
Saturday, March 8, 2008

More To The Story

Wanna read more about how Tricia and I ended up with Barbara yesterday?

Then, Check This Out!



  1. It truly is a small world and we are all connected in some small way. I found you on a link from a blogger in NH - checked it out and have been with you ever since. Praise the Lord and his power. I pray for each of you - every day.

  2. Happy 2 month birthday Gwyneth!!! You are so loved by your family, friends, and the world! Praying for continual health improvements and that someday that you and your mommy and daddy can all go home together. :)

  3. Wow-- that's so awesome. God is so great... it's mind-boggling.

  4. I see Good Morning America in your future (I picked this show because it's the one I watch as I'm getting ready for work)! You have an amazing family, and I can't imagine there would be better ambassadors for organ donation, CF research and prematurity research.

    Kerry in Wichita

  5. I can't wait to see your story aired on TV!! I'm hoping you can post the local news show here for us to see? What a story to encourage others. I know how much it has encouraged me!

  6. That is way cool...

    I am so glad you two feel so passionate about sharing so much of your personal journey in order to help raise awareness!

  7. Fun blog for Tricia that I just posted because I was thinking about her. Skip on over, if you have a chance.

  8. The Pictures today are absolutely breath taking. Thank you for sharing your Beautiful girls with the world.. God Bless You All

  9. I figured the news coverage would not stop there! Sounds like she is working on other places to cover your story. Oprah, The View, Good Morning America... the possibilities are endless!

  10. Wow! You're story gets better and better every day! It is really cool to think about people you knew in your past, coming to your aid now to get your story out there even more! I agree with the others, thank you for sharing your story fully to get the awareness out of trusting in God, CF, premature birth and LOVE!

    God Bless you, all three of you! "Patiently" awaiting your 2 month video!

    Michelle in MO

  11. It is so awesome to see the hand of God working in all of this. This week Duraham News next week Good Morning America or The Today Show. God is still answering Tricia's prayers, using her journey to his glory.

    Myra in FL


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