
Friday, March 28, 2008

New Pics

Just thought I'd let you know that I posted some new pics of the Duke Gardens and a few other things over at my Photo Blog.



  1. You have do have "the eye". The gardens are lovely. Looks like a nice to place to "escape". I love seeing your photos!

  2. I love blossom and spring - the ones of the first day of spring are beautiful - thanks for reminding us how wonderful our creator is!

  3. I love your blog and I cheer you on each day!
    I am wondering how much would you charge for a photo session with my daughter? I guess before I ask that question, would you be interested in a photo opportunity? I live in Durham.

  4. Hey! I use to attend the same church as your wife at FBC, in NJ. Now I live in fuquay varina, NC. I'm about 35 from mins from you guys! If you guys ever need anything let me know! My husband & I aren't too far from you guys!

    In Christ,
    Sarah Davis Nicholson

  5. I love your photos and I love going to Duke Gardens. A few years ago I took my children and took like 4-5 rolls of film (before we went digital)
    Thank You!

  6. love your pics! thanks for sharing!

  7. Thanks for the photo tour Nate. I also loved the wedding ring photos, absolutely beautiuful.

  8. Oh they are beautiful - all of the pictures - I LOVE the ones of the gardens there - how amazing. I hope you all are having a great afternoon - Sunshine

  9. Nate, I love your eye for great shots. I'm an aspiring photographer, and love seeing new pics of Gwen and Tricia. I work at a NC hospital, and everytime we have a donor, I pray those lungs go to your wife! Thanks for the suggestion on iwatermark. But where is the "help" that you go to in order to put in the code?


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