
Saturday, March 8, 2008

Family Time (Friday)

She knows how to pose...

Smiling For Daddy...

Smiling For Mommy...

My new favorite picture...



  1. Best pics ever! What a great size perspective when you see her in your hands, Nate!

    Can't wait to see all you guys soon!

  2. Beautiful Family Nate and Tricia !
    Gweneth is a beautiful little girl, the looks and smiles are Priceless....Take care, Tawny from BC , Canada.

  3. I love the picture of Tricia looking at Gwyneth. Just beautiful!

  4. Those are awesome photos. So precious!

  5. What wonderful pictures! What an amazing, wonderful, blessed family. Reading your blog makes me smile (and sometimes brings me to tears) and always helps me to remember that God does hear and answer prayers in His own time and in His own way. I continue to be touched and uplifted as I read your story. Thank you for sharing.

  6. These pictures are absolutely beautiful! I love the smiles for Mommy and Daddy! So sweet.

  7. that first photo reminds me of when I was little & use to sing madonna songs & strike poses whilst dancing around the house.

    congrats on the interview, amazing how you had all lost touch & through this blog found each other again!

    thoughts & prayers from London, England, xx

  8. Beautiful! She's so alert! I'm so glad you get to have family time these days. Super cute!

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  12. What fab pictures! And as for those little smiles... priceless! We're still keeping all three of you in our thoughts and prayers every day, and checking in every five minutes for updates! XXX

  13. Those are probably the cutest pics I've ever seen:) thanks for sharing them!!!

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  15. It occurred to me, in that first photo. Sweet little Gwyneth may have had the thought cross her mind:

    Oh no......Nathan is really my Dad?

    just kidding, how truely blessed you all three are.

    Continued prayers for improvements and health.

  16. What a beautiful family photo! I pray that there will be a lifetime of them for you all. She is just so cute!!!

  17. This is the best group of pictures you've posted. It's impossible to pick a favorite. Gwyneth is filling out and looking great. Trisha is looking so healthy, wonderful to see.

  18. Nate & Tricia -

    Hands down, without a doubt, absolutely the BEST pictures to date!

    You 3 are one HAPPY and good-looking family! For sure.

    Your happiness and pride are BEAMING through those photos!

    Happy 2-month-old birthday to baby Gwyneth!

    Can't wait for the "unveiling" of her birthday video.....

    Va Beach, VA

  19. First family photo!? I am so glad the news is finally picking up your story. I shared with my whole family and my mom watches the Today Show every morning waiting :0
    I love sharing God's miracles too..

    You Guys are the real celebrities:)

  20. Those are the most beautiful and priceless pictures ever. Thanks for sharing. Blessings from Florida.

  21. That last comment was actually from one man's struggle to take it easy's WIFE. LOL

  22. Happy Birthday to Gwyneth. I am looking forward to the video. I love the family pictures and Gwyneth's smile.

  23. Aaaaah. I could stare at these photos all day long and just sit and smile. What peace and serenity they exude. How wonderful that Gwyneth is looking at you both. Seems she's doing just wonderfully! Congratulations again and more to you both.

  24. I never tire of your blog!
    Thank you for sharing such sweet photos!

    refreshing in ohio

  25. Just when you think there can't be a more precious picture....

    I was noticing that Gwyneth appears to be looking at each person in her line of vision - what a wonderful thing! My favorite has got to be her smiling at Tricia - she's looking at her with a look that says "Thanks Mommy, for letting God do His will!"

  26. Precious pics. Gwyneth is already a ham!! Family time is the BEST!!!

  27. Nate, These are the best pictures! I love every one of them, but my #1 favorite is the second one with Tricia and Gwyneth. Tricia looks beautiful and looks like she is taking in every detail of Gwyneth's little face so she can remember it during those long hours they can't be together. It is absolutely beautiful! And of course I love the first one, with the little hands up at her face. It would be fun to put captions of what she may be thinking :-D
    Bless you all, and thanks for sharing with us,

  28. what beautiful pictures, thanks again for sharing. Love to you all xxx

  29. these are so ridiculous cute!! what a sweet, sweet smile.

