sleep here." :)

    So cute!

  40. I would love it! I know I am among many who feel like they know you. It seems to really hit home with us b/c you and trish met the same summer my husband and I met, then got married... (I think the same month) but i know the same summer and year. We also met in a worship center. In that picture of you in the car. Are you in a Jeep? hmmmm what year? It looked like the same color as ours. (I know I'm being a weirdo) There are a few other similarities, but I'll leave those for later...
    maybe our Chats! So would this live chat be through Skype?? Wouldn't it be cool if we could show you guys a little bit of Africa... LIVE once we get there? :)

  41. ok, i'm kinda lame an can't find your email, so i'll just pose my question here. i had a set of twins that hung out in the NICU for 6 weeks. we went through a lot of the same stuff that i see you going through with gwenyth. that said, i must ask, what is the point of the straps on the 'nest'? is it to create a more womb like enclosure (more snuggled in and secure) than a nest w/out straps?
    thanks and continued prayers

  42. What beautiful hair she has, it is the colour of gold. Gwyneth really is doing well. I do remember how nice it was to finally see a face without all the tubes.
    Angi (mom to Elizabeth a very bossy 25 weeker)


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