
Thursday, March 6, 2008

Something Cool... going to happen at 11AM tomorrow (Friday) morning in Tricia's hospital room.

I'll tell you more after tomorrow morning.

It's something that you can pray about.

And, before you ask, no, it's not the transplant...



  1. Praying with eager anticipation!!!

  2. Nathan, please check your watch. Mine says 11AM!

  3. Well, I hope the transplant wouldn't be taking place in her room. LOL
    I'll be praying and looking forward to hearing the news.

  4. Can't wait to hear!!
    Prayers From Arkansas!!!

  5. Oh HOW exciting I can NOT wait to hear what it is!

  6. Ah... the anticipation! and I won't get to a computer until tommorrow night! =) You're in our prayers!

  7. Is Gwenyth going to get to go to her mom's room? I cannot wait for a pic of Tricia and Gwenyth together, just thinking about it makes me cry. Prayers said to you and your family.

  8. Cruel and unusual punishment! Can't wait to see what's happening!


  9. Well I would highly doubt they would remove Gwenyth from the NICU. Tori if you scroll down the blog you will see that Tricia got to hold Gwenyth the other day! Gorgeous pictures.. hurry up and look. Hmmmmm I am so not patient.. just tell us!! LOL

  10. I would guess a baptism if it weren't highly unlikely that your daughter could leave the NICU. Praying regardless.....

  11. Oh I hope it is Baby Gwyneth being able to journey out to visit her Mommy....

  12. Cool...........praying!

    With Love and Hope,

    Jen-William's Mom

  13. Someone is coming to interview Tricia about your story (or maybe do an article about the benefits of transplants?).

  14. Well, Nate, if your dad was going to travel to Durham to have the world's best photographer capture his new beardless look to post on his blog, that might be cool...but I sincerely doubt you would be asking the world to pray about that photo shoot. So....whatever is going on, I'm praying for God to be in all the details!

  15. Thanks for torturing the blog addicted. kinda like teasing a kid with some candy. We will be in prayer for whatever is happening tomorrow. I'm clueless but God's got the inside scoop.

    Much love to you and your girls.

  16. My guess is Tricia will have her trach removed? I'm glad it's something good and I can't wait to hear.

  17. My guess is that Miss Gwenyth is going to venture into Mommies ROOOOOMMMM!!!!!! Maybe, maybe..maybe>?!?!?

  18. Still praying in Michigan and checking your blog for news. Gwyneth is so beautiful by the way. I can't get over how she is growing and changing. What a blessing she is.

  19. Praying and curios... You are so great at leaving us hanging and making us check back for more info. We have already been thrilled that Trish finally got to hold Gwyneth this week and now something else new. Did you know you guys are now water cooler topics of conversations? Okay well maybe not exactly "water cooler" but my stay at home mom friends do call and email about the latest goings on on your blog.
    Hope you all get a restful evening . Just thinking tomorrow when you wake up you will be one day closer to bringing your girls home!
    God Bless
    Rachel in PA

  20. I am assuming it has something to do with Tricia or Gwyneth. :) I'm assuming it has nothing to do with the transplant so maybe Tricia is going to get to bottle feed Gwyneth tomorrow. That's my official guess. :) I can't imagine Gwyneth could come out of NICU yet, but that's my guess none-the-less.

    Prayers for whatever cool that is about to happen will happen. :)

  21. Big prayers. I have had Tricia on my mind all day. I don't even want to venture a guess. I will just pray.
    Christy in KY

  22. I will be praying...can't wait to hear what it is.

  23. I will be praying...can't wait to hear what it is.

  24. just keep doing this to us! :0)

    Praying here!


  25. SUCH excitement! :) Looking forward to the "something cool" tomorrow...

  26. I have no clue because a lot of the things I have been hoping for to happen for your family would not take place in a hospital room. I have a few guesses but I think it is all just wishful thinking.....
    This is torture for us to wait but I guess what is about to happen is really exciting and suspenseful for you two and all of your family and friends, so we are all only feeling one small sliver of the anticipation you guys are experiencing right now!
    Thought and prayers are with of luck tomorrow!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. For those of us who are ADDICTED to your blog the anticipation is agony...but good agony. I will pray for tomorrow and check when I get home from work.