  30. Your little Rose is definitely stealing everyones hearts!
    She is so precious!

  31. How incredibly beautiful! Gwyneth is getting SO big! She is just gorgeous!
    I'm so glad Tricia is getting to spend time with the baby...and so happy for all of you.
    Continuing to pray and hope for all the best for your family.

  32. What a beautiful family!

  33. Oh, she is so smart! Look at her!!! She loves being with both of you! Can't wait to get a hold of her myself. I know I'll be standing in a loooong line but I'm up for it! Happy second birthday, sweet Gwyneth.

    Come home soon, y'all! We love you!

  34. I love the "family portrait" too! And the "looking at Mommy and Daddy" shots are absolutely adorable. She is just so alert, and appears to be looking right at you. Such very special times for the three of you. So happy that Tricia can finally participate in the visits!!!!!

  35. shes cute!! i weighed 1lb 7oz when i was born and im now 17! i have a learning disability,aspergers and sensory integration. but other than that im but im praying for you all!

  36. Those pictures are so sweet! What a precious lil bundle she is. And looks SO lil in her daddy's hands :)
    I forgot to tell you yesterday that the video of Tricia & Gwenneth made me cry yesterday. What a beautiful moment, thank you for sharing it with us.
    Always praying,

  37. What a sweet little peanut! We are praising God for His marvelous works!

  38. Hopefully it's a happy encouragement for you to read again: These pictures are wonderful.
    Even if it might not be a really willingly triggered smile, I'm reminded of these charts you often see at the pediatrician of smilies from very happy to painfully crying to determine if or how much a child is in pain. These smiles look to me that Gwyneth is expressing that she's feeling comfortable and quite good.

  39. It is such an honor to 'witness' such special family moments.

    It is so awesome to see you all together...and those smiles!!

    God Bless!

  40. Awesome pictures. She looks a little like Tricia in some of those. She has a beautiful little smile!!! >:0)

  41. Beautiful! Roxanne, I will happily keep you company in that line!!

  42. what a gorgeous family!! I cant believe she is still so tiny but is just a normal little baby there smiling at mommy and daddy!! You certainly have a special one dont you!

  43. Love the pictures, Gwyneth is so sweet posing and smiling. I'm so glad that Tricia is finally getting to spend some time with her baby, love the family picture.

  44. Those. Are. The. Most. AWESOME. Family. Pictures. EVER!!
    I love them!
    Gwyneth's smile looks like her dad's!

  45. Gwyneth is definitely growing, and her little smile is priceless. Loving the pictures!

  46. I just discovered your blog through Google Reader's recommended blogs. I love reading your stories, and blogged about you today. Thank you for keeping this up so well! I'll be praying for your family, especially praying that your story continues to reach more and more lives. I love the picture of Gwyneth Rose with her hands by her face!! Too cute :)

  47. Yes, hands down best pictures. I LOVE the one of Gwyneth in your hands! WOW! Great persepective!

  48. Oh, those photos are precious! Thanks for sharing. I love the family photo! :)

  49. The smile is beautiful. I love seeing the pictures of your whole family together. Enjoy the weekend.

  50. Gwyneth is so sweet!
    Thank you so much for sharing your life with us!
    God bless you,

  51. Bless her little face! She is adorable and i love the cute hat!She has so much character in that beautiful smile. I've been following your story for weeks and praying for you all. I have cf too and am waiting for a tx in the uk,your faith has really touched me. A Truly an amazing family xxxx

  52. Beautiful pictures! Thank you for sharing!

  53. I love her smile. It is so precious when you get that first little glimpse of personality. The pics are great

  54. what beautiful pictures. I can't believe Gwyn is on nasal cannula already! that is so great for a little one. Prayers ongiong for both girls and Nate.
    God's peace be with you.

  55. These smiles are SO amazing- I can't believe how far they both have come! It is a testimony to the power of prayer.

  56. Praise the Lord!!! What beautiful photos Nate - I love how you can see exactly who she is giving those smiles for! Priceless!

