
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Lawrenson Genes

So, nearly everyone keep telling me that Gwyneth looks so much like me (and we agree). I've always been told that I look like my dad, and that he and I look like my Pop Pop.

I thought I'd have a little fun to see if this is true.

Poor girl...



  1. Now THAT is cute! It's really just fascinating how much you all look alike.

  2. Ummmm do you think!!! Precious. God Bless your family Nate. I think of you guys everyday.

    Lots of love,

  3. Poor girl indeed! :-)

  4. Aw, she's so cute and she does look a lot like Great Grandpa and Dad! I hope she is doing okay with her little setback earlier. I was busy all day and came home to the three updates. I love the grandmother pictures and the Lawrenson look-alike video but am now praying annd worried about how the little precious angel is doing. Lord, please take care of Gwyneth and Tricia.

  5. People always told me I looked just like my Daddy...and I loved it! Big nose and all! It made me so proud.
    We're praying for you...all 12 1/2 of us :)

  6. AAAAhhhhhh! I love it! Y'all are the spitting image of each other!!

  7. She even crinkles her eyes the right way!

  8. By the way Nate, is their anything in the whole wide world that I can do for you guys?

  9. That is so cool!! To be able to see the family resemblance is really neat. I grew up looking like my Dad, but now that I am a little older I look more like my Mom. My oldest daughter is a little look-alike to me, and my youngest looks just like her Daddy. Needless to say they don't really look like sisters, one has blond curly hair and the other is staight and brown. Amazing what genes will do.
    I am praying that Gwyneth had a better day!

  10. So cute! She makes ya'll look good. :) Pretty girl!!!!
    Praying for healing...jen in al

  11. WOW! Those are some strong genes! How CUTE is that last pic? I keep coming back to look at it!

  12. Pobresita!

    That's not fair to Gwyneth.

  13. Wonderful! Although I do think from the photos that Gwyneth might have Tricia's beautiful hands... Prayers continuing.

  14. wow... that's pretty uncanny! those genes mean business. Guess you''' never be able to deny that child of yours (not that you would ever dare think about that!!!)

    What a total cutie patootoie... and Yes, I'm referring to Gwenyth!

  15. Yeah, she does look a lot like you, and your dad, and his dad ;-) You can always see you in Gwyneth, but I think that her nose is like Tricia's. I thought she looked like Tricia in the picture you posted when Gwyneth first started breathing on her own. That was the 1st time I got a good look at her nose ;-) CUTIE PIE!!!

  16. It's the cheeks and smile, for sure! I adore her plump little cheeks!

  17. So cute! I look enough like my Dad that people have said to me "Hi! You MUST be __________ daughter!"....GREAT!hmmmmmm I say "is it the bald head, beard or fat belly?" (unfortunately the last point may be a bit closer to being accurate than it used to

  18. Very cool! And yet her personality is her mother's...strong, sweet, a miracle, a fighter, etc...

    Thank you for sharing!

    BTW, how did you do that? I'd love to do one of my own!

    refreshing in ohio

  19. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

  20. The first one always looks like Daddy.
    Me = My dad
    My daughter = My husband

    Fun! And she's so adorable!

    Heidi Reed

  21. A good family is a treasure of inestimable worth. Personally, that's one of the hooks of this blog- seeing all of you love each other, and the Lord- it's a marvel to those of us who grew up in the wasteland.

    Gweneth is blessed.

  22. You will never be able to deny that she is your daughter. What will be interesting is if she acts like you or her Mommy. So far, like her Mommy (a fighter).. My three year old is identical to her Daddy, but acts just like me (scary)!!

  23. THAT'S NOT FAIR!!! Why do the mothers have to carry them for so long and yet they always come out looking like their fathers?!?! HAHA! She is still the cutest thing ever!!! Everyone is right though, she does look just like her father, grandfather, and great grandfather! :) You guys must feel so lucky!

    Still praying!

    (Raleigh, NC)

  24. My daughter looks just like my husband...JUST like my husband.

    The old wives told that when the daughter looks like the daddy it means that the mommy is truly in love.

