
Saturday, March 29, 2008

Grandfather's Love

Times two!
Tricia's Dad

Nate's Dad


  1. Thank you Tricia's dad for loving her and giving her the best care all these years! And thank you Nate's dad for the support and love you give Nate and Tricia! Great picture!!!

  2. Gwyneth Rose has some handsome looking men in her life, you all look radiant as you hold her ;)
    Happy Saturday indeed,

  3. That is precious. Those are such lovely photos

  4. What a wonderful moment!! I'm sure it was great for them to hold that tiny little bundle in their arms!!

  5. nothing better than a grandparents love... whether grandpa or grandma!
    I know they are falling in love with her just as you are... or rather HAVE!

  6. I'm so glad that Tricia's Dad finally has had a chance to hold his latest little bundle of love! I still can't get over how very tiny she is in everyone's arms. I thought our first grandson looked very tiny at 6#1oz! Silly me! He was a bruiser! But now Gywneth is almost a whole pound more than she was at birth! Keep converting that good milk to bone and muscle Little One!

  7. Awwwwwww, makes me a little sad that my kids don't have their Grandpa's here to love on them. Make's me miss mine, too.

    You look just like your Dad, Nate.

    Gwyneth is a very blessed baby girl.

  8. I'll be praying for Tricia! Hope it's not serious.

  9. Aww, sweet pictures!
    Congrats to the Grandpas!

  10. Awwwww so sweet, yay for the poppops! :) It amazes me that your dad still has his beard cut off. ;)

  11. How wonderful!! Such a blessing for them to get a cuddle!

    must go to bed - we change our clocks this weekend, so it's really....ermmmmmm......12.45am....oops!!!


  12. Sweet pics. Rick and my mom look more and more alike (and like PopPop) the older they get - scary! :) Super wild seeing Rick as a grandfather. So glad both grandfathers are getting to enjoy holding Gwyneth. Thank you for sharing such priceless moments with the rest of us.

  13. Very cute! A lucky little girl to have two such loving grandfathers!

  14. What great photos of the Grandpa's. Grandparents are so special. I'll bet they have looked so forward to that moment. What priceless pictures.

    Amy in Oregon

  15. Are those the faces of proud Grandpa's or what. You guys are glowing like Christmas trees. We are so happy for you. God Bless!

  16. I just realized, this is the first picture I have seen of your Dad (Rick) without a beard.

  17. I love these pictures...made me miss my grandpa and I am 38 and holding tight!

  18. "Gwyneth Rose has some handsome looking men in her life..."

    Don, I think it's your turn to pay for the advertising...

  19. How nice to see that Gwyneth has 2 grandfathers!Our children only have had a grandmother from my husband's side of the family.

  20. Wow, what a blessing to be a grandpa! Under these conditions I'm sure you both really appreciate the role! Lord bless you both!

  21. These pictures of Gwenyth Rose with her grandpas are so beautiful! What a blessed family by this little miracle.....

  22. I love these pictures, a grand dads love is so different than a daddy's love ..:)
    she will treasure these pixs forever!
    I do have a question though, the nathan photography stamp that you add to your pictures is that only for uploading pixs or is that on all the pixs you print?

  23. I love these pictures, a grand dads love is so different than a daddy's love ..:)
    she will treasure these pixs forever!
    I do have a question though, the nathan photography stamp that you add to your pictures is that only for uploading pixs or is that on all the pixs you print?

  24. I wanted to tell you that your whole entire family seems so awesome!!! I'm so inspired from your blog. I will be praying your wife and your sweet baby. God is Good and HE is more than enough!!


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