
Sunday, March 2, 2008


Some pictures from the past few days:

Some of Tricia's fam waiting in the halls to wave to her as she went to visit Gwyneth the other day.

The Duke Chapel...

The Duke Gardens...



  1. Breathtaking photos. Every single one of them.

  2. Beautiful shots. The chapel looks really nice. :)

  3. Beautiful pictures, the best being of Tricia. She is gorgeous.

    So when do we get the next installment on your love story? And Tricia's side? :)

  4. Great pictures :) Tricia is looking more and more vibrant! And pictures of one of my favorite places in all of North Carolina!

  5. wow, you have some amazing pictures. Tricia looks great.

  6. What Beautiful and funny shots!


    Jen-William's Mom

  7. Stunning photos. You really have the eye. I'm trying to learn, but I think there are some things that can't be taught and you just seem to "get" it.

  8. Wow, those pictures of the chapel are amazing!

  9. Again-beautiful photos! I don't know how the lighting/colors are so brilliant. Tricia has incredible eyes!

  10. I wanted to e-mail you this--but can't figure out how and too tired to try! I just came from a local hospital in which one of my clients was just admitted. She is 31 weeks pregnant with twin little boys. I work with the homeless---she is actually formally homeless and because she is pregnant can not take her psych. meds. She was so scared about the health of her babies. I told her about some of your story (and also told the neonatologist who was in the room). I told her about your beautiful little girl and how much of a beautiful fighting spirit she has that she is not on a vent or cpap and is eating. This gave my client hope and the knowledge that she needs to turn to God for guidance in this. Thank you for easing her angst without even realizing that you were doing it. Will be going back in the morning--I myself have a 3 year old little girl (who is a true miracle because she was born with the cord wrapped around her neck four times--no known living case) and am due with a little boy in April. God bless and thank you for the inspiration that you provide and your family provides just by doing what comes naturally to you.

  11. Lovely photos! :) Thanks for sharing.

    I second what other people have said - Tricia looks fabulous!

  12. My photography question is so not important, but if you have a chance to answer...

    How did you get the variation between teh 2nd and 3rd pics? (the ones of Tricia) One has a blurry foreground, but they both seem to be the same distance. Just hoping to learn from your skills!

  13. Nate,
    Thanks for the Duke Chapel pixs. Just Thursday I was talking with one of my "moms" from school. She was talking about this very chapel and organ!!! Her daughter has been in and out of Duke (brain tumor/cancer).
    The mom was saying she heard a free organ recital and was telling me about the stained glass.
    So, it was a real treat to see your pix!!!!!!!
    By the way, as a new parent, you might not be aware of this. Tomorrow (Monday) is Nat'l Read Across America Day in honor of Dr. Seuss's birthday. ( Everyone is encourage to read to a child!!!!
    We do all kinds of fun activities with the kids at school. So...... think Gwyneth Rose is up for a little Seuss? Remember, the Great Horton Hears a Who said, "A persons a person, no matter how small"
    Have fun!

  14. Fantastic pictures! Tricia is beautiful, and I love the pictures of Duke's chapel and gardens--brings back wonderful memories of my time there.

  15. I am always so amazed at how beautiful Tricia looks while in the hospital. She looks better than most people who get up in the comfort of their own home and have access to all the latest hair and makeup products. She is a natural bueaty!!
    Still praying for you guys!

  16. Tricia you look SO beautiful! I know you hear it all the time, but these pictures are great! The chapel is just gorgeous too.

    Love y'all!

  17. Nate--Seeing your pictures of Duke Chapel made me really miss that place. I had the honor of singing in Duke Chapel this past summer with the North Carolina Baptist All-State Youth Choir, and it was breath taking, and seeing your pictures helped me to remember that sweet time I had there:) So glad to hear that you all are having good days. I pray for many more to come! I'm glad you got to enjoy some of the beauty around Duke.

  18. OK, tell Tricia that she's making me self concious with her creamy complexion, great hair, plucked eyebrows and shaven legs.

    I mean, come on - if she's gonna BE in a hospital, the LEAST she could do is mess up her hair or something...sheesh ;-)

  19. The chapel is absolutely stunning! Wow. The pictures were awesome. Thanks for sharing.

  20. You're an awesome photographer Nate. Seriously, you do professional work. Thanks for sharing. Hope you all have a blessed day.


  21. Wow, such beauty. It is inspiring to come here and check on you and see that you ARE able to see beyond the walls. Sometimes in life, we let our own walls close in on us and forget what is beyond us. Thanks for keeping it real.
    Christy in KY

  22. i do love your pics...and the ones from the wedding were there a business venture in the future there? have you posted what kind of camera you use? Anyway, thank-you for sharing.

  23. Tricia looks marvelous!!! Is it just me or does she have a new "light" in her eyes the last several days? And the chapel ones are beautiful, love the way you did the stained glass. What did you use for light if it's not too much trouble to say? Prayers continuing.

  24. The cypress knees are pretty cool.

    But I'm reminded of the old Batman tv shows with the angles. Too long a look and I'll have to go to the chiropractor.

  25. Isn't the chapel beautiful? I have tons of pics from there. We have been to Duke a few times. My husband is a big Duke basketball fan. Anyway funny story for you. The first time we were there, it was me, my husband, his mom and dad, his sister and her husband, and our baby. Well there was a wedding ceremony going on. Everyone wanted to see the inside of the chapel so they went on in. YES in the middle of the wedding! I was very much against this decision so I stayed outside. This is what they mean when they say you marry a family ;)

  26. Hi Nate, Thanks for sharing so many photos. I really enjoyed the wedding photos, especially the photos of the rings. Just wanted to give a little of my humble opinion as an artist. I feel comfortable to do this because I know you are a strong person and you only take what you want and leave what you don't from people's posts. Different angle shots can make photos interesting. Some of the photos of the buildings, however, have pointed structures pointing right to the corner of the photo which either cuts up the flow or pulls the eye right out of the picture. The first Duke Chapel pic with the tree branches across it is beautiful and the branches keep the eye moving around the pic. The chapel pic further down with the tower pointing to the upper-left corner is what I mean by pulling the eye right out of the pic and also cutting it by creating the cut corner of blue sky in the upper-right corner. The photo of the interior doorway is better because it points just slightly to the left of the upper-right corner, which keeps the eye moving around. If you are at all interested, I hope this wasn't too jumbled. You definitely have the "eye" and a talent for photography and an obvious love for it. My experience in art school taught me that specific critique can help me improve. Also, studying famous photographer's photos can really help train the eye.

  27. Sorry I didn't get chance to say this yesterday.....Happy First English Mother's Day Tricia!!!!!!!!! Big Hugs from the UK XX

  28. Amazing pics! Tricia looks beautiful (but you knew that) & that


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