
Friday, March 28, 2008

I'm In Love With Two Fat Girls!

Tricia is weighing in at 123lbs, which, except for matching her top pregnancy weight, is the most she has weighed in a few years.

Gwyneth has reached 1 kilo (1000 grams), which is a great milestone! 1015 grams, or just under 2lbs 4 oz. to be exact!

Woo Hoo!



  1. Congrats on the weight...What cute little piggies you have!!!!! I am glad that they have both been able to maintain weight, that is a very good sign & I hope they continues to gain like this!!! They should both be so proud of thierselves. God Bless you...still praying for you all.

  2. good thing we are praying for weight on both of your girls.

    PRAISE GOD! praying for more weight and new lungs for mama Tricia!

  3. I'm so glad to hear that they are both "thriving". Keep the wonderful news coming! Cheering and praying for all of you. You are all such an inspiration to me.
    I don't say it often enough...but thank you for sharing your journey with all of us.

    Catherine Midgett Christiansen

  4. I love the title of this blog! WTG girls!

  5. Yeahh! I'm so glad they're getting "chunky"! Still lifting them up in prayer!

  6. Those are words any husband could get in major trouble for! j/k!;) Glad they are getting healthy weights these days!

  7. Congrats!
    Praying that they continue to fatten up!

  8. Say that about any other woman, and you could get in trouble! Hooray for a great weight gain!

  9. I think you meant to say 'phat girls' :)

    sorry, i couldn't resist!

    praying for you & your girls!!

  10. Congrats on all the weight gain!
    I would like to donate the last few of my post baby pounds to Tricia. gaining. Oh man- I really wish we could do that!

  11. That's Great! The baby seems to have had a good weight gain week! Hope it continues. Happy for Trica too, it is not often you get to tell a grown woman that you're happy to hear she is gaining weight:)

    You have two strong girls, Nate, it will be fun when you get them home:)

  12. In today's world isn't that a wonderful thing to rejoice over. WOO HOO indeed!

  13. I guess the hospital food is better then expected:)
    Yeah for putting on weight!!!
    love ya!
    beth(from hh)

  14. yay for weight gain! God is answering prayer over and over again:)

    still praying in baltimore,

  15. Yay!

    If life were fair, I'd be able to share some weight with your girls that I'd like to get rid of.


  16. That is AWESOME!!! Did you know that in our country (South Africa) they wouldn't try to 'save' a baby (put on life support) unless that baby weighes more than 1 kg at birth???? Unless you have a private medical aid willing to pay for it. It's sad hey

  17. Keep packin' on those pounds! Especially you, Gwyneth! Glad to hear yesterday was a good day. I hope you all have something fun to do today. My daughters recommend Mad Libs. :-) We LOVE the pictures of Gwyneth's post-bath hair!

    You are often in our thoughts & prayers!

    ~Sara in MD

  18. You crack me up! You must be the only husband/daddy in America who can make a statement like that and not be in the doghouse.

    Way to go girls!!!

    Bath pics so sweet. Don't you just love that nylon brush?

  19. So Gwen is gaining weight better this week? Sounds like it. What a blessing! Ask and you shall receive. Continued prayers in Columbus, OH

  20. Yay for gaining weight! :) Most excellent news. Gwyneth, in particular, is really starting to pack it on, isn't she?

  21. Way to go Lawrenson Girls!!!! Gwyneth weighs what my son did when he was born at 27.1 wks. Love the "tubbie-time" pictures, oh the smell of a baby after their bath.
    Is Tricia be able to give Gwyneth a tubbie?
    Praying that the next helicopter will be for you.

  22. Wow, what good news! Can't believe Gwyneth has gained 4 ounces that quick! Are you sneaking her some cookies when the nurses aren't looking? :-)

  23. I have weight to donate too! But since we can't donate weight, I have an idea of how we can help. We can all translate the pounds we want to lose into dollars and donate either to Tricia's trust fund, the cff, or one of the other places that nate has mentioned. I'm on my way to donate my excess pounds in dollars at Tricia's site right now.

  24. On 2nd thought. I'm donating it to Nate's Great Strides goal. I'm putting out a challenge for everyone to do the same. Convert your weight loss goal to dollars and donate it the great strides goal! Any takers on the challenge?

  25. Woohoo! *happy dance*

  26. I am so happy to hear that both of your beauties are gianing weight! I believe that the Lord is gonna keep you 3 together till you are all ready to go home! He know you need each other!!!

  27. Wow, they are both doing so great. What a blessing in this holding pattern you are in now.

  28. I was wondering how either is gaining weight ... LOL
    they say hospital food is terrible .. are you sneaking in food ... LOL
    great news!

  29. Really....this may be the only time that it is OK to say this!!


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