
Sunday, March 2, 2008

Keep My Day Job?

I photographed my first wedding today. My cousin was getting married today without a professional photographer, so I volunteered my juvenile skills.

Here are a few of my favorite shots from the day (while protecting the privacy of my family)...

This is my know you love him too!

This is a fun cake topper!

Somehow, I missed eating one of these...

Unity Sand.

I like taking pictures of rings...need to take some more of our own...

Had to take a self-picture so they'd remember I was there (with my mom behind me).



  1. Great pictures, Nate! I have the same camera as you, but somehow my pics never look as good as yours!

    Still praying for your gals~


  2. These are awesome! They will treasure these forever. Our wedding photographer had a new flash that they hadn't tested and none of our posed pictures turned out. So we cherish any picture that anyone happened to snap and give to us.

  3. good job! if you and tricia ever want to renew your vows or do a shoot with gwyneth, i'll hook you up! . I live in California but my mother actually works at Duke (I'm from Cary) and am back often. in the hospital would be fine! i can work wonders with window light ;)

  4. Here in the UK it is Mothering Sunday and I just wanted to wish Tricia a very good one.
    Gwyneth is a very blessed little girl.
    ps- love the pics.

  5. Wow, you really got talent! Beautiful pics :)

  6. I'll second that Mothering Sunday post! It's a blessing to be a Mother!

    Hope you all have a great day.

    Love and prayers form the UK

  7. Somehow, I suspect, your heart would not let you give up your Day Job. But you most certainly have the talent to supplement your ministry income with an occasional photo shoot, when your family life eventually settles back into a more predictable routine! Awesome pics!
    Nate, why do I have difficulty imagining that you could ever go anywhere without people being aware of your presence??? :):):)

  8. me three on sending UK Mothers Day wishes :)

    I love your photography you have a nice way of thinking out of the box - the ring shots in this set are an example of this and then the Honeymoon shot of you and Tricia with your feet in the sunset is another :) I am sure that the newly weds will be thrilled with them :)

    prayers xx

  9. Nice shots. Somehow I missed the cupcakes too. But I put a hurtin on the stuffed jalepenos.


    My husband and I shoot and video weddings on the side. And for being your first wedding, I give you 2 THUMBS UP!

    By the way, maybe you totally already know this and use it (and have already mentioned this on the blog), but we use Lightroom and Photoshop to edit our photos. I'm not sure which program you use (maybe one of these) if not Lightroom ROCKS and is SO easy esp. on a MAC!!!

  11. Those pics are beautiful Nate!! I love the rings pics the best. We had an amateur family member do our wedding pics but we did not get the amazing quality you exhibit. Wow!

    Angela in central Ohio

  12. How about a SIDE job? You took some great pics, Nate! Especially the ring shots.

  13. Can your pets visit Tricia in the hospital? Your mom looks young and pretty. Is Gwyneth her first grandchild?

    Cheryl from Fairfax

  14. hey nate, wtg! looks great. love the rings especially w/ the sun in the background. happy sunday!

  15. Nice :) Just one question - what is unity sand? Never heard of that one before!

    Continued prayers for both of your girls.


  16. Beautiful Nate!!!!!!! Those are wonderful!!!!!

  17. Wow, Nate!
    Your mom is smokin' hot!!

  18. Looks like you had fun! And a beautiful day for a wedding.. definitely cant do outdoor here right now! I know some people getting married that need photographers... j/k.
    Have a happy Sunday with your two beauties!

  19. You skills continue to amaze me. Your cousin is one lucky girl.

  20. terrific job on the photos! what a nice thing for you to do.

  21. Your dad leaves the BEST comments!
    (Your mom IS very pretty!)

    Those pictures were really nice. Thanks for sharing them!

    You definitely could pick up some "side jobs" were you ever to need the extra income. Which I imagine at some point you will, so you can buy Gwyneth the pony that she'll "just die without" when she's 10. Just wait, Daddy, it's coming.

  22. For an ametuer, these are excellent.

  23. wish you had taken our wedding photos! If you can capture groups of people like you do objects, you got something going for you!

