
Friday, March 28, 2008

Bath Time!

Gwyneth got her first partially-submerged bath a few nights ago, and I got to help! She did not enjoy the bath, but she loved the hair drying brush, and I loved her hair!



  1. I loved that little sponge/brush too...
    Glad to see her growing big and strong, capable to do all the things the big girls get to do.

  2. When a preemie who has been tube fed for a long time gets to the point when they should start eating "normally," do they still have a normal suckling reflex? Can they learn to drink from bottles, or if not, how are they fed as they get older?

  3. Sorry dad, she has WAY better hair than you! :) The back of that little head is too precious for words.

  4. be be be be...says my little G as she looks at your precious G. She is just an angel!

  5. The fuzzy baby noggin is always going to be in your top ten best things about being a Dad.

  6. aw! very special! I'm happy for you. :)
    You guys are in my prayers daily!

  7. She is so precious! Thanks for sharing.

  8. As I recall, you didn't enjoy your first bath either.

    We can show that picture, too, if you'd like.

  9. I vote we see the picture from your first bath! ha!!

  10. Oh my gosh, what an awesome picture. Look at all that hair... no she doesn't need a buzz!!!!
    Steph/Stl Mo

  11. Is it just me...or does she have her fathers hair color?

  12. Aw! I remember that likes to keep most of the hair it brushes, careful ;)

  13. the photos are just so cute and gwyneth is just such a pretty little girl xxx

  14. The second picture with Gwyneth's big eyes would be a great shot with the Fraggle hat! ;-)

    So happy for you all!


  15. Awwwwwww.... soooo sweet! Like you, love Gwyn's hair! Just like a tiny, furry newborn kitty or even a baby chick! :-) She def has your hair color, Nathan!

    Oh yea, let's see your bath picture! And compare it with Gwyn's! :-)

    Glad everybody's doing well,

  16. Ah, so sweet! Congrats on your first real-ish bath, little one!!

  17. LOVE her reddish hair!!! Her little head is just precious!

  18. That is just beyond precious! I can almost smell her silky fluffy little head. With that much hair already, she's going to look just like daddy's pre-haircut pictures by the time she leaves the hospital!

  19. awww the first bath is so fun! she is sooo cute!

  20. I love that crazy blonde hair!!


  21. She is such a blessing, even at this age a girl doesn't like her hair messed up! Let's see the pictures Dad. Many prayer going out in your names.

  22. That reminds me so much of when our first son was in the NICU and had his first bath. He had light hair and it was about that same length. We said he turned into a fuzzy duckling right before our very eyes as we were drying him lol. Very cute pictures!

  23. SOOOO BIG!!!! Love the hair! Praying in Delaware!

  24. Good grief. She just keeps getting cuter and cuter. Still praying in Michigan.

  25. Oh gosh, she's sooo adorable!! Don't you just love that freshly washed baby smell? I always have to carry my wet babies around in a towel for a bit after bathtime to enjoy it...

  26. There's something about the back of a babies head.

    Praying for all three of you...

  27. what fun! she is sooo beautiful!!!! praying, jen in al

  28. These pictures are precious.Praying for your family daily.
    Bonnie Meyer
    Washington, Missouri

  29. OH!! These are great. LOVE the hair. What a doll.

  30. I love all the pictures. Gwyneth is so beautiful, and she makes pink look great. She is such a little miracle. I enjoy reading your blog everyday. I pray for you, Tricia, and Gwyneth daily. Your family is amazing! God is so good.


    PS We've linked your post to ours. I hope that is okay. If not please let me know.

  31. I LOVE that you got to help. Don't you just love baby smells? Especially after a bath? Her hair is so precious! Do you have anew profession on the horizon? I've seen pictures of you washing Tricia's hair, cutting your own, and now brush drying Gwyneth's! Hey, it would be something to "fall back on" should the whole worship leader gig fall through! Heehee

  32. I can smell her clean baby smell from here! Love that smell!

  33. She's soooooo sweet. I love her blonde hair. Soft, good smelling baby hair is the best EVER! After I give my little one a bath, I lay with her with my nose pressed right against her head so I can get as much smelling of that hair in as I possibly can. All of our friends whose kids are older immediately smell our little one's hair because I always make sure it smells good. Glad to see she's doing so great. God is definitely amazing and wonderful! You're constantly in my prayers.


  34. Wow - she has the greatest hair. :-D

  35. cute!!! :)
    What a special moment. Thanks so much for sharing with us. I love the photos. She has the sweetest head of hair. :)

  36. I thought you cut your hair? I'm so confused.

  37. What a babe!

    Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy

  38. That was just beyond sweet Nate! Thanks so much for sharing it with us! I can't wait to see the pics of her a few months from now splashing around in her tub getting you all wet. =)

  39. That is such a wonderful bonding moment with her daddy, even if she wasn't so thrilled. Look how big she is, and pretty!

