
Saturday, March 29, 2008

Prayer for Tricia

Tricia asked me to post the following:

> Tricia's lungs have been hurting for the past few weeks. It's hard to describe, especially since most of us (myself included) have never experienced this kind of pain, but it's usually a sign of an infection, even though the cultures have yet to really show anything. The pain can be debilitating (even for her).

> Tricia has been taking some sleeping meds at night the past week, but it is not helping very much. She needs her sleep at night so that she can be as active as possible during the day.

Thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers for us!



  1. Sitting in an airport in Philly reading the blog on my blackberry We will be praying for Trisha as we travel home!

  2. you're always in my thoughts. praying her new lungs come quickly.

  3. I'll be praying for you, Tricia...for better sleep, for no infection, and for new lungs to come soon!
    Love and prayers,

  4. Praying right as I type this.

  5. Thank you for some specific ways I can pray for Tricia.

  6. Praying for Tricia's specific requests - and of course new lungs soon. I've been following your blog closely for some time now.

    Kathy - in BC Canada

  7. Praying for you extra hard now, Tricia!

    I get lung pain every so often and they almost never find infection. They prescribed 800mg of Ibuprofen (to reduce swelling) per day and that did the trick for me. I haven't had lung pain at all since I started taking ita few months ago. Just something else for ya'll to think about. :)

  8. "Abba, Your Word tells us that you give rest to those you love. We know you love Tricia.I ask you now according to your Word that you would in fact clear up any infections or conditions that are causeing Tricia discomfort so that she may rest. Lord strengthen her body to be able to recieve her transplant and recover from the operation. Lord we thank you that you have been so faithful and that you have spoken words of life over this family. Jesus sustain them for the things that are yet to come. Encourage them when they feel discouraged. Help them to trust in you when them feel afarid. Continue to use thier lives as a testimony to the world of Your love and grace. Provide for them according to Your riches in glory. Thank you Lord that you have choosen them to publically acknowledge you and that they have been obedient. Thank you Lord for precious little Gwyneth.Thank you that you love her even more than her parents do.Finally Jesus, thank you that I have many brothers and sister who will read this and agree with me in prayer for these things. Thank you for the Body of Chirst

  9. My first post--- and praying HARD!

    Kelly from Cary, NC
    (just around the corner from Durham)

  10. Your always on my heart. Our lives are very much the same and I can understand a lot of the things you are or have gone through. I know exactly how you are feeling with your lungs hurting, that pain is more with me then not. Hang on there, I'm praying for both of our "new" lungs to come soon. God's timing is never too early and never late. Thank you for holding onto Christ and shining so brightly.
    "Because he loves me, "says the Lord, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation." Ps.91:14-16

  11. I said a prayer for you Tricia.

    Heidi Reed

  12. I am Praying right now for Tricia and will be continuing to pray.

    Amy in Oregon

  13. Still prayin' and hopin' Tricia gets plenty of rest!


  14. Praying in agreement with nanajobx.

  15. Hey Honey...praying right now for you and will keep praying. We love you and miss you! Hang in there! So many are praying for you and God is watching over you!

  16. My family and I will be praying for you and yours today! Sunshine

  17. Lots of love to you Tricia,
    Did you realize that people are praying night and days for you, as the sun never sets, and God doesn't sleep...
    May He keep you in peace!

  18. Praying for you Tricia.


  19. Praying God will comfort you and take away the pain. Remember HE loves you so much:)

  20. Praying! And I am going to ask God to bring you to my mind when you most need to be lifted up, when you are in pain, ane when you are in need of rest.

  21. Praying for Tricia and hoping for a special helicopter flying in soon!

  22. Please tell Tricia I am and will continue to pray for her---I think about you all a great deal, and try to check the blog daily. I am a mother of nine (including a 12 day old!), two with CF, one who was a preemie. May you all sleep well tonight.

  23. I just looked in to see how things were going and I'm logging off now to pray for Tricia. Hunni I'm thinking about you and although I don't know you personally I think you are amazing.
    Sending you much love.

  24. Hope you feel better soon, Tricia! Sending you hugs and prayers!

  25. Tricia is in my thoughts and prayers daily.
    Steph/Stl Mo

  26. Hang in the Tricia! Praying for those lungs to come quickly! Sleep with the angels!

  27. Lord,

    Please wrap your Holy Spirit tightly around Tricia. Weave yourself in and out of her lungs. Make her feel new. In your name we pray. Amen.

  28. Surrounded by prayers....may the God of REST consume all of you, tonight!

  29. for sleep, no infection, and new lungs!

  30. We pray each and every day for Tricia and baby and you Nate, what an incredible testimony!

  31. Stay Strong Tricia! You are in my prayers.... I will also be praying for those new lungs so yo will be breathing easy in no time!

  32. Tricia :) we are praying day and night for you to feel a little better and to sleep well the next few nights and beyond. My two little ones prayers are a direct link to God and they pray hard from their little hearts every day for you and Gwnneth and of course Nate too. Blessings from N. VA from your fellow-Tricia! We have faith that your lungs will be here VERY soon. :) Much love, Tricia and Family

  33. having struggled with asthma my whole life, i can SORTA sympathize with that pain. I try to explain it to my husband when i am having a hard time breathing, etc.
    we are praying for those new lungs, girl!

  34. Hi there,

    I am a new reader, I have CF too actually..I hope he gets better, best wishes and thoughts going your way.
    I know nobody can really feel how you guys feel, but I understand.




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