  57. Ok, the picture of her looking over at Trish just melts my heart! So sweet! Great photos and I am still amazed at how much sweet little Gwyneth has grown.


  58. just beautiful!! Gwyn looks sooo much more alert and awake these days! Love when her eyes are open! They look brown like mommy's, no? When will they try her with a bottle? She looks like she wants to suck or eat her fingers in those pics! Btw, she has beautiful slender fingers ..maybe she will play piano one day! hehe.. She certainly has come a long way, and I hope she continues on her speedy growth process so that she can go home with you SOON!!

  59. I made everyone come to the computer to view the pictures. I think you guy as a close personal scary huh?

    Love the phots. The one with Gwyen's hands is adoriable.

  60. There are no words! Amazing, amazing pictures.

  61. These are priceless-just precious!
    What a great trio!

  62. Awww. I love y'all. Can I just say that? I do. :)

  63. those photos are incredible!!

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  65. my heart melts with every smile. just too cute!

  66. Your pictures keep getting better and better. I LOVE the last family pic. It is so nice to see you all together.

  67. Those are the best pictures ever! I am crying...

  68. Those are great Pictures! I love the one with Gweneth holding her face! I like them all. I can see how much she is growing. I know Tricia is happy to get to hold her baby. There is nothing like that mother daughter bonding.

  69. so gorgeous. her sweet little smile is incredible.

  70. She is getting so B-I-G!! AWESOME pictures!! God is SO good!

  71. Just loving these spectacular photos! My two favorites are the one of Gwyneth smiling and the three of your together! Loving that cute little smile Gwyneth has-- awesome!

    Marissa :-)

  72. Oh!So!Beautiful!!! :) :) :)

    *So* excited with you! Praising our great God!!! :)

    Much love,
    Deborah :)

  73. Incredible! I hope for you and pray for you that she grows big and squeezes you tight because of her love for you. What a beautiful family y'all are!

  74. What a beautiful family the three of you are! Praising God with you! So thankful that Gwyneth is breathing on her own. God is so good!

  75. These are fantastic pictures. I love the one of Tricia and Gwyneth looking face to face. Beautiful. I bet you could stare at her (baby) all day.

    Love the smiling shots too. Just perfect.

    I'm happy for you all.

  76. Oh my gosh Nate... your pictures are beautiful. What a wonderful gift.


  77. It's actually awesome to me to see such Big smiles from such a tiny little baby, who has grown so much!

    In one of the pics taken of the 3 of you it looks to me that she was responding to the picture taker wanting her to look at the camera-That's the best pic on this blog to me! and her smiling at you-mommy/daddy are 2nd, and 3rd respectively!

    Her personality is literally bigger than she is-she's just precious!

    Beautiful family the 3 of you are.

    Continued prayers for you all.

  78. Beautiful pictures!! You all make a wonderful family. So nice seeing a family picture of the 3 of you. Still praying.

  79. Good Sunday Morning!

    Those pictures are wonderful--and worth millions and millions of words. Gwyneth is becoming quite the ham!!

    God is Good
    Shari, NC

  80. These are just the most awesome pictures. I'm cheering from my seat for you guys. Yaaay! I pray God continues to pour out blessings upon you all.


  81. Those are some pretty amazing pictures. Best of all is the fact that you are able to enjoy her as a family!

  82. those pics just melt my heart! i don't often comment but i'm reading every day.. i love the 2nd and the last pic most. you are such a beautiful family. :)


  84. incredibly precious!!

  85. Beautiful Family! Loving seeing all of you together loving on one another!!!! so sweet!!! jen in al

  86. You are so blessed. What a wonderful family you have. :)

  87. that last picture gave me goosebumps. and a few sniffles. :)

  88. Those pictures just brought tears to my eyes. How beautiful she is!!! She loves her mommy and daddy! i think it's so awesome. I can't believe she's breathing on her own! PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!

  89. My goodness those pictures are precious! I love the family one and especially those of Gwyneth smiling. =]


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