
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Sneak Preview

Much more coming in the morning...



  1. Wow---Gwyneth is just getting so much cuter every day (if that's possible because she's one of the cutest babies I've ever seen)...I hope that this is going to be the news of Tricia holding her beautiful are all still in my prayers.

  2. She's a doll. Could that masked person be her Mommy holding her in that adorable picture?? I sure hope so.

    Can't wait to hear all your wonderful day and see the weekly White Rose blooming Gwyneth/Pug pictues.

    Praying that your week just gets better and better.

    Happy 8 Week Birthday Gwyneth!

    In Christ

  3. Absolutely beautiful. Her features are changing and she is just as beautiful as ever. Great picture! Looking forward to the good news. Always praying.

  4. Tears are coming to my eyes right now because I realize how much I take for granted being able to pick up and hold my baby any time I want. How precious it must be for Tricia to hold her child for the first time. Thank you Lord!

  5. That's it, isn't it?—Tricia holding a beautiful White Rose. I hope so. Gwyneth has the most precious expressions on her tiny face. I love it.

  6. Absolutely adorable...who is that masked person? IS it Mommy? Can't wait to know!

  7. Is that Tricia holding her? I know you said that she wasnt going to be able to hold her until after the new lungs- but I've been praying for it anyways. Because I know what it's like to not be able to hold my baby (not for nearly that long though). Cant wait til tomorrow!!!

  8. Okay, that looks like Tricia holding Gwyneth. I'm already crying and I don't even know for sure yet. This is a little like seeing a glimpse of God. He is so awesome!

  9. Again with the goosebumps!!! Absolutely amazing!! Can't wait to see more. ^_^

  10. Oh, WOW!! Thank you...can't wait for more in the morning! :):):)

  11. YAY TRICIA!!! Priceless!! What a wonderful moment. She's beautiful and looks very comfy in your arms.

    I'm 99.9% sure that the non-stubbly face behind the mask is Tricia!! :) Sorry Nate..your skin isn't quite that smooth.

  12. Your killin me!!!! I can't wait to hear the news!!!! I hope I get to see Tricia holding her beautiful , precious little girl!

    Love, Kristy

  13. Oh, oh, OH! Is it Mommy and Gwyneth!? Can't wait to see!!

  14. Oh WOW, Is that Mommy holding her baby girl!! I am SO happy!!! Can't wait to see more!!

  15. what a beautiful Sight ! congrats Mamma! your Daughter is Beautiful Tricia

  16. Three cheers for Tricia!!

    Lots of hugs,

  17. Awww look at her! She is changing so much. She is adorable. Cannot wait to hear your update!


    Jen-William's Mom

  18. So our church is having a revival this week. The entire worship service I couldn't stop thinking about you guys. Especially during the song amazing grace. Now I don't know why I couldn't stop thinking about you. Or what made me start thinking. I won't tell you some of the thoughts I had, as I am sure you have had them or heard them. So the entire song service I was praying and thinking for you guys. deep thought. Praying that Tricia would soon hold her baby. Soon have a successful transplant. So many thoughts. I don't normally send a comment, or tell people when I'm praying. I like to keep things like that to myself. But I felt like I should tell you tonight for some reason. I hope you guys have a wonderful week.

    Amanda b

  19. Gwyneth is beautiful!!! This has been the most amazing thing that I have ever seen.
    Christy in KY

  20. Ohhh is that who I think it is?! I am so thrilled for you guys! I can't wait to see more pictures tomorrow! =)
    God bless!

  21. Thanks for sharing, I'll check back in the morning for more pics. Great job!

  22. that Tricia!!!!!?????

    Yay, I can't wait for your update!

    God bless

  23. I'm abundantly proud of you little sister!

  24. Oh my heavens she is the cutest little peanut! Also is that her momma holding her, I can't take the suspense!

  25. That's awesome! Totally beautiful!

  26. Oh Tricia, my heart is leaping for joy with you! PRAISE GOD!!!!!

  27. Ah, Nate. That's just not right, leaving us hanging like that!

  28. Like so many others....I have goosebumps running all over!

    Did after soooo much time patiently waiting did this Momma get to hold her babe in her arms!?!?!

    Oh let it be true!!

    What a feeling of contentment that just had to be!!!!!!!!!

  29. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!! Beautiful.. Just beautiful..

  30. Nothing better than holding your new baby for the first time!! And--to have to wait do it makes it even sweeter!!

  31. Okay, it's not nice to tease!

  32. Is your sweet little dickens finally rid of her feeding tube and able to drink from a bottle? I hope an old lady is right about that.

