
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Grandmother's Love

Time Two

Nate's Mom

Tricia's Mom



  1. Nate,

    You are in my constant prayers today!

    Lots of love and prayers from Norco, LA


  2. There is nothing like Grandmothers love!

  3. Oh, how I can't wait for you two to see your baby girl in love with her Grandmas. Our daughters absolutely adore their Grandmas...just a precious bond Grandmas and Granddaughters have!

  4. Gwyneth is very blessed to have those pictures...not one picture of me with my grandma who passed when I was 5. never got to know my other grandma. Can't wait to see both of them in Heaven some day!

  5. Beautiful pictures Nate. They are very lucky grandmothers to have such a precious and beautiful granddaughter. Hugs and prayers being sent your guys way.

  6. Seeing the pictures of sweet Gwen getting loves and cuddles from their Grandmother's brougt tears to my eyes. It took me back to when my daughter was born and in NICU......seeing Grandma's hold them was so special!!!

    Praying without ceasing!

  7. that is precious! How wonderful Gramma's must feel to get to hold their new granddaughter

  8. How is she doing this evening? Did the labs come back yet?

    Those pictures are great. Gwyneth and her grandmother's will treasure those pictures.

  9. Oh, Grandmas, I am so excited for you, that you have had a chance to hold that precious little bundle! I simply cannot begin to imagine what it must be like to hold such a tiny little grandaughter. Your hearts must have been bursting with love and thanksgiving...and constant prayer! May God give you many, many years to love (and spoil!!) Gywneth Rose!

  10. Oh, this melts my heart big time. I am a grandma and I love my grandkids.
    How precious for Gwyneth to be able to meet two grandmas in one day. I am so happy for them and for their hearts. Good things just keep happening one thing at a time and God is so amazing in all of it!!!!

    Laurie in Ca.

  11. Sweet pictures, there is something so special about grandparent's loving on their granbabies!

  12. These were taken before the ventilator, right? Is she better??

    Grandmothers are wonderful, I should know, I am one. LOL

  13. How sweet!
    I can only imagine how happy they both must be to be able to hold her now. How is she doing this evening?
    Praying for everything for you guys!

  14. I came to the Lord, even though late (31)- I am convinced, because of the prayers of my grandmother. She really loved Jesus. I love a grandma!
    I can't wait to be one, yes I can.
    What was I thinking? I still have a 9 and an 11 year old even though I am old enough to be a grandma- yikes!

    Always praying for the precious(s)

  15. Awww...sweet pictures!!! Congrats to Gail and Agnes, the grandmothers! (Hopefully I remembered their names right!:)

  16. Nothin like some granny lovin

    Gwenyth's Great Uncle Andy

  17. There is nothing better than grandma's hugs and cuddles. The day we buried my son Moses was the day Mimi (my mom) got to hold Abraham and you'd better believe we have a picture of it! It brought she and I to tears. She often jokes and says if she knew how rewarding and fun it was to be a grandmother she would have done that first!
    I am thrilled for your moms to be able to hold this sweet girl. May there be MANY more times of cuddles and Eskimo kissses!! :)

  18. "Nothin like some granny lovin".

    Hey, that's my line.

  19. What a blessing to have 2 grandma's. I love those pictures. My grandma is waiting in heaven for me. Cherish the moments.
    Christy in KY

  20. Great!! So great to see others being able to start holding her! :)

  21. As a Grand Mother the love was INSTANT & ABUNDANT the moment I layed eyes on my Grandchildren, sadly I don't get to spend much time with them, they are ALWAYS in my thoughts.
    I know that it is a feeling of PURE joy Agnes & Gail have when Precious Beautiful Gwyneth Rose in their arms...God Bless you two Beautiful Grand Mother's and all the Grand Mother's around the world.
    Praying as always for you & your's
    Patricia N.

  22. Nate,

    This particular post really touched my heart as I was blessed with my first grandchild just last summer. He spent 6 days in the NICU which seemed endless - I cannot imagine what you are going through. You guys are in my prayers daily.

    Love from WV,

  23. Beautiful! Grandparents' love and prayers were so special and powerful for our trio when they were in the NICU, and we parents appreciated their support so much. What a great blessing to have both your moms able to meet Gwyneth and hold her.
    I am praying again for her breathing and healing, hope that tonight will be a much better night for all of you.

  24. Hey,
    When do the grandpas get to hold her?

  25. Congratulations Grandma's! No one can fathom the depths of your love but another grandparent!

  26. GO Grandmoms!
    I held her the second day. I guess your day will come,Rick.
    (Only kidding.)Our day will come when our wifes go shopping for baby gifts for Gwyneth.

  27. That must have been so thrilling for your Moms - like you, they have no doubt been falling more in love with Gwyneth each day and to actually get to hold her had to have been a dream come true. Trying to imagine what was going through their heads looking at sweet Gwyneth, remembering you guys from baby days and being so proud and enchanted.

  28. How sweet!
    Have y'all chosen names or will
    they both be called "Grandma?"

  29. nothing like a grandmother's love (and two in one day!!) to make you feel all better. praying that gwyneth's breathing issues have been resolved and she's back in the pink.

  30. I'm so happy for the grandmothers. What sweet pictures full of love...

  31. As my husband and I prepare for the birth of our daughter in the next three weeks, my mom is just giddy with the anticipation of being a grandmother. I bet Gwyneth's grandmothers hold the moment they got to hold her as one of the most precious in their entire lives.

  32. I have been following your story for two months now and just wanted to say that I am praying for you. You have a beautiful family, blessed by God. Gwyneth is beautiful! I was also wondering how the baby Nalin is doing? I pray for him also...May God bless you!


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