
Friday, March 28, 2008


Tricia's window is directly under the path that the medical helicopters take when landing on the roof at Duke. We hear and see every single one. Every time, I wonder if this is the one that is carrying Tricia's new lungs.

We've been told that the transplant team has received several offers for Tricia, but none of them have been the right match for her upon deeper examination.

Being at the hospital has its blessing in that we don't have to worry about "dry runs".

A dry run takes place when the hospital calls you to say that they have a potential match and would you please come in to be prepped...but the offer eventually doesn't pan out. Some patients make it all the way through surgery prep before being notified that the donation is not a good enough match.

We've been told (and can only imagine) how much of an emotional roller coaster this can be. We've talked with some transplant patients who have had multiple dry runs.

But, because we are already at the hospital, the transplant team has some extra time to determine for sure if an offer is the right match for Tricia, which means, hopefully, we will only be receiving one call.

Until then, we'll continue to listen for the helicopters.



  1. When I had my c/s with my second daughter, my room was right next to/under the helipad....granted, I wasn't waiting for new lungs, but I WAS trying to get rest...I know just by the sheer noise that its difficult to sleep with that noise...and then the added adrenaline and wonderingment (thank you Ross from friends for that word!) I can only imagine the disruption to rest it must bring...

    Praying so often for you, Tricia and amazes me the love the Lord puts in our hearts for people we'll never meet this side of heaven!

  2. I keep checking in to see if the new lungs are on their way yet... Praying daily for HIS best for you and your girls - way to go guys with the weight gain! I'd be glad to send a few pounds someones way!!

  3. I can only imagine how difficult it is waiting, but God knows the right time. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with your family. Praying from Rome, GA.

  4. I'm sure that you've already explained why lungs might not be a match after deeper examination. I just can't remember why.

    Everything is going according to God's plan. We just don't know his timing yet, (right?)

    Maybe it's time to pull up the Psalm that you posted about breathing a while back... or I should do a search for it.

    Gwyneth's hair almost looked like the fraggle's for a minute there.... so cute.

  5. That's neat that you're by that window! I was walking the halls when I was in labor with my 1st baby (trying to keep labor going) and I saw one come in. I stopped walking and watched the process until it took off again. They don't waste much time! Actually, just thought of this... helicopters coming into our small town hospital are coming to take a patient, helicopters coming into your hospital are bringing a patient.

  6. That would be nerve racking on so many levels.

    Your all in my thoughts and prayers!

  7. Every time I hear a helicopter, no matter where I am, I stop mentally and say a prayer.

    You never know which chopper you hear could be on a medical mission. Some carrying someone really injured, or carrying organs for others, or what.

    I do the same thing when I see the ambulance racing by.

    You two are so strong! Every time I hear the helicopter, either around town, or when I was in the hospital after having our baby - I would get flutters in my stomach, just knowing it was some sort of emergency going on.

    I know you all are in a totally different situation from me. Although I just wanted to comment on how well you all are handling things. Way to go team!

    Blessings ~ Ashley

  8. Prayers continuing. Wonderful news re: the weight gain for Tricia and Gwyneth. Although one or the other might want to sock you for callng them "fat..." but surely the weight gain means more reserve and strength for Tricia and sooner home for Gwyneth!! I always get a jolt when I see a chopper. I remember one day I had many (small) worries on my mind and was driving past the children's hospital in town and a chopper came in fast and landed, and you know THAT is not good news. Puts a lot of things in perspective...

  9. Awesome news that they are gaining weight. I still think of all the possibilities when I hear a helicopter. My son had a "dry run" waiting for his Heart. Upon looking at it there were 3 other children that had to turn that heart down. I truley believe that was not a "good" heart. He did get the heart and we are about to celebrate 13 years of no rejection. Praying for you all the time. God is an awesome God!

  10. I'm having trouble sleeping tonight and thought I would check in on you.

    Praying that your call comes soon...

  11. Having trouble sleeping too!! Great news on the weight gain. I saw a helicopter earlier today, thought about who might be on board, but did not think about lungs... I will from here on think of all of those waiting for organs. I find it reassuring that there have been a few calls. Great they are being so very selective. At least you know the time is probably close.

    Shari NC

  12. Looks like Amy, Shari and I got the 4-5AM prayer shift tonight :)
    "...where two or three are gathered toether..." The internet brings a whole new perspective to that! Praying for your helicopter...soon!

  13. Praying for you right now!

    ~Sara in MD

  14. So pleased to hear both Tricia and Gwyneth are doing well on the weight front, praying for that to continue and also for those new lungs to come very soon.

    Much love to you all.

  15. Nate, I have been praying that the next post will be the new lungs. Thanks for letting us know that youve had several opportunities. The process is incredibly amazing and I know it will be soon.

    My 2nd preemie was a slow grower. She was doing so well but was tiny. We took her home weighing 3lbs 10 oz. Looking back I realize how crazy that was but I was so glad to have her home!

    You all are always in my prayers!

  16. Don't sweat the helicopters...we've had rooms where we heard/saw them coming all the time as well.

    For my daughter's TX, we had one phone call 'dry run' - they called back within an hour & said it was a no-go. My hubby & I didn't even tell her about it.

    The real call came at 1:20 AM on a Thursday morning. It was a very long early morning and all day event.

    Comfort comes from God & knowing that this transplant is NEEDED for survival. My peace through it all has been from Him. You will have that also - He has brought you guys through to this point, and He will see through to the other side of it.

    We keep praying...

  17. I know God already has the perfect lungs selected for Tricia. Praying as always!

  18. I pray everytime I see that you have a new post that it's the news you've been waiting for. I have a little sigh of disappointment when it's not but rejoice in the fact that things are still going well for both of your girls!! We are praying for your helicopter! Much love - Bamagirl!!

  19. Thanks for sharing that, Nate, especially the bit about the offers of several sets of lungs. It's encouraging, in a way, that she's been considered, even if it hasn't worked out. (You may just be frustrated.)

    I'll think of helicopters different now, too. :)

  20. Do I need to bring my helicopter on our next visit?

  21. I keep coming back multiple times a day to see if you have posted that Tricia final got the call. Here's hoping that some day soon that helicopter you her will be the one carrying her new lungs!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. oh the roller coasters of life (or life and death as your case may be) that we endure!

  24. that's a blessing in already be in the hospital and to be ready/waiting.
    glad to see that gwen is gaining weight finally. she's amazing, though; a fighter for sure! :)
    tricia's spirit is an inspiration to us all. she continues to stay in that hospital and has such an amazing faith in our Lord. trusting HIS will for her life...that's awesome!

  25. Anticipation and hope make life precious we are listening for trisha's copter!


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