  25. In my, totally unprofessional opinion, most babies look like their Daddy... thankfully the girls seem to grow more girly as they get older! (Both my little boy and my little girl look like their daddy and I just tell people "I think my husband is very good looking and if I can't hang out with him all day long (poor guy has a full time job) then getting to hang out with his little mini-mes is the next best thing!"

    Praying for your girls today!!

  26. She really looks like your Pop Pop!

    But I bet she'll have Tricia's sweet disposition and she seems to have that fighting spirit!

  27. That is hysterical. Family likeness is such fun to figure out.

  28. Try this out!

  29. It's been widely known that I am the best looking Lawrenson . . . until Gwyneth came along!

    It's a shame she couldn't look a little more like her great uncle Andy

  30. That is way cute. I've always thought even from the beginning that she favors you. Bless her baby heart. Keeping you all in my hearts and prayers throughout every day.

  31. wow, and I bet a worthy heritage of being a great dad--God has done well.

  32. That was neat. I hope she is doing better this morning. It is awesome to see a proud dad in action.

  33. Nate, you're missing a big part of the equation. It's called "Cute Factor." While children can favor their fathers a great deal, they inherit their Cute Factor from their mothers.

    In Gwyneth's case, she has a very high Cute Factor. It actually can vary from child to child, ranging from 1X to 10X. Multiplying it by her father's genetic good looks determines her final Cute Quotient.

    Based on the data I've reviewed, Gwyneth, with a 10X Cute Factor, is in the highest percentile for Cuteness. In fact, her numbers are among the highest I've ever seen and appear to be off the chart.

    She is quite safe.

    Laura Lee, PhD

  34. I've always heard that for at least the first 3 months the babies tend to really favor daddy just to settle the "is it really mine, I can't believe I've got a baby" fear that a lot of men have...then the baby tends to change some and show off the inherited features of the beautiful mom :) ever you slice it or dice it, your baby is beautiful!

  35. Amazing what you can see in such a little thing. Those 4 pictures would be great in a matted frame or scrapbook :-)

    I'm considering making your blog my home page as almost every time I am online I come here to find that you updated ;-)

  36. Such a daddy's little girl!

    That is great!

  37. Oh that's sooo funny! She's a dead ringer for you guys! But she's beautiful anyway-- shows what can happen when genes are put to good use...

    Of course, my daughter started out looking just like daddy, too, but now she's my twin :) I used to say that if I hadn't given birth to her, I'd never have known she was mine! Just shows how looks can change over the years.

  38. And you all are people who look like a lot of fun to know. I could do the same thing with my grandma, mom, myself and our oldest daughter. Scary, really, at times. Thanks for sharing!

  39. Amazing, I said before she looks like Nate and with this quick clip of the family, WOW!!! She definately looks like that side of the family! I love watching your video clips and I cant figure out how to do that to my blog! God Bless,

  40. Gwyneth is absolutely beautiful! It will be fun to see her grow and her looks change. When my daughter was in the NICU, she looked exactly like her daddy -- darker hair, eyes, skin, same facial features... everyone could see it. But as she grew, her eyes became very blue like mine, her hair got much lighter, her features changed, and now she is my clone in every way!! You would never guess now my husband is her father -- they bear no resemblance! So it's such a funny thing. At any rate, you have a precious and beautiful baby, no matter which parent she favors, and we continue to pray for her!

  41. That is too funny. You Lawrensons have some strong genes alright. Most everyone in our family looks alike as well- strong genes on my mom's side.

  42. Wow..Amazing. That is some strong genes thats for sure.Miss Gwyneth is BEAUTIFUL....

  43. Sure the resemblance is uncanny, but she also has Tricia's help with the DNA so there's no doubt she's a great beauty already, both in body and mind.

  44. I know that many of your readers have said that their kids look like their Daddies, but my firstborn, a daughter, came out of the womb looking like my mirror image. She's almost ten now, and the resemblence is still uncanny. It is fun to have people tell me how beautiful she is, because I know they are also saying I am beautiful too. Enjoy the time that folks are saying how beautiful Gwyneth is, Nate, because what it really means is that you would have made a cute girl. Just kidding!! She is so precious, and I am truly hooked on your story. I have a seven year old nephew with CF, and he has more digestive trouble than lung trouble so far. His name is Brandon. So your blog has been very educational.

