
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Laser Eye Treatment

10:54am - Gwyneth should be getting the laser eye treatment on both her eyes right now. I'll know in about an hour how it went, and we'll know in about two weeks if it has helped.




  1. Praying for tiny Gwyneth and her vision.

  2. Thought this might interest you...


    Anabel Stenzel and her twin sister, Isabel, are 36 year old adults who both received double lung transplants for Cystic Fibrosis from the San Francisco Bay Area. They recently published a memoir entitled, "The Power of Two: A Twin Triumph over Cystic Fibrosis" which was released last December by the University of Missouri Press. It is one biracial family's journey raising twins with cystic fibrosis. The story depicts their coming of age experiences coping with illness, their symbiotic interconnectedness and how their Japanese and German heritage influenced their experiences with illness. Ultimately their lives were transformed as the sisters faced life saving lung transplants as adults.

    Anabel and Isabel will be in Raleigh, NC on May 5 , 2008 to do a book signing at 7:00pm at McIntyre's Books at 2000 Fearrington Village Center.

    This is a fascinating twin memoir that has already received many positive reviews, including one in People Magazine in Dec. 2007. For more information about the book or the sisters, please see:

  3. Here is a little prayer for Gwyneth
    "Angel of God, my Guardian dear,
    To whom God's love commits me here;
    Ever this day, be at my side
    To light and guard
    To rule and guide".

  4. Good luck today, I am thinking about your little girl. I have seen alot of babies go through this surgery and come through it just fine. She has been so strong so far, and I hope this does wonders for her future vision! Sara Cohen

  5. Praying for great eyesight! jen in al

  6. Darn it... but am praying for a successful surgery and that Gwyn will not need any more laser eye surgeries in the near future. Hoping for the best eyesight she will have in the future, even if with glasses!

    Awaiting to hear the outcome for sweet Gwyn,

  7. I'm praying for Gwyneth & her medical professionals, & all of you.

  8. Praying and sending well wishes to Gwyneth!

  9. sending some prayers to the big man upstairs!

  10. Prayers for Gwyneth that the laser treatment goes well and is successful. I know you mentioned that her growth is a concern, but the pictures sure seem to emphasize the weight that she has gained and her development and maturity. She is just exquisite. I know you are so proud. Loved seeing the TV and other media coverage. So nicely done.

  11. We are praying for her sweet little eyes! God has worked so many miracles in her so far! Lets expect nothing less with this :-)

  12. Thanks for the update, Nate. Keep us posted.

  13. Just want you to know that since I found your site you guys have been in my thoughts and prayers. Its so amazing to know that our faith in Jesus Christ connects us all together!

  14. I am praying for you little one...

  15. I guess I should have read this post before I said I'd pray for the exam! Oh well, I hope that everything the doctors do to her eyes works.

    You two are such great parents. It's so great to hear that you're putting Gwyneth's health above everything. Keep up the good work Nate and Tricia!

  16. Well, I just cannot fathom how doctors can test the eyes of babies! I am glad they can and glad they are doing what they can to improve her vision! I hope all goes the best it can.

    Apryl in NC

  17. I love the picture of Gwyneth! She really is starting to look so big! :) I love it. My prayers are with Gwyneth today and I know she will be just fine. I hope Trcia is doing good and feeling good. I pray everyday that her new lungs will be sent to her soon. Wishing you all good things ahead. I'm keeping the faith!


  18. I am praying for continued success with all of Gwyneth's health. I'm so glad that they know now to use the lowest possible amount of oxygen and to follow what is going on so that she won't end up with big vision problems later on. She remains so amazingly adorable. Wish I was a stand-in grandparent because I am the right age!

  19. Lifting Gwyneth in prayer as well as your Family.
    Saying prayers for the Medical Teams as well.

  20. Praying that Gwyn doesn't suffer too much during the eye laser surgery. Lord knows that tiny baby has been thru enough in her brief time here on Earth. I can't even imagine all the needles and tubes she has to deal with on a daily basis at her age. She is truly a courageous fighter! I pray for her always..because I hate seeing tiny babies have to go through so much! ((((Gwyneth))))

  21. I just found this. I am praying that it all went well. Hope to hear a good report soon.
    Christy in KY

  22. Both my girls had the laser surgery for ROP and then one even had to go on to have a scleral buckle put on her right eyeball (that was after NICU days, though). We would have weekly checkups for their eyes and around 5 months after being released from the NICU, their opthomologist found that Alyssa would need to have the silicon buckle put on her eye to further prevent detachment.
    She wears glasses now, (well at least she's supposed to, need to make an appointment to get some new frames for her). But as you said, it IS common for micropreemies to need the laser surgery.
    You'll notice some bleeding from her eyes when you come visit her. It was hard for me to see that, but knowing that they are able to try and save their eyesight nowadays is a miracle in itself.
    Tell your wife hello, and give her a hug for me!

  23. Praying that the procedure went well, and that baby Gwyneth is recovering quickly.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Don't know you, but...Praying for your sweet little princess, and your beautiful couragous wife... and praying for you too, even though you probably think you are doing just fine. You are a gift to them Nate.

  26. How'd your little pun'kin do with the laser eye treatment?
    You know what we haven't had in a while? ...a "Story of Us" update. When does Trisha realize you're the one and fall madly in love?
    I'm looking forward to the next installment of the love story. Meanwhile, keeping you all in prayer - specifically today for little Gwyneth's eyes.
    Big Hug, Pam

  27. Praying that the procedure was successful and for little Gwyneth to keep gaining weight. Do you call her Gwen for short?

  28. Praying for Gwyneth, her doctors and you both.

  29. Gwyneth is a beautiful baby. What a gorgeous miracle.... We are keeping Tricia, Gwyneth and yourself in our prayers!!!!

  30. Hey Nate....thought this could help you and Tricia pass the time till Gwyneth gets out of surgery!

    My friend Fiona is doing her practicum (pre-teachers training) with a Biology 11 class in Ontario. She has always been very interested in cystic fibrosis and when we met she had the most interesting and diverse questions ("Do you get a newsletter?" "Can I feel your port? COOOOL!!!" "Explain the molecular biology of CF") I am going to visit her and my other friend Moebis at the end of April and the plant was for me to go to her class and talk about CF (apparently she talks about me in her class a lot) but with schedules and flights by the time I get there she will be done her practicum. SO, she asked me to make a video explaining CF, talking about what it felt like and throw in a couple of references to our random adventures together (we worked at YMCA Camp Howdy together in summer 2003).

    Here they are!!! (watch them in order....and make sure to watch both!)

    (please keep in mind that I am not an editor nor do I presume to know anything about film and I know the sound is too quiet in parts so be ready to adjust your volume accordingly....)

    Sending love and prayers!!

    Your friend Eva

  31. We're praying for your Gwyneth, too!

  32. I am praying still.

    Nathan: This is silly and I know you have little time, but I tagged you on my site. It's a meme. Never heard of it? Me either. But I had to tag 5 people and I don't know 5 people with blogs. Sooo - tag you're it. Feel free to delete this comment. I understand, believe me!



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