  40. Beautiful! Did I see her in some new clothes? Wow! She's getting so big!

  41. awww...dat precious littow lub (spoken in my best "baby talk")

  42. OMGosh she is cute. I seriously can hardly stand her cuteness factor!!!

    Good job on the bath are doing just fine. Not that you needed me to tell you that! ;o)

  43. GORGEOUS!! I LOVE that hair!! It looks a bit reddish to me, and since my daughter is a red-head, I'm a bit partial to it!! Blessings!!

  44. wow....she's grown so big already! i love the second shot of her close up--priceless! i know, they all are but... you have the same hair color! what a great God we serve--He continues to amaze me everyday also through my children!!

  45. She must smell alot better now! I know they've probably sponged her down but until they get a proper bath they don't have as much of that nice baby smell.

    Her hair looks awesome like that! I'm sure there are people out there that would pay for that hair do!

  46. Such a special memory for you to share.

  47. Such a special memory for you to share.

  48. That is just adorable. I am in love and I have never and probably will never meet her. It crazy.

  49. Look at her fuzzy little head! So cute! And she is so pretty in pink, too. She looks happy to be clean :)
    Was is a little scary giving her a bath? I was so nervous the first *lots* of times I gave our preemie a bath. Though it's nice to see them not hooked up to everything for a few minutes :)

  50. Nate, she the cutest thing ever, or what?!?
    Devin in Illinois
    p.s. still praying daily!

  51. She is so cute!

    My friend Sirena(she is making you a wrap) told me about your blog! I read faithfully but this is my first time commenting!

    Love your blog and we are praying for you guys!!!!

  52. wow... this was my favorite part of working in the nursery... bathing babies and giving them a cute hair style.Great pictures... thanks for sharing..

  53. I cherish bath time with Abel.

    No worries, she will soon love bath time.

  54. I think she is sooooooooooo cute!!!


  55. Parenting tip from Uncle Andy. Our pediatrician, Dr. Lige, (you need to check him out when you guys return, Ive already talked to him about Gwyneth) told us when we took Ty in for his first appointment to give Ty a bath daily, around the same time, get him in his pajamas and get the routine going so he would be used to that as he got older.
    He starts yawning as soon as he hears the bath water running. It has been the best tip the doc gave us. Plus he always had a head of hair and we wanted it clean and looking good.

    Hey looooookie, I did a long comment!!

    Have you read the poem about the . . . . . .

  56. Is there anything better than sweet baby hair??? I love to rub my face against my daughter's hair, especially just after a bath! It's like a soft little baby chick! My Emily is 7 weeks old and her hair is starting to thin and she looks like she has "old man hair"-we just love it though! We can't wait to see what her hair is going to look like when it all comes in more. I'm sure you guys are excited too! What a special time for Daddy and Baby!

  57. What an angel you have in your hands. :)

  58. "I thought you cut your hair? I'm so confused."

    Nathan's hair grows incredibly fast.

  59. She is so beautiful! I'm really enjoying her pictures : )

  60. It continues to amaze me that a baby that small can be held, much less given a bath. Wow!

  61. Awww, her hair looks like a fluffy new chick.

  62. There is nothing better than a fuzzy baby's head! Too sweet!

    Still praying for you.

  63. Of course I agree with everyone who says how adorable Gwyneth is with her fuzzy little hair and wonderful big eyes....but what I like best about this set of pics is the look of absolute adoration on her Daddy's face! :)

  64. I'd like to see your first bath fit pic too!
    I also agree with your Aunt D about you getting soaked when she finds out how funny it is to splash water all over her daddy. Get a grandpa or Grandma to video that one...Tricia will be laughing to hard to hold the camera still.
    Love and Prayers

  65. You know what? I remember when I was watching the nurse give my third baby her first bath, and she said (as she was washing my baby's hair) "All of the babies LOVE to have their hair washed, but none of them like to have their bodies washed."

    Sure enough, as soon as the nurse started to wash my little girl's body, she started to squirm and then cry.

    Two bits of useless, but pretty interesting info.

    I swear, just one more baby nurse had told me that she noticed all newborns (except a few) always sleep with their heads turned to one particular side (I can't remember if she said the right, or left).

    Sure enough, as I glanced over at all of the babies sleeping in their little beds, all but a few babies had their heads turned in the direction she had said.

    "Just something I've always noticed" she said.


  66. aww she's SO sweet:)

    I always love baby hair--hers is too precious;)


  67. AHHHHHHHHHHH, how fun!
    You are such a good daddy!

  68. my almost two year olds just spent an hour looking at these photos. They sang songs to them, fed her pretend grapes and gave her kisses. I think they're part of gwyneth's fan club now.

  69. God is good. God is good. What beautiful photos. Some of my favs. Just awesome Nate. PS: the back of my baby's (errrr, toddlers) necks are one of my favorite parts. And the buns. lol
    -Shannon in Austin


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