  24. Your dad's comment made me laugh. (and in the AM that is no small accomplishment!) :+)
    I'm with amyb99 what is unity sand? like a unity candle w/o the fire part??

    p.s. those ring pictures are great.

  25. Great pics!! And yes, please do a Q&A about "unity sand". Never heard of such a thing before.

  26. Gotta love the wedding cake topper!!!! Beautiful pictures of the rings in the sunset. I agree with a "Q&A" about the Unity Sand, I have not heard of it either.

  27. Terriffic pictures! I need to go back and see what kind of camera/lens you say you use!
    Great work!

  28. Great shots Nate! The one with the rings and the wine glasses is fantastic, very well angled and the focus is perfect. I have to tell you that when you answered the photography questions a while ago you inspired me to get back into photography, which is a passion of mine also. My wonderful husband bought me a Cannon Rebel XTi 12mp SLR and it should be here on Tuesday! I'm also going to take some classes at the local college because the more I can learn the better. I can't wait to do shots for friends and family like that, what an amazing gift to give someone.

    I'm so happy to see everyone doing so well. My kiddos wanted me to tell you that Gwyn and Tricia's smiles yesterday made them "all sunny inside" (that's what they say when their hearts feel happy)

    Have a great Sunday, God Bless!

    Jeni, Hannah, Megan and Jack

  29. Nice pics! If you lived a little further north and west, I'd put you on our recc. photographers list for our brides! (we have a wedding design business) Let me know if you ever wanna relocate to the Shenandoah Valley ;)

  30. You've got a "good eye" for pictures.
    I've been reading your blog since Sweet Gwyneth was born, but I don't remember you telling us what camera you use. Will you please?

    And have a great day!

  31. Beautiful photos and best wishes to the happy couple. Would love to see photos of your and Tricia's rings; have noticed hers in some of your photos of her, and of course yours with Gwyneth.

  32. good skills!
    ya know with the nurse thing, you're probably gonna have to say something to each one that comes in, "hey, i notice that when tricia gets fed, the food sometimes spills all over, you might wanna put a towel down just in case! Thanks" and smile! i remember always telling those nurses about little things i "noticed" while my girls were in the NICU. had to be their adversary...
    and no, nurses DO NOT get paid nearly enough for what they do and put up with.

  33. Nate...those are GREAT! You did really good! *Wanna come to Chicago when I get married? hahahahaaa j/k!* I love the rings...and the picture of the photographer! haahaa

  34. Nate,

    Take Jessica up on her offer!! She is an amazing photographer who I would love, love, love to take pictures of my girls. I've admired her work on her blog forever.


  35. I'd say you could dabble in some amateur photography work. You have great potential. I especially like the self portrait. hee hee

    Hoping all is well with your 2 girls.

  36. Lucky! I want to do a wedding! Love the first two ring shots. Very cool.

  37. Those are really good pics Nate. if you want to sharpen your skills, I know this guy who says he's the best wedding photographer in the history of the world. His name is Rich.....

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Great photos!!! For all wondering, unity sand is a ceremony where the bride and groom pour two different colors of sand from different containers into a single container; two lives, two colors, becoming one!

  40. Fun pictures. Hope that cake topper isn't a reflection of their fun for her!

  41. Please wish Tricia a Happy UK Mother's Day :)

  42. You did a great job! Your Pop Pop is adorable and I love that cake topper! We used it on my husband's groom cake at our reception.

    Just to catch up..I love the smiling pictures of your girls! Precious.

    Still praying...

  43. Thank you for keeping us updated.

    You should definitely take Jessica up on her offer! That would be amazing, I would be very jealous.

  44. Gosh Nate! You're a great writer, and a cool photographer?? :) Seriously, Those are great pics!

    Saw you at C3 today - didn't want to weird you out by acting like a stalker! LOL

    Loved Gwyneth's and Tricia's smiles. They sure can light up a room. Still praying.....

