
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Update and Q&A

Gwyneth Rose did great with the laser eye treatment. She'll have another exam next Tuesday, but it may be two weeks before we really know if the treatment is helping. Even with the best outcome, she will probably have slight problems with her extreme peripheral vision, which should not be an issue unless she wants to be a fighter jet pilot.

Tricia is feeling better, but is getting a little anxious to get out of here. We just got back from spending about 45 minutes outside, which she always looks forward to, and hopefully we'll get to visit with Gwyneth together later today after she (G) has got the sedatives out of her system.


Currently, my Personal Great Strides Fundraising Total is at $573, which is about 5% of my goal for September 13. It is updated on a regular basis by the CFF. It's quick and easy to donate online if you're looking for a way to help us find a cure for this disease!

> As I explained Here, I give myself about 1.5 haircuts per year. I usually cut my own hair, but get my personal barber (hey Steve!) to cut it if I want something other than the buzz. I did cut hair in college, and can do a good job with more than just the buzz if it's not my own head.

> I have cut Tricia's hair, but just a trim a few times to get rid of her split ends. I'm scared to do much more...if I screw up my hair, I just cut it a little shorter and it's good to go.

And, mad props to my friend anita for catching the nod ("I was hot") to Napoleon Dynamite in my Haircut Post (also, the song is from the Nacho Libre soundtrack).

I'm headed off to the Duke Gardens to get some photos of all of the trees and flowers in full bloom!



  1. It's a beautiful day! I'm glad you and Tricia got to enjoy some of it together.

  2. Great news about Gwenneth - and love the pix from the previous post.
    I'm not surprised Tricia is feeling that way, I think I would too!
    Glad you got to enjoy being outside together for awhile though.

  3. Wait a second! "I was hot" is from Napoleon Dynamite! I'm a HUGE Napoleon fan and can quote the movie verbatim. I'm a dork, I know.

    Maybe it's on Nacho Libre too??

  4. Nate-Has Tricia seen Enchanted yet? It is now out on DVD...if you guys haven't seen it yet you should rent it for her! I know it would only be diversionary for a few hours...but it is such a cute movie and good for a few laughs. And...very family friendly.

  5. Glad Gwyn pulled thru well. Enjoy the weather and springtime! Looking forward to seeing your fab photos of Duke Gardens!

    Marissa :-)

  6. So good to hear the surgery went well! We are praying here in Iowa.

    Shannon and Andy Pelham

  7. I am so glad to hear/read? that both of your girls are doing well!
    I am a former preemie, not nearly as premature as Gwyneth, but I suffer/ed from ROP along with severe myopia due to too much oxygen. The ROP has only caused problems with peripheral vision in my left eye. I am still able to drive and function completely normally with contacts or glasses. I am sure with God's help, Gwyn will do amazingly well and be able to function normally despite the set backs of prematurity. God is good, and I am living proof that with God's help preemies survive and excell!

  8. Glad to hear every thing went well with the laser surgery. I am sure Tricia is getting cabin fever and spring fever too. I'm glad she can go outside some maybe that will help. When my daughter got cabin fever (she was not in as long as Tricia but four months is a long time too) we would decorate her room. She was in during the holidays so it was easy then but later we did Valentine's and then at the end we did spring. I brought in a tree branch and we made tissue flowers for it. I also brought in some tulips and other spring bulbs that were in pots. We decorated her bed with ribbons and just got really silly. Just thought I would share.

  9. Didn't know you were giving out mad props. I immediately recognized the tune from Nacho Libre. (The scene where the uh..fluffy, yeah, that's it, fluffy girl casts her eyes on Eskelito at the party.)

    (And just to warn you. Your mother and sister put Ramon and I through a viewing of Enchanted Saturday night. Let Tricia watch it with Megan while you go out and ride the elevator or something.)

  10. Rick -

    My 6-year-old daughter and I have watched Enchanted twice now. As a chick myself, I have to admit ..... it is definitely a "chick flick"

  11. Glad the girls are doing well! Can't wait to see some of the pics you post of the gardens!

  12. Nate, so glad things are going well today. Praying Tricia's anxiety lessons and she is able to feel at peace under her frustrating circumstances. I know I go stir crazy when Casey is out of town and I'm stuck in the apartment for a few days, so I can only imagine how much she desires to bust out of there. Thanks for the continuous updates on little Gwyneth. Praising God the laser surgery went smoothly for her.

  13. I agree w. Cara. That was Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite!!!

    Anywho, the hair looks great & I am praying for your whole family

  14. I'm so glad both of your girls are doing well! I can definitely understand Tricia's yearning to be outside. I'm sure she's going stir-crazy.

    I can't wait to see pics of the flowers!

    I was so excited to find out last night that there's a CF walk here coming up in May and I will definitely donate and am seriously considering actually walking. :) Thanks for getting me excited about raising awareness and funds for CF. :)

  15. I soooo appreciate your frequent updates! I'm thankful that the laser treatment went well today, and will continue praying for it's complete success. Nate, it's so great that you have the camera skills to be able to go out and bring some of your beautiful Springtime back in for those times when Tricia is not able to go out. Glad you got out for awhile today, Tricia!

  16. i'm glad things went well with Gwen, hopefully all will be fine with her eyes now.

  17. You missed a fund raising opportunity. I'm sure someone would have paid big bucks to shave your head!!!

    I hope Tricia is able to get outside more often now that the weather is improving.

  18. Heck yeah - Us LIGHT kids think alike!

    Love y'all!

  19. It was such a beautiful day so I am happy to hear that Tricia got outdoors.

  20. Nate, we would like to make a contribution for your CF walk, but my husband's company will also match our contribution. I can't find your email address on your site. Will you email me your email address so I can request the needed information. Praying for Tricia and Gwyneth. BTW, I love the haircut! Julie

  21. Just made a contribution to Great Strides in the name of Jennifer Nelson who would have been 30 today.
    Good luck and God speed to Tricia for a new set of lungs. Sending love and prayers your way.

  22. I'm happy the surgery went well. Bennett seemed to recover really fast the day of his surgery (he was 2.5 months or -6 weeks adjusted when he had it) and we heard the same thing about peripheral vision loss. Oh, and light sensitivity - we try to keep him in hats and sunglasses, they said the retinal damage can make them more sensitive. He's been in glasses since 16 months - but I'm in glasses, and my husband, so that was inevitable! The ROP does not seem to have slowed him down in any way, he still scares me to no end with his running and climbing stunts.

    We've been moving this week and I only had internet long enough to grab my emails - yours was the ONE site I made sure to visit in the brief time I had while my mail downloaded. :)


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