  29. So much excitement!

    1. Tomorrow's "Something Cool" taking place at 11:00 AM in Tricia's room

    2. On Saturday, 3/8/08 - the unveiling of Gwyneth's 2-month video complete with special music

    3. The announcement of the Contest winner

    I can hardly wait! Whoo hoo!

    Va Beach

  30. could write scripts for Suspense movies...I'm on the edge of my seat!!

  31. Oh, just realized I won't be able to find out until 4 pm! (Can't access blogs from school computers.) Bummer!!!!

  32. I'll be praying for whatever it is!


  33. All these guesses. Some are pretty funny. All this anticipation.

    I'm just glad I already know! Ha!

    (And no, it's not a photo shoot of me w/o my beard.)

  34. oh how my mind is wandering! ;)
    hope you have fun!

    praying in SC!

  35. hahahah...all the guessing and begging is cracking me up.

  36. I am praying that this COOL thinks happens and goes great!!

  37. I would hope for decannulation for Tricia, but since she still needs the vent, I am guessing that is not it. I am pretty sure Gwyneth cannot come off isolation yet so I don't think it is a visit from her. Hmmm...I think I am out of ideas! Perhaps she will have another special visitor?? I will be guessing til I get home from clinic tomorrow!


  38. I was thinking news interview about your story... and I saw someone already beat me to my guess. :-P

  39. You do realize that we will continue to check in daily with or without the suspense, don't you??? I'm loving the guesses...personally, I was never one to peek at my Christmas gifts so I'm patiently waiting for tomorrow's just don't make us wait too much later into the day to tell us what it is! I like when one commenter tells another to catch up on your blog - too funny! Again do you even realize the impact your story has made on so many??? I hope a news crew will be visiting you to spread your miraculous story even beyond this cybersphere! Just as every vote counts, every prayer matters!

    Waiting patiently (while biting my nails) and refreshing in ohio...

  40. My guess would be you are dedicating a beautiful white rose to the Lord.

  41. I can't wait to hear what the news is! My imagination is going wild...

    Prayers for you and the two lovely ladies in your life!

    I posted a blog about your family the other day, and just this evening added another one that may bless you. It's about worshipping while we wait for God.

  42. At first I was thinking maybe they have found a donor for Tricia and the family wanted to meet her, but then after going back and reading the post I don't think that fits with the *vibe* of the I have no clue but I can't wait to see..I don't think it has anything to do with Gwyneth b/c I don't see the nicu allowing her out of there, and now that Tricia is able to go and see her there is no need to take her out of the nicu..hmmm.suspense!!!!

  43. I'm really impressed with this group of commentors. After the "contest" I was really baffled by adults inability to understand the rules. So I read through these comments to see if anyone asked, "Is it the transplant?"
    bing bing bing. No one did.
    Way to go team! It appears everyone is on top of their blogging game.

  44. It's so funny how you can get 46 (currently) people to comment with a four line post simply teasing about what you will post tomorrow!! I love it!!! ;)


  45. You realy know how to keep us on the ege of our seats dont you! :)
    Your Fraggle is just co cute!

  46. Well, whatever it is, may God be glorified!!

  47. Okay... so it's 1045 and I'm dying to know! Praying through 11 o'clock hour!

  48. Hey Andy - I was waiting for someone to guess transplant as well! Guess Nate was direct and to the point so as to not confuse others! I love your humor and think it's so great that Nate has family like you to lean on and bring comic relief! You'd be one of the first people I'd look up when going thru a crisis...


    refreshing in ohio

  49. Perhaps you're renewing your vows with a surprise? Hmmm...

    It's the hopeless romantic in me that hopes this is it.

  50. Okay... ummm Nate... it's 12:34pm here, 11 am passed... What is soo cool? Come on, tell us please. :) Can't wait to find out what the news is.

    Oh and love the pic of her in her fraggle rock hat. :)


  51. is it the hit counter explodes with everyone checking back every 10 minutes too see the update??

  52. I'm late but saying a prayer anyways!

  53. It's noon in Bama. Waiting for the cool news. ???

  54. UM... It's 12:01PM Texas time!!!!!

    Not so patiently waiting!!!

    But I did say a prayer during the eleventh hour.

  55. attempting to patiently wait for the 'cool' update, even though my watch shows 1:28pm ET!!
    :) hugs and love :)

  56. Hey! It's 1:51 pm!!! I am so excited to hear about the cool thing that was supposed to happen almost 3 hours ago!!


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