    Lisa in NC/C3

  45. Please register and add Tricia back to our prayer group. Her name was on our list, but we had to remove the link to your blog due to privacy issues. If you want her back on, please fill out the registration form at the bottom of this blog. You must register to be on our list. All it is, is a free Christian website for prayers, no strings attached. Thank you.

    Asher and Jacob's Friends is working hard to strengthen the regulations regarding when a link is posted on our site. This is for three reasons (1) to protect the privacy of the family (2) to protect our site from legal issues (3) to take a step towards becoming a foundation. It is very important to us that a family has the choice to have their site posted and we apologize for not taking this step sooner.

    We are asking EVERY family that would like to remain on the site respond to this email by emailing back to Laura: a copy of the registration form completed.

    If you never wanted to be on the list or didn't even know you were on it, I apologize deeply. It was never our intention to hurt you in any way or to take away your right to privacy. This is the reason we are doing this now, as we recognize how out of control the site became. We have always had good intentions but we know good intentions is not enough. Please contact Laura if you would like to discuss this further.

    Thank you so much for taking time to do this. Please know our prayers are with all of your families. If there is ever anything you need, please let us know. May God bless all of you as you continue on your journey.

    Laura Lynn and all at Asher and Jacob's Friends

    Submit your Family

    As we want to protect all of our families privacy, we have set higher standards for submitting a family to the Friends list. If your family would like to have your site added, please email Laura with the following information:

    1. Loved one's first and last name:

    2. Birthdate (and day they journeyed to Heaven if applicable):

    3. Main Diagnosis:

    4. Location:

    5. Webpage:

    6. Email:

    7. Photos in jpg format if you would like it used on this site (only used for site):

    8. Your name and your relation to this person(s):

    9. Any particular prayer requests you have at this moment:

    ***Email this information to Laura at:***

    None of this information will be used on the site except for the name, website, and photos if applicable. Thank you wanting to be a part of this prayer ministry. We hope that through this site, you will find encouragement, comfort, and support.

  46. I love those pictures... especially the ones of the rings!!

  47. not bad not bad. ... look at your HAIR

  48. fantastic pics! I love the ring photos, especially the one with the sunset in the background. That was really sweet of you to take the time to capture this special day. You seem to be a pretty darn good man.

  49. Good evening Nate, You are the man of many talents.. great shots of the wedding rings and wine glasses..Your mom is so cute and young looking...I love the pictures of your two girls with their big smiles...You will treasure these pictures for ever..
    Blessings to all ... Baba

  50. I've decided that you look like the actor Donal Logue--- don't know who he is?

  51. This is the first time I have commented.I just wanted to say that the pictures turned out great.
    From one preemie mom to another hope you have a great day!
    Praying for you.

  52. Beautiful pictures!

    So much loves shines through, it's amazing! You have natural talent, definitely!

  53. Very good! You're off to a great start. :)

  54. Nathan, How exciting for my friend to email me asking who got married. Love the photos, all of them. I expecially love the rings in the sunset. Yes, your mom is beautiful. We cannot tell how much we appreciate you taking the time to do this for us. how in the world did you guys miss the cupcakes? I don't want to see another one in quite some time!!! Thanks again Nathan. Love you. Aside from the photos, glad to were able to spend our special day with us.

  55. Unity sand - replaces the unity candle. The mothers put in a different color sand, then the bride and groom do the same. It is as the preacher said "a work of art". This is something they can keep, candles aren't as special, I think. Of course, Sat. was such a windy day, the candles would not have worked.

  56. I think you could reclassify your photography skills a few notches above "juvenile." Those pictures are gorgeous, and I am sure the new bride and her husband will love them!

  57. I can definitely see the family resemblance between you and your grand father! Beautiful pics! Thanks for sharing.

  58. LOVE the photos! My first time here, and you and your family are truly an inspiration! (Seriously..I was going to go to bed two hours ago, it's almost 4am here in Michigan! LOL)

    BTW, when you get the chance, I saw you stated you don't have ring shots yet. Have them on your babes feet for a couple of them.....that always seems to be a beautiful shot :)

    From another mom of 2 preemies, one who is almost 4 already, and the other is 11 1/2 (AHHH!)


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