  33. That face doesn't have a beard attached to it... it must be Tricia holding beautiful baby Gwyneth! Hooray!


  34. can't wait. always thinking of your family

  35. Okay, I want to believe that it is Tricia holding Gwyneth but it looks like you blurred the face. Would you do that to us? :-) I woke up early and just had to check in to see if you had posted an update. Will keep checking throughout the day.

  36. Is Tricia finally holding her daughter!?? Sure looks like it.

    Great picture!

  37. Oh how I hope that is Tricia. Holding your babies for the first is amazing!!

  38. Oh how I take for granted being able to hold my son every day. Thanks for giving us perspective daily. I'm sure Gwyenth will have some of the best days this week, after being held by her own Mommy.

  39. that is DEFINATELY Tricia holding Gwyneth... it does my mommy heart good to see Tricia finally holding her sweet baby girl. Thank you for the pictures.. can't wait for more!

  40. What a beautiful baby girl. Just wanted to let you know I have come across your blog by way of another. Thanks so much for sharing the beautiful, challenging life that you and your family are facing. I can only hope that my prayers along with many, many others bring you all comfort and strength. You three are amazing and truly an example of God's love for us all. Your message is not lost along the way, Thank you.


  41. You are so...sweet to share such an amazing story...with a 'blogosphere' full of strangers (except for me, of course, because we know each other well. Well, at least I know you guys well. But maybe someday you will know ME!!!) It's been almost two months and I still can't get enough of your blog. I'm still in awe of your captivating writings and the story of faith, love, courage, patience, endurance,etc behind it. Normally, I don't have time to brush my teeth without making my bed or something else at the same time. (can you say 4 kids? just ask your SIL, janet!) Someway, somehow, God has created a quiet time in the morning to check in on my favorite cyberfamily and walk away to spend the rest of my day with new thoughts that you have provoked. Can't thank you enough for all that you do to brighten my day!

    Can't wait for the next update (although, I will!) Blessings to your wonderful family!

    refreshing in ohio

  42. How special! Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see more pics. Praying for you all.

  43. YAY! YAY! YAY! Tricia I know (as a fellow mom) that htis is a moment you have prayed for and longed for even before she was born. I am so thankful that God has blessed you with this opportunity to hold a real life miracle. Congrats! I am also thanking God that he has kept you safe and healthy so that Gwyneth can be in her precious mama's arms. God bless your whole family today!
    Rachel in PA

  44. I bet there wasn't a dry eye in that room. How awesome!

  45. What a fantastic sight! Something so natural and so cherished. I have tears of joy for Tricia, please know you are all in our hearts and prayers daily.

    My girls were jumping up and down when my oldest saw it was Tricia holding Gywn! We are rejoicing with you!

    God is GREAT!

    Jeni, Hannah, Megan, and Jack

  46. I'm sitting on the edge of my seat this morning! Can't wait to hear of the awesome news that looks, from the picture, to be about Tricia and her precious daughter!

  47. PLEEEASE let this be Tricia holding little Gwyneth?!! If so this must be the happiest moment of all 3 of your lives xxxx

  48. Beyond words, mommy and baby together. Such a wonderful, beautiful moment.

  49. Just what I thought....simply beautiful! Continuing to pray for you all in Houston!

  50. The suspense is killing us!!!

  51. You must be trying to get to 2 million hits! You realize all of us will be looking about 100 times each this morning? Thanks for the preview last night so people could get some sleep. :-)

    Kerry in Wichita, KS

  52. It's morning!! We're all so anxious to hear the wonderful news!! :):):)

  53. That is Tricia!! What a beautiful beautiful sight. I hope that there are many many more moments like this to come.

  54. Seriously, Nathan. It's morning!! When do we get the rest of the pictures that we are SO hoping are of Tricia holding her blessed White Rose?!?!?!?!?!


  55. I'm trying so hard to be patient... :) Looking forward to the rest you have to show us.

  56. Oh my goodness....Tricia is holding her daughter for the first time!!! That is one of the most beautiful moments!

  57. holly smacks!! nate she's getting so big and filling out in her little face. Breast milk is doing wonders!!!

  58. Was that Tricia holding Gwyneth?!?!?! I hope so!!!

  59. I already have tears in my eyes, because I have this feeling I will get to see more pictures like this one...Tricia holding her precious Gwyneth. I really hope I'm not wrong!

    Continued prayers for you all.

  60. I've been keeping up with you via blog for a while now...Watching you guys just makes my heart melt...thanks for sharing every step with us out here in bloggerland. Gwyneth is just beautiful, just like her Momma!!! What a wonderful moment for you guys...


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