
Saturday, March 15, 2008


Although it can be an incredibly stressful job, the NICU nurses have fun taking care of the tiny people. This post is to say a special "Thank You!" to the NICU staff, especially the nurses, and especially the nurses who take care of my baby girl, and extra especially to Noel and Susanna (Gwyneth's primary nurses).



  1. They are such special people and I know you are Tricia are so thankful for everything they do for sweet Gwyneth!!!

  2. I know what you mean! When our youngest was born and spent her first weeks of life in the NICU, the nurses became my friends. A year later one is has become a very close friend and I can never thank her enough for the care she gave my sweet girl! YEA FOR NICU NURSES EVERYWHERE!!

  3. Well, I thank these NICU nurses, too, for taking care of this precious gift from God. She appears to have done so well and to have been taken care of so well and so lovingly. She always looks like she is comfortable, wrapped and swaddled in adorable blankets which are supporting her so softly. Even from afar, I think I can feel the love and care that is going toward Gwyneth, and I, even as a stranger, am thankful for that.

  4. Amen!!!! My youngest brother was born early and was in NICU for a few weeks. Thank God for great nurses!

  5. I agree, two of my kids were in the NICU and I could never thank the nurses enough! It is also especially nice when you can have the same nurses. You get to know them and they get to know you and I am sure they love Gwyneth like they would their own! Continuing to pray for you! God Bless!

  6. We often pray for the doctors and nurses that are caring for little Gwyneth. I've talked with the children about the important job that nurses do.
    A thank you from us Lockwoods to your NICU nurses too! They deserve that and oh so much more.

  7. E my job!
    i found that i loved it even more when i spent 4 months on the other side of the bed (isolette with my son.
    ps we got AWESOME NEWS last week about our former 1 pound little man.

  8. oops! my keys are sticking on the laptop.
    I LOVE my job is what i meant to say.

  9. Nate, thanks for all the updates, pics & 7 things!! I'm going to Vero Beach Wednesday Eve and Thursday for my job. Vero is at the north end of the market we serve on the Treasure Coast! I love going over there for a couple days now and then. You all remain in our prayers. Maybe today will be transplant day!

  10. Ditto to Kay Martins "AMEN"! Nurses don't get enough credit!! God Bless all of them, and especailly the ones taking care of your family.

  11. The nurses appreciate the praise more than you know. Thanks--Keeping you guys lifted up in KY

  12. NICU Nurses are so very special. The love and support that is given to the family and the babies is incredible, They are so protective of them its kind of funny. When my son was in the NICU, my husband went in to see him and one of the nurses yelled at him "don't touch that baby". She scared him!,
    They are truly a Gift from God. To this day, I thank my sons nurses, when I speak to them on the phone.

  13. Nurses in general are the heart and soul and backbone of medical care. Being around hosptials a lot (esp. recently) I've been made more aware of how great a job they do.

    I'm sure they're way underpaid and underappreciated. They're true servants.

    And my experience is that most nurses who are believers carry that servant spirit into their roles in the church.

    God bless the nurses.

  14. I think we know Susannah! I was wondering if she had ever cared for Gwenyth. So if its the same Susannah at Duke- she is awesome! Agreed that NICU nurses are the best and that nurses in general are the "backbone" of of any medical setting - but especially hospitals!

  15. AMEN!! These nurses are angels of mercy and have to be sent by God. They do such a special job and are so caring for the babies as well as the parents. I will say, my daughter was @ Duke in December. She lost a baby boy, Henry, at 18 weeks gestation. Those folks were so kind to her and her husband. Also, they were great to us grandparents. Duke has been awesome in our lives lately!!

    Shari, NC

  16. Hooray for the NICU nurses! My nephew was a NICU baby for 5 weeks...

  17. Although my son wasn't in the NICU long, I loved the nurses there (even more so than in the maternity ward)!! They taught me some great things on carrying for my first before I brought him home. They have an annual picnic at the hospital that we get to go to as well!!

  18. I agree with you dad that they're probably under paid & under appreciated!!

    Thanks for making us remember them today :)

  19. I'm with you on that one! We so appreciated the care that our NICU nurses gave to our baby boy.

  20. Thank god for those people, what a special and important job they do.

  21. I love my job as a NICU RN too!! Thanks for taking a moment to point out to Gwyneth's nurses that they mean so much to you guys. IT really makes a difference when our families notice how much we care for thier children and enjoy our jobs. Going through the NICU twice with our boys (30wkr and 25wkr) helped show me the other side of the fence too. Give your two amazing girls kisses and keep thanking those nurses!

  22. NICU nurses are the best! They not only take great care of babies, but also all the family members as well. I still remember the names of some of our favorites from our son's NICU stay...Sherry, Jennifer, Icy Mary (how cool of a name is that??? - and it's her for real name!), Dawn, Anna, Lynn, and Beth...we'll never forget them!

  23. From a family of nurses, I can say that it is so nice and refreshing to read your post about how you truly appreciate your nurses and what they have done for you and your family. You would be surprised how rare it is to hear even a simple thank you from the patients and their families that we care for on a daily basis. There are some unique patients that take the time to give their nurses gifts, but the best present of all for me is always appreciation in the simple form of the words, "Thank you!"
    Our job can be so difficult and stressful,both emotionally and physically, and we are usually understaffed most of the times,so it is always nice to feel appreciated!
    So ,thank you Nate for recognizing all that we do!

    I continue to pray for Tricia and Gwyneth's full recovery!

    P.S. Nurses week is May 5th. :-)

  24. God bless all medical staff, especially NICU nurses!

  25. We think Susannah is an awesome NICU nurse, too! I am a little biased because she is my sister!! :) I know that your Gwyneth is in excellent hands with Sus!

  26. I echo your sentiments about NICU nurses. They made our 51 days in the hospital bearable. Were it not for these dear ones I think I would have lost my mind. They were a comfort to my heart during it all. And They certainly don't get paid enough!!

  27. NICU nurses are VERY special people. :) I'm glad you've taken a moment to remind people of that. :) I'm so thankful that Duke has such good nurses to take care of little Gwyneth!

  28. Those NICU nurses are some pretty special people thats for sure! Kelsey was in the NICU for 3 days almost 15 years ago, and her nurses called on her first and second birthdays both to wish her happy birthday, plus sent her cards for her next 3 birthdays (by then we had moved to Florida, and eventually England).


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