  45. That is pretty funny! Here is a cool website where you can enter pics. of you, Trish and Gwyneth and it uses face recognition software to compare, also fun to use the morphing part and it shows you what celebrity you resemble and then morphs you into them. Pretty fun!

  46. I LOVE it!!!
    How is Gwyneth doing today?

  47. Very cute!

    I have a question. I know you have many prayer warriors that visit this site and I'm wondering if you can post something short to pray for matt and susie sams - . They had a baby Jan 7th with an encepholocele (brains growning out the back of his head in a sac). He's lived 68 days to the amazement of Docotors but his sac burst last night and they've had 6 hours with him, but his time is near. They are missionaries in New Zealand but originally from the states. Please please please pray for them. They are, no doubt, going through a very tough time right now. Thank you, Your sister in christ, Columbus, OH

  48. That was too neat!
    Yes, you really all look alike!

  49. When my daughter was born, she looked exactly like my husband...seriously, it is the first thing I heard on the other side of the c-section screen! When we would walk the halls at the hospital with her, people would call them the twins! At the time, I worked with a ton of scientists in the biotech industry and they told me that research has shown that it is God's way (they said nature, I say God) of bonding newborns, especially females, to their fathers.

  50. That is so cute! She's got the smile and squint!! I had an amazing dream last night. I dreamed that Tricia got the call for her new lungs! I woke up in the middle of the night and thought it was so weird that I was dreaming about a family I've never met. I took it as my cue to pray for you guys at that time. I continue to pray!!

  51. That's awesome! I think she looks the most like Pop Pop! Cute!

  52. Praying, daughter called me yesterday to tell me to pray as she had read your post, but I had not. Love the g'ma pics--I am prejudiced since I am am one x3. Yep, Gwyneth looks like you and the dads--I look just like my dad, and my oldest daughter looks just like her dad. He shaved his mustache one and she begged him to grow it back quick since they looked so much alike!!
    Loved the Lori story, a great woman that I would love to meet also.

    Blessings to all, praying and praying!!
    Shari NC

  53. Too cute! I love it and yes, Gwyneth does look very much like you!

  54. I already thought WOW Gwyneth Rose sure looks like her Fathers side & now after seeing the new video clip, hook line & sinker theres
    no denying where Gwyneth gets her looks from.
    I also see theres no denying, Gwyneth has the VERY STRONG WILL & STRENGTH of her Mother.
    I say this in a fun, kidding around way....The thing with infants & their looks...SOMETIMES it seems over night their looks will change,
    BUT,you never know her Lawrenson looks just might stay with her
    =) =) =) =)
    Showering You & Your Families
    Lovingly With Prayers
    Patricia N.

  55. Although I have never met you, I do know your grandfather, and your father... I can certainly see the resemblence -- I see Jesus in all of you.

  56. That was awesome!!! A real keeper.

  57. You're too creative!! I resemblence is amazing at such a young age!!

  58. Definately 100% Daddy's Girl all the way! Love it!

  59. Wow.. she has grown so much! She's becoming more and more beautiful every day :)

  60. how cute. my husband and i always thought that my girls ended up getting his big schnoz (nose) and when they were gwyneth's size, their nose was REALLY pronounced. we all chuckled at the thought of these precious little girls getting their daddy's nose. now, though, they look more like me. have their daddy's coloring, but look mostly like me. :)

  61. Amazing! You do so good at the photography, I need to practice more myself.

    God Bless,
    Michelle in MO

  62. creepsters. she'll be a very pretty girl version of you?? hopefully she'll get her mother's smarts ..... joking, but pretty much truthful :)

  63. Can't begin to tell you how much I laughed out loud when I saw this. Thank you! Love and prayers to you all!
    God's love and peace!

  64. Nate, you can go to and there is a look a like meter. We know she looks like you, but it's pretty fun to play around with. You can put a pic of you, Tricia, and Gwyneth, and it will "measure" who she most looks like! You can even post it on the blog!

  65. Awwww, definitely a Lawrenson. Ya know though, I am afraid I am the odd ball out because I thought of your mom when I was looking at pics of Gwyneth the other day. However, when you put things together like that I can definitely see the resemblances!


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